Support in school


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hi all
I am new to this site and wondered if anyone could give me some advice. I am struggling with my little one he is 9 and has been diagnosed since he was 3 with type 1. School have been very hit and miss over the years but this last 12 months really bad. Yesterday really bothered me as I dropped him off he was 4.2 (he has been all over the place recently and I am trying my best to hold it all together) explained that I am at home if they need me as his usual teacher was off and any problems please call. I didn't hear anything all day which I thought was a good sign! I was at school at half past 2 for my oldest to take swimming and walked back to school to collect other one. 2:55 I have a call from school to say he is not well I was literally outside the door. I went in and he looked at me and burst into tears he looked spaced out and completely not with it. He was in main reception waiting for me. He had none of his stuff with him so I took him back to class tested him and he was 2.7 got him tabs and a drink changed his trousers for shorts and got him some biscuits. He said he had been telling stand in teacher he wasn't well all day and had a headache and was told to get on with his work! The reason he was told to come and see the office to call me was because he didn't want to play rounders and that's not like him. They let him walk down to the office on his own and nobody even tested him before calling me. I was then told this morning by a member of staff that they had told him off yesterday and that I should have a word with him as at lunchtime he had felt low so went to test himself and had been told that he shouldnt and that it was unacceptable to be doing this he should have got an adult to do it. Can't really win they want him to be independent and start doing things for himself and when he does they tell him off!!!How do I get help with any of this as I am really struggling?
Thanks in advance


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hi @kelmarie1983 Sorry to hear this, I am shocked yet not surprised as type 1 care in schools still needs alot of work. Diabetes UK has been campaigning for better care for kids with t1 in schools, they have a helpline which I suggest you call to get further support on this:

Ultimately you need to speak to and agree a plan with your DSN about his healthcare to support him at school, as well as appointing a nominated person at school to monitor his condition and back up for when they are away. If you have this already then you need to make a formal complaint through the Governing body of the school to find out why he was not supported.

Try not to get angry/upset, it can be resolved however now this has happened it will highlight the importance of getting the right support in place for him at school, let us know how you get on.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hi @kelmarie1983 Sorry to hear this, I am shocked yet not surprised as type 1 care in schools still needs alot of work. Diabetes UK has been campaigning for better care for kids with t1 in schools, they have a helpline which I suggest you call to get further support on this:

Ultimately you need to speak to and agree a plan with your DSN about his healthcare to support him at school, as well as appointing a nominated person at school to monitor his condition and back up for when they are away. If you have this already then you need to make a formal complaint through the Governing body of the school to find out why he was not supported.

Try not to get angry/upset, it can be resolved however now this has happened it will highlight the importance of getting the right support in place for him at school, let us know how you get on.
Thank you I will give them a call