Type 1'stars R Us


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Morning my fellow type 1 r's hope you all had a good night. had a decent night went from 8.8 to 4.9 at 2am took 5 jelly babies and woke up to a 4.9, happy days

Have a good day whatever you do today


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Morning y'all, a mild waking hypo for me, but I'm ok, even tho Lucy Libre thinks I'm at 2.8 now a finger stick says 4.1.... Happy Mondays....
Our bike ride's left me aching, but I can't moan too much as my mate's already on site over in Lancashire and I woke to a text cursing me :)

@kitedoc triathlon you say? :p that would involve running and I packed that in when I retired from amateur rugby a long time back and I don't see myself taking it up again in this life :) swimming's the compromise as it doesn't aggravate my old knees like running does....



Started the day with a 3.5, insulin, should have left till after I had eaten, stuffed face shower rechecked 2.7 heading down.....OOOOPPPSSSSS. Jelly babies to the rescue :)

Lucky working from home for the first part of the morning.

Now sar here watching and Egg Timer as some stuff installes......living life on the edge me :hilarious:


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@Mel dCP, are you still on 180% basal, and 80% plus on boluses as well ? Please do not spare the horses on the choccy cake bolus !!
I’m on 150%, and pretty much double bolus this week. And the cake is only about 6 carbs a serving. We can safely say that my 30g target will be going out of the window this week, but I’m aiming to keep it under 50g.

What is in a number ? And how does one define what level = a hypo ??
Well I always was told 4 or under, but the DAFNE guidelines are now saying 3.5 - I set my floor at 3.8mmol. I like numbers :)
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I’m on 150%, and pretty much double bolus this week. And the cake is only about 6 carbs a serving. We can safely say that my 30g target will be going out of the window this week, but I’m aiming to keep it under 50g.

Well I always was told 4 or under, but the DAFNE guidelines are now saying 3.5 - I set my floor at 3.8mmol. I like numbers :)
When did the DAFNE guidelines change? I'm still feeling a hypo at anything under 4, and treating it. I learn things from this forum every day, but I can't understand why this change was made, nor how, as people with diabetes, we're supposed to manage a condition ourselves when others change definitions, don't tell people nor explain why. How does that work?
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Morning all!

Not sure this new sensor is reading right, had to activate it straight after sticking it on, as I’d pinged off my last one yesterday evening. It’s had me as hypo, and badly so all night, whereas the blood calibrated readings had me in the 4s - had the odd dip below 3.8 which set off the low glucose alarm, but that was easily dealt with. Always keep dex tabs on your bedside table, kids. Learned that lesson the hard way when I went down to the kitchen while very low and was found in a messy heap among the bins :rolleyes:

B6D70DCA-58EF-45AB-8C7C-F25A8DE34BC0.jpeg F7489DA8-3336-4BC9-9DB8-AB23BD262599.jpeg

So I may be looking another sketchy sensor, or it may just be the initial 24h. We shall see.

I don’t think I got my extended protein bolus for the prawns quite right, but I do like a science project. Oily fish like sardines and salmon doesn’t seem to need any, but prawns and white fish are the “pizza challenge” in my world - seems to be the hardest to get right.

Nipping down to the hospital diabetes clinic today to collect a disposal/recycling box for my old pods, plus the batteries for the control unit. I’ll ask them for a little advice in if I’ve set up the new shark week basal profile properly too :)
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When did the DAFNE guidelines change? I'm still feeling a hypo at anything under 4, and treating it. I learn things from this forum every day, but I can't understand why this change was made, nor how, as people with diabetes, we're supposed to manage a condition ourselves when others change definitions, don't tell people nor explain why. How does that work?

I've no idea and also was unaware of the change, however if it makes you feel any better normal T0s do dip into the 3.5 territory without batting am eyelid. Although I use a Medtrum A6 cgm from time to time and they have a hard set red line at 3.5 too.


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When did the DAFNE guidelines change? I'm still feeling a hypo at anything under 4, and treating it. I learn things from this forum every day, but I can't understand why this change was made, nor how, as people with diabetes, we're supposed to manage a condition ourselves when others change definitions, don't tell people nor explain why. How does that work?
I’m not sure when it changed, I only heard about it through an internet group, may even have been here. But I totally agree, the goalposts seem to move all the time. For years and years I actively avoided anything discussing T1, all part of my denial phase that lasted almost two decades. I’ve learned so much from forums like this and my Facebook groups, I feel an idiot for not making the most of peer support before.

But treat when you feel hypo, would be my feeling! I’m I’m noodling around at home, I’m happy running in the low 4s, but run it higher (when I’m able to control it that finely) if I’m out and about and of course >5 for driving.



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I just had a completely unexpected hypo. I have no idea why. I did have to carry the dog upstairs to the flat, because he is old, and has just started refusing to climb stairs, but would that make that much difference?

When I checked, after returning from dog "walk" my blood sugar had gone up, not down, so I bolused, thinking it would all be fine, then I started having this weird shaky feeling.

I don't usually carry heavy things up flights of stairs, beyond shopping, could that happen?

Anyway, it's going to go high now. Still at least my hypo awareness is still working.


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Not being on holiday....
Started the day at 15!!!
Had such a hard time yesterday evening......couldn't get it up just had to keep eating.....I felt really bad for such a long time.....
I think I know what I'm doing then I don't then I do again!
and that's why I was 15 first thing.
5 hours later and I'm fine again.

I was on the motorway at 6.30am and whilst I was feeling grim as I was returning to work after a weeks holiday and the previous nights calamitous goings on had had its effect I thought to myself.....

"you know Tony at least your alive!"

Sounds a bit dramatic I know but that's how poorly I felt the night before............

Happy times and places

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@slip and @Mel dCP, thanks for this. Yes, I do treat when I feel it, but I'd really like to know the reasoning behind the change - have to investigate a bit. Mel I think you're doing amazingly with the pump, really fascinating to see what you're doing in real time.
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I just had a completely unexpected hypo. I have no idea why. I did have to carry the dog upstairs to the flat, because he is old, and has just started refusing to climb stairs, but would that make that much difference?

When I checked, after returning from dog "walk" my blood sugar had gone up, not down, so I bolused, thinking it would all be fine, then I started having this weird shaky feeling.

I don't usually carry heavy things up flights of stairs, beyond shopping, could that happen?

Anyway, it's going to go high now. Still at least my hypo awareness is still working.
You don't say how many flights or how heavy your dog is, but depending on those, I'd say it could. It could also be a delayed drop from walking?
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When did the DAFNE guidelines change? I'm still feeling a hypo at anything under 4, and treating it. I learn things from this forum every day, but I can't understand why this change was made, nor how, as people with diabetes, we're supposed to manage a condition ourselves when others change definitions, don't tell people nor explain why. How does that work?
I start to feel wobbly <4 so know it's time to head off a hypo with a strategic haribo or 2. Last appointment she checked my meter and told me I didn't get many hypos - while I was trying to explain how I'm struggling to exercise without dropping too low.

Did not take it well when I pointed out that I know I'm going low so what's the point in testing....
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I just had a completely unexpected hypo. I have no idea why. I did have to carry the dog upstairs to the flat, because he is old, and has just started refusing to climb stairs, but would that make that much difference?

When I checked, after returning from dog "walk" my blood sugar had gone up, not down, so I bolused, thinking it would all be fine, then I started having this weird shaky feeling.

I don't usually carry heavy things up flights of stairs, beyond shopping, could that happen?

Anyway, it's going to go high now. Still at least my hypo awareness is still working.


I'm a dog walker.. (I have a dog.) I don't do breakfasts. Getting out with the dog first thing is a priority..
What I find is my blood will spike after a walk between 1.2&1.6ish, Mmol? When we return. (Which for me is not an issue if I wake in the 5.)

Did you already have a bolus on board from breakfast?


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Oh dear! I forgot to take Lantus... woke up 430 mg/dl. I am keeping it normal now with bolus every 2.5 hours
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I'm a dog walker.. (I have a dog.) I don't do breakfasts. Getting out with the dog first thing is a priority..
What I find is my blood will spike after a walk between 1.2&1.6ish, Mmol? When we return. (Which for me is not an issue if I wake in the 5.)

Did you already have a bolus on board from breakfast?

No I bolused after I got back. Normally he walks a reasonable distance, but today he didn't want to walk very far, and I had to carry him back up the stairs. When I got back in my blood sugar had gone up, and that seemed to fit with not walking him very far. So I did the bolus, and then just waited a bit, and drank some coffee/

So I'm wondering if the extra exertion of carrying him up the stairs raised my blood sugar slightly, then it fell later, after I'd injected, without me realising.

During the rest of the day I take him for a walk and it'll start falling a few minutes after I come back, but that doesn't really happen in the morning, usually it's just a small drop, and seeing as I didn't walk very far, I assumed there wasn't going to be a drop.

Must have been the unscheduled weight lifting.


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You don't say how many flights or how heavy your dog is, but depending on those, I'd say it could. It could also be a delayed drop from walking?

It's a weird staircase, it twists round, so it's about 1 and a half flights, but it could be two, I'm not really sure. The dog is about 8-9 kg.

I did have a brief stop mid point, but I did carry him up quite quickly.


Retired Moderator
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No I bolused after I got back. Normally he walks a reasonable distance, but today he didn't want to walk very far, and I had to carry him back up the stairs. When I got back in my blood sugar had gone up, and that seemed to fit with not walking him very far. So I did the bolus, and then just waited a bit, and drank some coffee/

So I'm wondering if the extra exertion of carrying him up the stairs raised my blood sugar slightly, then it fell later, after I'd injected, without me realising.

During the rest of the day I take him for a walk and it'll start falling a few minutes after I come back, but that doesn't really happen in the morning, usually it's just a small drop, and seeing as I didn't walk very far, I assumed there wasn't going to be a drop.

Must have been the unscheduled weight lifting.

Your bolus may well have acted on a liver dump. The current temprature (don't know your location.) may have played a part with insulin sensitivity too? Other variables could be the site you bolused, if you caught muscle tissue??

My dog is knocking on a bit too. Lucky he's a terrier breed! :)