Type 1'stars R Us


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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Morning everyone. Kev, I want your Tresiba! Are you using fiasp with it?
Mel, I want your pump!
No, there’s just one of me but both Tresiba and a pump seem better than Lantus, which was a pig, a bit better than Levemir and a lot better than waiting for NovoSluggish to catch up with current events.
Just had 3 days of inner ear misbehaving and causing dizzy wobbling, a bit like an extended drunken hypo, very disconcerting and annoying. Bumping into stuff hurts. Trying to get a coffee mug from a shelf without falling over seriously affects caffeine consumption. It’s nearly disappeared now so smiling again, and drinking more coffee.


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morning all, BGs have been a bit above range recently - I'm still suffering sciatic pain, thankfully not as bad as it was but it's so **** draining being constantly in pain or discomfort in this heat. I'm constantly clock watching to work out when I can take the next kind of pain killers so the D management is sort of on auto pilot.

Have a good day all.


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@Knikki Yes I'm seeing some differences in how I 'work' from the new basal, I've gone from 22u Lantus down to 15u Tresiba, seems to rise more whilst asleep but that's maybe down to my supper management :p early days still as in the start of week 4 on it but I'm feeling quite positive about it.


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Stupid people
Top of the morning to y'all.
Well, went to bed last night on a straight line 6.6 :) Woke up this morning quick scan on the Etch-a-sketch LO! Finger prick 2.6. So for me, at the moment, sleeping gives you lows :wacky::wacky:. Yet again felt absolutely fine grrr!!!!
My girlfriend called me "pancriatically challenged" the other day, which put a smile on my face :)


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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black jelly beans
morning all, BGs have been a bit above range recently - I'm still suffering sciatic pain, thankfully not as bad as it was but it's so **** draining being constantly in pain or discomfort in this heat. I'm constantly clock watching to work out when I can take the next kind of pain killers so the D management is sort of on auto pilot.

Have a good day all.
Hi @slip, Cannot your doctor provide medication for the nerve pain (sciatica) ? My understanding is that usual pain killers are not very effective for nerve pain.


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Hi @slip, Cannot your doctor provide medication for the nerve pain (sciatica) ? My understanding is that usual pain killers are not very effective for nerve pain.

Yes she has, I'm not sure what the cocktail is called but theres all sorts of ingredients! However I have run out of one lot but due to speak to her tomorrow and will get some more but have found paracetamol to be quite effective at the mo - I'm a guy that normally tries to avoid taking tablets as an example I rarely get headaches and I can't remember the last time I took anything for one (years & years probably) but now if I jump up and down (if only!) I'd rattle!

Thanks for your concern.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi @Mel dCP, Do you need a spare battery or charger cord for your away from the house kit ??
I’ve got a set of AAA batteries for the Omnipod remote control in my bag, as well as a spare pod, vial of NovoSluggish, and a couple of syringes in case of total tech failure. The MiaoMiao justngets a charge when I change sensors, it seems to last about a month between charges.


Well-Known Member
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black jelly beans
I’ve got a set of AAA batteries for the Omnipod remote control in my bag, as well as a spare pod, vial of NovoSluggish, and a couple of syringes in case of total tech failure. The MiaoMiao justngets a charge when I change sensors, it seems to last about a month between charges.
You are a great exemplar for Baden Powell, founder of Scouts etc and the motto: Be Prepared !!
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Well-Known Member
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black jelly beans
Yes she has, I'm not sure what the cocktail is called but theres all sorts of ingredients! However I have run out of one lot but due to speak to her tomorrow and will get some more but have found paracetamol to be quite effective at the mo - I'm a guy that normally tries to avoid taking tablets as an example I rarely get headaches and I can't remember the last time I took anything for one (years & years probably) but now if I jump up and down (if only!) I'd rattle!

Thanks for your concern.
Just as well you live in UK @slip, rattlers are likely to be shot in the US !!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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black jelly beans
Top of the morning to y'all.
Well, went to bed last night on a straight line 6.6 :) Woke up this morning quick scan on the Etch-a-sketch LO! Finger prick 2.6. So for me, at the moment, sleeping gives you lows :wacky::wacky:. Yet again felt absolutely fine grrr!!!!
My girlfriend called me "pancriatically challenged" the other day, which put a smile on my face :)
Hi @porl69, that rules out mattress testing as a job ! But I do hope it sorts out. From my wife, I get the title, 'gastronomically challenged' when I decline super sweet foods, and 'cerebrally challenged' when hypo. Time to think about T shirt designs, maybe.
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Stupid people
Oh my word, how stooooopid can 1 be..... @Knikki & @kitedoc no comments please :).... Hypoland this morning, had my breakfast, put my sandwich box in my Asda bag (other supermarket bags are available) along with Fiasp pen, blood glucose kit and various other things (I don't really need (the fun of being hypo)) Oh I got the TV remote in their. Just went to see what sandwiches I made last night and I have put the empty sandwich box in my bag. REALLY I was perfectly fine this morning!!!!! :banghead: :clown:
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Stupid people
Hi @porl69, that rules out mattress testing as a job ! But I do hope it sorts out. From my wife, I get the title, 'gastronomically challenged' when I decline super sweet foods, and 'cerebrally challenged' when hypo. Time to think about T shirt designs, maybe.
Hey now theres an idea :)
Plus mattress testing would be my dream job - did you see what I did there :)


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Good morning everyone, not much to report today, no nasty hypos after carrying the dog upstairs, though blood sugar did drop a bit, but then it decided to rise again.

My blood sugar was beautifully stable in July, and now it's gone a bit more erratic. I wonder if it is the mugwort? It's interesting how the Freestyle Libre reveals changes, thinking back this may have happened in August before, but I think I just assumed it was some sort of failing on my part, rather than the mugwort pollen in the air.

Empowering little thing, isn't it.


Oh my word, how stooooopid can 1 be..... @Knikki & @kitedoc no comments please :).... Hypoland this morning, had my breakfast, put my sandwich box in my Asda bag (other supermarket bags are available) along with Fiasp pen, blood glucose kit and various other things (I don't really need (the fun of being hypo)) Oh I got the TV remote in their. Just went to see what sandwiches I made last night and I have put the empty sandwich box in my bag. REALLY I was perfectly fine this morning!!!!! :banghead: :clown:

Lets see you made a TV Remote sandwhich then after making that you took an empty bag to work? :bag:

No no I won' say a thing :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Oh my word, how stooooopid can 1 be..... @Knikki & @kitedoc no comments please :).... Hypoland this morning, had my breakfast, put my sandwich box in my Asda bag (other supermarket bags are available) along with Fiasp pen, blood glucose kit and various other things (I don't really need (the fun of being hypo)) Oh I got the TV remote in their. Just went to see what sandwiches I made last night and I have put the empty sandwich box in my bag. REALLY I was perfectly fine this morning!!!!! :banghead: :clown:

I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry