Type 1'stars R Us

Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Good morning all from sunny South Wales :)
Woke to a nice 4.6 and now on a nice straight 6.1......please keep going straight

@SueJB love the Wojtek and the story behind him :)

Going for a quick mooch around the forum to see whats happening :)
Good luck with that, also my daughter hates the word 'mooch' so I cannot use the that word when I want to say' I had a good mooch around charity shops today' I have to say 'had a good look', I much prefer a good ole mooch :D
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
YYYYAAAAWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNN first coffee is going down well.

Things have been sort OK over the weekend but this morning woke up to a rather rude hyper like a 13mmol :rolleyes::meh: which is annoying because I'm not sure what caused it, actually it has happened a couple of times over the last week.

If it keeps doing this I might move my long acting injection back to last thing at night.

PAH! Monday again and no days off for a couple of weeks :(

@Robinredbreast Like the pictures, really MUST get my creative head back on and start taking pictures again.

I found my camera a few months ago and it its a good one,small and compact, but can't upload anything on to the computer as I have no slot on my chrome book for the camera's SD card or the camera's lead, as it's too big !!


Retired Moderator
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In the name of all those who are hole-y (us mostly) I have had three trains cancelled so am still on a platform rather Than in my meeting!

My mate got caught out like this a couple of weeks ago..
Needed to catch a train from Chippenham to Bath which was cancelled. He was reliably informed by an official that if he caught a train to Swindon, (the opposite direction.) he could hop on another train back to Bath....
It did head towards Bath, but didn't stop. He wound up in Temple meads Brizzle... :banghead:

Lol, he should have took the X32 bus.. :)
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Retired Moderator
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The smell of cigars
Made it to the meeting late, bloods up at 10. Goodness knows where they would have gone if I’d ended up at the wrong station @Jaylee


Well-Known Member
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
I not only like a mooch, I love a rummage!

Home now and munched my bowl of chopped salad. I used garlic olive oil and think I might frighten off the vampires over my entire town with my far too strong garlic breath :joyful::joyful:


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I not only like a mooch, I love a rummage!

Home now and munched my bowl of chopped salad. I used garlic olive oil and think I might frighten off the vampires over my entire town with my far too strong garlic breath :joyful::joyful:
My bf and I had homemade garlic bread the other day and our breath stank for two nights, I think we scared off the vampires as well. :hilarious:
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
My new pans arrived :D:D I am so very chuffed. They are just gorgeous. This means the pan cupboard is having a huge turf-out and all the ones we don't now want, but which are still fine to use, can go to the charity shop.

On Wednesday I have a huge pirates' chest to empty into boxes and then the chest can go to the heart foundation on Thursday with the other bits of furniture. They can probably have about a dozen full needlepoint kits as well. Lord knows what they'll do with them, but they're intact, all the wools and the canvas are there, so they're fine to sell.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.


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My fellow diabetic friends, I find this really strange because I have an appointment to see a DSN soon but I don't have an appointment to see my consultant. He wrote a letter in April saying he will see me in 10 weeks times - I'm assuming thats early July but I don't have got a letter or anything and yes I've been stalking my letter box since. :hilarious: Is is worth pestering my consultant's receptionist to ask? I'm only questioning it because DSN cannot approve funding for anything fancy if I were to ask her about it.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
@MeiChanski - yes, I'd phone the receptionist. They are used to it and I'm sure they won't mind. (and if they do, they won't show it).
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I did a quick call and apparently the booking centre hasn't booked my appointment in, apparently for some time this month. :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
@helensaramay - frustrating is still frustrating. It's hard to be grateful you didn't break an ankle, while you're sitting there with a twisted one instead....
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@MeiChanski some time I wonder how the NHS operates when they "forget" to book appointments or spend a week typing up a letter or "forget" to print and send letters.

Sorry, the latter two are my frustrations over the Libre.
I was told it was approved on 9th May. This afternoon, I finally picked up my Libre from the pharmacy and will go live tomorrow ... nearly 4 weeks later.

I know I know. Life could be much much worse. I am lucky I got the Libre on prescription. I am lucky I don't have to pay for that prescription (apart from the taxes which I pay anyway). I am lucky I am not at the mercy of insurances companies for my insulin and pump and test strips and ...
I was going to say something similar, between April and May they had that time frame to book me an appointment because at my last hospital they'll book my appointment while I'm there and send me a letter. So I thought it was strange that my consultant said yeah I'll see you in 10 weeks time and I didn't hear anything back. I remember I had to wait over 6 months to be seen for a gum infection, until I got the appointment, my tooth was too late to be saved and had to be removed. (I was 11 at that time)
I am thankful we live in a country that saved our lives and not put our families in debt over medication, but nhs is so so SLOW. I wish there was more immediate appointments for diabetics who suffer additional health conditions etc to be seen sooner rather than wait 6 months.


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Made it to the meeting late, bloods up at 10. Goodness knows where they would have gone if I’d ended up at the wrong station @Jaylee

There is always the GPS function on your phone should that ever happen. The sat nav apps that are installed on Android amazingly do the journey by train as well as the usual modes of transport.

I had a "find my car" app on my old phone, (long story but I lost where I parked in Amsterdam many years ago.) which was great when I parked early at a massive local horse festival in a field? I past several drivers tearing thier hair out on return, bacause they literally could not find the car. :banghead:


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I get two Libre sensor per prescription (if they don't fail, this is enough for 4 weeks).
I get 200 test strips per prescription. Typically, these last about a month.,
The number of test strips on my prescription has not changed since the Libre was added.
To be honest, I doubt if surgery pharmacist has much idea about BG testing ... she certainly needed educating about how much insulin I needed for my pump and that I need pen cartridges as back up.

I do not order everything on my prescription every time. If I am getting low on insulin, I just order insulin. If I am getting low on test strips, I just order test strips. No one has ever questioned how many times I put in a request for test strips or paid any attention to how many test strips I use per month.
My expectation is the same for the Libre but as I have only done one Libre prescription that is just an assumption.

I would not be surprised if I have an issue on start up.
With only 2 sensors per prescription, once one is attached, I only have one spare. If the second one fails, I have no spare so I will be ordering my next two in about 1 week's time and hope to keep at least 2 spares in at all time. This also allows for Abbott to have a problem with supplies and take 2 weeks to fulfil the prescription.
However, if anyone is keeping an eye on my Libre requests, they may be suspicious of me over ordering.
On the other hand, they may just sign the request without reading it. Unless the computer is set up to flag something, I don't think anyone pays any attention.
I'm the same, I only order what I need, if I have basal insulin left from the last prescription I won't reorder it again. I only had one pharmacist who understood that insulin is very important and he is a diabetic himself. Each time I go in he'll have novorapid ready. I'm glad they haven't changed your test strips, i'd be worried because technology always has room for failure. I can't believe Abbott are still having issues with sensor stock, Pharmacies are having issues with going weeks without any sensor stock and they only prioritise prescriptions (which makes sense) and leaving those who self fund to struggle.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Afternoon guys, well that's my first day over with a new school run, they are a mixed bunch too. I thought I would read The famous five to them, but it's a little too old for them to get into the story. So I need to get some with pictures, as the only one I have here is for my 1 year old granddaughter, I love you Bunny, soft and cuddly story time fun, but I may take that with me tomorrow.

Appointment with DSN was good today, explaining my 2 week Libre trial data and she said I was doing well, but to watch the nighttime spikes, as we don't want, and I said, not mountains, more like hillocks lol and then asked her to check my name is on the list for the 27th June to get my very own Libre, I can't wait :happy::joyful::happy::joyful::happy: