Type 1: What are your HbA1c test results?

I have my done evey 3 months and they are always between 12 and 15 and they only time it came down was when i was a teenager and then that was at 7.4 and i just dont know how to keep it down any more


Well-Known Member
My last hba1c earlier this year was 8.1 and the highest it's ever been. Been trying so hard since then and really trying to look after myself and paying close attention to my care. Septembers hba1c was 7.6! Yippee! So relieved to be back in the 7s and now eager to improve even more. Not only that but my kidney function actually improved a little bit too efgr going from 77 to 81. Only a small change but I'm so relieved it's not getting any worse.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Mine was 122 in september, just been diagnosed as type 1 though, didn't even realise such things existed until then, hopefully I'm gonna get it down for the next one in december.


ive always had higher results but i managed to get my hba1c down from 11.4 to 10.4 in a month!
that sounds bad to most but for me thats impressive my specailist was doin backflips when the result came back last week lol


Well-Known Member
GP's, Diabetes Nurses.Crazy NHS guidelines on diet for Diabetics, they are seeing off millions.
Cheap Whisky !
38 (5.6% in old money ) on 10/9/12

Although my FBG was 13.2 this morning after a right old binge last night, Nann bread, dipped in a veggie curry and BBQ'd lamb with tons of mashed spuds ! and a serious quantity of red wine.

Well that will have to do until xmas..



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Stress and feeling exhausted.
Mine are around 8 or 9 and have been for many years.
I still have many hypos and my main concern is trying to keep the amount of hypos down because my sugars swing up afterwards.


Well-Known Member
I am a 1 yr old type 1 (so to speak), I have progressively worked my way from 11 (at diagnosis) to about 6.5, the "regular" nurse at my GP still thinks that's high , although my diabetologist is well chuffed with that.


So agree! drs seem to think anyone with diabetes be it type 1 or type 2 live a sedentary life constantly checking their blood sugars via their blood test kits and eating strictly regulated and timed meals with equally timed injections........oh and I totally forgot - keeping incessant written records - accurate mind you- none of this is either possible or real in the rough and tumble of everyday life!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Red tape organisations that procrastinate about everything and hinder others getting on as a consequence. People who enjoy constantly picking at others instead of making the most of their own life or not taking action/responsibility to change matters in the best way possible. Basically those that don't understand projection and so always blame other’s, pick at others and project their own insecurities/ bad experiences onto others – life’s too short and it doesn’t have to be that way.
Hello, I'm new to the site... my last one was 6.3

thanks :D


Well-Known Member
CassandraR said:
So agree! drs seem to think anyone with diabetes be it type 1 or type 2 live a sedentary life constantly checking their blood sugars via their blood test kits and eating strictly regulated and timed meals with equally timed injections........oh and I totally forgot - keeping incessant written records - accurate mind you- none of this is either possible or real in the rough and tumble of everyday life!

It just doesn't seem that difficult to me. At least with Levemir and novorapid I can eat when I want within reason, what I want within reason and adjust my ratios depending on my activity (a morning round of golf = 25% more porridge for breakfast with no increase in insulin). App on my phone takes care of the record keeping.


Active Member
My HbA1c was 49 (or 7.5) so have got to try and get it down a bit. Doc put me on Metformin but I am struggling somewhat with the side effects. Think I will have to go back and get the Metformin Slow Release tabs. I work for GP's and one of them said that it would be much better.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not sure whether I should be shocked, my most recent one was 29.3, doctor referred me to diabetic specalist, had one last year because I only had type 1 diabetes for just over a year now and they said I could get blind (diabetic retinopathy) from having my blood sugars between 16 and 40 regularly. Not sure what to do to keep myself motivated to do this job because it feels like a lot of time to test my blood, give insulin. I've gone from having chocolate biscuits, desserts and sweet breakfasts to eating celery, chicken slices, pepperami and diet coke for the past week, I don't know if this is going to do to be honest.

Missed my eye screening appointment and could be at further risk, nonetheless I know it is the blood sugar alone that contributes to damaging the retina in the eye.

I had 3 blood tests in 2 months (including the latest one):

If anyone knows how to convert mmol/l to HbA1c, then you can point it out, but these figures are still high.

1. 11.2 mmol/l
2. 18 mmol/l
3. 23 hba1c

On average my blood glucose level is 16.0 according to my monitor. I am eating non-carb foods (except the pastry) so I am not sure what is going on here.


Well-Known Member
That would have been an excellent question to ask your doctor.

Generally, the recommended HbA1c goal is less than 58 mmol/mol (= 7.5% in old units).


This thread is very interesting, I'm for one very confused to whether i am doing well or not.

I was diagnosed May 2011 - and the blood sugar was 12+% wasnt really explained to me what that means and went through a phase of denial really.

Got buckle down though and requested to do this diet only initially - thankfully the doctor let me - I was only 31 so relatively young to be diagnosed type 2 diabetes, so i think she thought i could give it a go....

My second test in August 2011 was in the 8s.....

then since November 2011 - I've been 6.5 and more recently has been a steady 6.3%

Never sure whether this is good or not - as normally i fast when i get this tested - anyone can enlighten me?

The docs seems to be impressed on what im doing and just ask me to keep doing what im doing which is avoid as much sugar as possible and stick to low sugar food - my biggest downfall is fruit, i love my fruit!!!

maybe i can get my hba1c result to lower soon - as trying super good for my next test - (the last 2 test i have been slacking alittle and ate food i dont normally do and have some drinkie poos too! :S)


AntLockyer said:
It just doesn't seem that difficult to me. At least with Levemir and novorapid I can eat when I want within reason, what I want within reason and adjust my ratios depending on my activity (a morning round of golf = 25% more porridge for breakfast with no increase in insulin). App on my phone takes care of the record keeping.

Can I ask what app you are using please? I keep seeing lots, but don''t want to keep trying new ones so a recommendation would be good?
Thank you :)


Well-Known Member
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I didn't know what my HBA1C reading was until I saw my dietician the other week. My last one was in April 2012 - 13.3 / 122 :( I was told this was very high.

I have my next test in a few weeks and I can't wait to see the results - hopefully I will be smiling like this :D