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@hh1 so glad for you that it all turned out ok in the end. Puppy classes? there is always one puppy that just is all over the place taking no notice of it's owner.........I'm sure Mattie will fulfil that role with ease :hilarious:

So my lunch yesterday did 'spoil' the numbers managed to get up to 9.5 a few hours after - the BG test was only prompted by an office email saying there was fudge...........so I had to do it - eat fudge that is! Come home time I was 7.9 (work that out!!!?) so had another bit of fudge just to power me home ;) and then 6.5 before tea/dinner/supper, & 7.9 before bed! 9.4 this morning though :meh:. It's a funny old game init?!


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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Higher than expected during the night, 9.7, so corrections but still 9.1 on waking. Trying to stop myself analysing why as the answer’s elusive and it’s a lovely sunny day. FOTF dose taken, non carb breakfast and down to 6.1.
@hh1, I love super friendly inquisitive dogs and children. Your Mattie sounds literally lovely, so glad she’s ok now. I think it’s sad to expect young creatures, of all species, to conform to an imposed development grid.
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Well, back from puppy class and Mattie was not the naughtiest girl in class - in fact she came bottom on that! She hates the car and by the time we got to class (a 25 minute drive due to tractors and horses) she's drooled everywhere and was not a happy puppy. We walked into an echo-y village hall, where a lab (that's already pretty much full-size) was shouting and we got less happy by the minute. Fortunately one of her dog friends and human 'aunty' is in the class and she took to the trainer instantly, so by the time class finished we'd met most of the others and had a reamrkably calm drive home (I suspect the chicken treats may have helped). We have homework to do, not least on getting more used to the car. And apart from the horribly shouty lab, the least well-behaved was her friend!

@Fairygodmother I don't think there's any assumption that puppies will develop skills at certain times in this class; certainly for me it's as much about training the owners and the pup comes along at its own pace. Mattie's already learnt some things and she's relatively bright, but Dogstein she ain't ;) My aim is to get to the point where she's a pleasure for any human to be around, she gets on well with other dogs, she knows and responds to the essential commands, walks well and, most importantly, comes back when she's called. And if the trainer can get me to get her to do that I'll be very happy :)


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Floor is going well :)
A good thing, as I'm getting hungry but my insulin is in a table which is now behind a couch, a book case and 3 crates with books :wideyed:


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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
I think I may become a Pastafarian but don’t want to wear a colander, not even the lovely deep pink one that’s in the kitchen cupboard. I really like their irreverence and the just don’t be nasty approach to life.
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Floor is going well :)
A good thing, as I'm getting hungry but my insulin is in a table which is now behind a couch, a book case and 3 crates with books :wideyed:
But you’ll be able to sit on a beautiful floor to eat when the insulin’s released from confinement. A beautiful indoor picnic?


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But you’ll be able to sit on a beautiful floor to eat when the insulin’s released from confinement. A beautiful indoor picnic?
The insulin release will coincide with the couch being in the right place again, so I'll admire my floor while eating and enjoying my couch!


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Hello friends, a bit high today 9.7 and we missed you a lot @Alison54321 !
Couple of weeks ago, I was applying for jobs and was expecting no one to get back to me. I've received an email this morning that I've been invited for a video interview with Apple. :hilarious::hilarious:


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And the awkward moment, I can't remember what role I applied for to work at Apple. I'm not super tech savvy, like engineer level savvy but I love Apple. :hilarious:


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Off to oldest friends to stay the night. Meeting up with another group of girls last seen on my part 44 years ago!! I know all about their lives through oldest friend. She remained in our home town, and as a midwife saw them on and off. They now all meet up regularly and I am popping along too. She sent me a photo of them all last night and out of the 8 I recognised 1. Should be fun!
Numbers nice and steady for the hours drive, hurrah! May not be the same in the morning


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@MeiChanski I would bite the bullet now and ask for confirmation which role they are interviewing you for.
You can word it something like "As I have applied for a number of roles, can you confirm which this is for?"
They could interpret that as you have applied for a number of roles at Apple and it is better to look silly in one email than during an interview. And you can prepare for the right role.

...says the voice of experience. Yep. I've been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt ... but not the job.
I logged in to RSVP and I applied to be an in store technical support, not the kind that work behind the genius bar. :)
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Could I ask how did you work out your basal rates/hr for your pump? I know I'm a potato but is it your basal insulin/ 24 hrs? For example my Tresiba is 4 units, we have 24 hours, so it'll be 0.166 units per hour. I'm just reading through Pumping Insulin by Joe Walsh and I'm doing some of the activities in it. Am I thinking in the right direction for the basal rates/hr? I guess when the pump comes, I can tweak it?


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My DSN provided starting points for all the people getting pumps.
This was much easier for her to work out for those who had a CGM or Libre.
For those with no CGM-type data, I suspect there is a default pattern they use and portion your current injected basal through that pattern with some reduction because pump needs less insulin.

Once I started, I got into tweaking and worked out additional profiles for exercise, etc.
Oh yes, I heard it was easier for the team to set your basal rates based on your libre or CGM graphs.


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Stupid people
Could I ask how did you work out your basal rates/hr for your pump? I know I'm a potato but is it your basal insulin/ 24 hrs? For example my Tresiba is 4 units, we have 24 hours, so it'll be 0.166 units per hour. I'm just reading through Pumping Insulin by Joe Walsh and I'm doing some of the activities in it. Am I thinking in the right direction for the basal rates/hr? I guess when the pump comes, I can tweak it?

My DSN and the rep from Medtronic gave me a basic basal profile when I started. I have modified it considerably for different things I do ie ill, work, wound up because of the Forum ;)


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My DSN and the rep from Medtronic gave me a basic basal profile when I started. I have modified it considerably for different things I do ie ill, work, wound up because of the Forum ;)
Oh I'm embarrassed, I was trying to mathematically work out my basal rates. Thank you :)
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