This week's BMJ


Well-Known Member
This week's BMJ cover headline is "Is sugar the real culprit in the obesity epidemic?".
Although the editorial inside doesn't go as far as blaming carbohydrates in general as opposed to dietary fat, it does state that "The sugar versus fat debate is far from over, but the pendulum is now definitely swinging away from fat as the root of all evil."

I just wish they'd do an issue looking at evidence for & against the dietary advice given to diabetics in particular.


You just have to roll down the aisles of any supermarket to see why we are an overweight nation. Compared to the 70's and 80's supermarkets look how many types of bread, long life cakes and heaven help us 'cupcakes' are on sale now. You have a whole aisle dedicated to crisps, another to biscuits and treats, all in family bag sizes. Pasta and rice taking up another aisle. Not to mention the thirst for fizzy pop. Our food economy is based upon carbohydrates. Children are fed endlessly, grazing upon carbohydrate snacks disguised as healthy foods. This grazing is encouraged from the minute they are born, (on demand breast feeding!, leads to exhausted mothers who then switch to formula) and it continues in the baby weaning foods section, little snacks of breads sticks, raisins, pots of sugar filled yoghurt.
Rant over, (sorry to midwives!)

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