Struggling with sugars


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi all,

I’m new to this so please bare with me. I was diagnosed around October 2022 with type 2 diabetes after having my second HBA1C as 67. I was started on metformin however sugars didn’t improve. I’ve now been out on Gliclazide 40mg 2x morning 3x evening. However, my sugars still aren’t improving.

Im averaging between 12-18mmol when testing (at least 3times a day before meals). My ketone readings have only ever gone as high 0.3.

Im waiting for an appointment to see a consultant but does anyone have any suggestions what I can try to bring them down? I’ve changed my diet (following dieticians advice) I’ve increased my exercise levels too.

The difficulty is I don’t fit the ‘profile’ of your average type 2 diabetic. I weigh around 10 stone and approx 5foot 6 in height. It’s getting to me now as no matter what im trying, nothings working.

Many thanks
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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You may want to try and increase you fluid intake, albeit sugar free water as it may increase your metabolism and help flush your kidneys etc. I'm T1 but dehydration creates issues for me. Hope this helps

In Response

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Given your weight, I agree you do not meet the usual profile for type 2. Has Type 1 or LADA been discussed? Have you taken any tests such as c-Peptide to measure how much insulin your body is producing?
Sadly, some doctors still believe the myth that Type1 is a childhood disease and nearly 40% of adults are misdiagnosed with type 2 although over 50% of people with Type 1 are diagnosed over the age of 20.
If you had not been tested for Type 1. I would be pushing this strongly.
No amount of low carbing, exercise, drinking plenty of water or tablets will be able to manage your blood sugars if your body is not producing enough insulin.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all,

I’m new to this so please bare with me. I was diagnosed around October 2022 with type 2 diabetes after having my second HBA1C as 67. I was started on metformin however sugars didn’t improve. I’ve now been out on Gliclazide 40mg 2x morning 3x evening. However, my sugars still aren’t improving.

Im averaging between 12-18mmol when testing (at least 3times a day before meals). My ketone readings have only ever gone as high 0.3.

Im waiting for an appointment to see a consultant but does anyone have any suggestions what I can try to bring them down? I’ve changed my diet (following dieticians advice) I’ve increased my exercise levels too.

The difficulty is I don’t fit the ‘profile’ of your average type 2 diabetic. I weigh around 10 stone and approx 5foot 6 in height. It’s getting to me now as no matter what im trying, nothings working.

Many thanks
Hi Luke, and welcome to the forums.

Many of us here have had success with low-carb ways of eating. It worked very well for me. When you say you've changed your diet, what are you eating now compared to previously? It helps people to reply if you can be as detailed as possible.

You'll find that the "profile of your average Type 2 diabetic" is a bit of a media creation. We come in all shapes and sizes.

Welcome again. This forum is a fantastic resource.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
You may want to try and increase you fluid intake, albeit sugar free water as it may increase your metabolism and help flush your kidneys etc. I'm T1 but dehydration creates issues for me. Hope this helps

Hi Bash_

I forgot to mention I have increased my fluid intake as of late. I’ve never been one for drinking much fluids however the dry mouth and increased thirst hit and never spent more time going to the toilet haha.

Thankyou for your suggestion though really appreciate it



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)

I have had the GADS test (I believe that was it- where they test the antibodies or something to diagnose T1) which come back negative. They have suggested that it’s been caught really early on before the antibodies could be produced. I’m due a follow up with the GP nurse and will ask if my insulin has been tested.

Many thanks for your reply

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Deleted member 475901

Too many dieticians are still wedded to the Eatwell plate - which does not suit T2s. We can't eat so many carbs without issues.
Low carb works for normal weight people too, just make sure you add enough healthy fats such as butter on green veg or oily salad dressings.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Reality tv
. I was started on metformin however sugars didn’t improve
Metformin is not much use at reducing blood sugar levels, it helps to reduce the amount of stored sugar release by your liver, but does nothing much to reduce the glucose already in your blood.

testing (at least 3times a day before meals).
Testing just before meals gives you no information about what the meals are doing to your levels. By also testing at 2hr after your meal, the difference in the two results tells you how suitable that meal was. If your post meal levels are more than 2mmol higher than your pre meal result, then that meal contained too many carbohydrates.

(following dieticians advice)
Dieticians often give advice which may be suitable for someone who doesn't have trouble using the glucose that comes from eating carbs. But can be extremely unhelpful for someone who does.
For example, porridge is not a particularly good breakfast tor T2's, wholemeal bread will raise your blood sugar just as much as white bread, it just takes longer, sweet potato is not a good alternative to potatoes ( the clue is in the name ) ect, ect.
If you give us an example of what a typical days food is for you, we may be able to make some suggestions on how you could lessen the carb content and hopefully reduce your sugar levels.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
exercise, phone calls
Around 10% of type 2 diabetics (not in remission) are of normal weight so far as BMI is concerned.
The problem is that BMI doesn't measure fat, nor does it tell your where the weight is located.
If you have more than average fat around your real waist area (ie. around the navel), then there is a good chance it is also in and around the organs in that area , which can cause T2D and Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease. People of this body type are known as TOFI (thin outside, fat inside).

I was TOFI when I had T2D. It's now in emission and I lost weight while eating roughly the same calories after I used Low Carb way of eating.