Type 1'stars R Us


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Hi thanks for the information @becca59 , I really appreciate it, is your LP on one side or all over ?. This has been getting steadily worse over the past week and the Difflam mouth wash initially helps, I used it about 2 hours ago and it's started to hurt again, especially my tongue and left ear:inpain:. The worse of it is on .my tongue, so eating and drinking can be really painful,. My dentist spotted it, but I had no symptoms or pain then and I don't want complications either, so I think I will make an appointment on Monday, but I know this may be difficult :rolleyes: I was discharged about 2/3 years ago and the consultant said if I have any problems then to see my GP as I would have to be referred again. My levels have been up and down all week, yep, another bloomin' auto immune conditions :rolleyes: Take care and I hope it won't cause you too many problems over the weekend.

@Robinredbreast yes have it both sides on gums and tongue. Particularly bad in the jaw area. Keep using the Difflam. I do recommend the tablets. I don’t like taking steroids, but they do help to dampen it down quickly.
Have a good weekend.
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Morning all! Hope you all have a good Saturday.

Boots are on, route kind of planned, maps in bag, snacks likewise. I'm liking having new piano pupils who pay promptly mid-month so, rather than my usual abstemiousness pre-end of March state until the big bills all due are paid, I'm having lunch and maybe evening meal out. After all, food spontaneity is a very important life skill I do not wish to lose having got it back in my life again. I've got two years worth of practice to catch up on...

(Whispers very quietly - I got told off recently, by someone who should know better, for (seemingly) not giving up anything for Lent. I pointed out my Lenten discipline was not a matter for public discussion, and right now there were more important things to be disciplined about that the giving up of food stuffs.)
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Good morning and up with the lark and with a...................4.7 too :happy: Going to cook a sausage casserole in the slow cooker this morning as I am off to Brooklands museum today and really looking forward to it, so the casserole will be nicely cooked when I get home tonight :):hungry:
Whatever you are doing have a happy and a safe Saturday :)


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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Morning all. Got no particular plans other than to try and sort out the accumulated "stuff" that's all over the sitting room. Mostly it's a case of putting it where it's supposed to be. *glares at dogs who have emptied their toybox all over the floor*, but I confess - all the mess on the coffee table is mine ...

Have a wonderful time at Brooklands! My son and his partner went a couple of weeks ago - they both thought it was fantastic.
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Morning all. After a very busy week, a busy weekend is shouting at me. Have a commemoration this morning in the village for a mining truck. It has been donated by an ex miner and In Bloom have planted it up and will look after it. Vicar to say a prayer then all back to the village hall for a cuppa. Tomorrow son, daughter in law and grandson for lunch. Celebrating Mother’s Day a week early as we will be in Keswick on hols next week.
Awoke on a 5.1 after a lovely in the Libre blue day yesterday. Managed my swim and subsequent Adrenalin spike pretty well. A tough set. 16 lengths drills (things with arms) 24 arms only, then a straight 40 lengths. All front crawl. Can feel my shoulders this morning.


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Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Ouch! I had a bottom wisdom out in the day surgery unit last January but thankfully I was out cold. I'd have a hard time facing an extraction in the surgery. And maybe two! I feel for you there.

Crikey it really is scary isn’t it
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cold weather
Morning all,
Happy start to the day 5.1 and I did everything on my list yesterday as well as meeting Mr B in town for the wine.
On today's list, a little more shopping for bits to take to friends on route on the grand tour. Doggie chews at the top of the list for mates' hound in Viseu.
The weather looks good so a bit of digging.
Have a good day


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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Happy Saturday everyone. Woke to a 6.7 after late night corrections - over calculated for a Thai takeaway. Hamish will be taken out to the restaurant when he no longer needs regular bags of frozen peas in the evening. Older daughter and our son-outlaw called in on their way to a comedy standup, happy.
A friend came round earlier in the day and she wondered what would happen to the peas when Hamish no longer needed them. Would we eat them. Would you?


Well-Known Member
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Happy Saturday everyone. Woke to a 6.7 after late night corrections - over calculated for a Thai takeaway. Hamish will be taken out to the restaurant when he no longer needs regular bags of frozen peas in the evening. Older daughter and our son-outlaw called in on their way to a comedy standup, happy.
A friend came round earlier in the day and she wondered what would happen to the peas when Hamish no longer needed them. Would we eat them. Would you?

It would depend. If the bag had only been de-frosted once, then yes, I would. Only take a moment's dunking in the water, sauce or whatever though, Also good uncooked in salads and snacks. If the bag has been repeatedly frozen and thawed, then no, I wouldn't. Better safe than sorry.


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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
It would depend. If the bag had only been de-frosted once, then yes, I would. Only take a moment's dunking in the water, sauce or whatever though, Also good uncooked in salads and snacks. If the bag has been repeatedly frozen and thawed, then no, I wouldn't. Better safe than sorry.

I’m with you on this one. It’ll have been in and out of the freezer umpteen times.
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@Fairygodmother Mumstill putting frozen peas on her knee and she had it done 24 Jan. Didn’t tell you at time, her op was a success but a fortnight later she had awful complications from the blood thinners. Her knee is fine but the rest of the leg could take another 3 months to correct. Was watching your progress intently and was pleased to see it more straightforward. She’s up to 3/4 mile each day now but still in pain. Peas and paracetamol her best friends.
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
@Fairygodmother Mumstill putting frozen peas on her knee and she had it done 24 Jan. Didn’t tell you at time, her op was a success but a fortnight later she had awful complications from the blood thinners. Her knee is fine but the rest of the leg could take another 3 months to correct. Was watching your progress intently and was pleased to see it more straightforward. She’s up to 3/4 mile each day now but still in pain. Peas and paracetamol her best friends.

Oh yes, peas, paracetamol, co-codemol at night, are all wonderful! I hope your mother’s recovery continues. The last two nights I’ve been woken by a really horrid pain, like lightening strikes under the patella, so I’m keeping my fingers firmly crossed that it’s nerves that are settling. I looked at the NHS site on knee replacements and it states that pain usually continues for three months (I’ve been trying to avoid the opioids I was sent home with, especially as there are always a few opium poppies that spring up in the garden, might be too tempting), and full recovery takes a year.
Right now it seems to be that one or two days of happy walking, sometimes with no crutch, are followed by one or two days of an extra need to take things easy. At least the exercises are getting easier and the swearing while doing them’s diminishing. I have had to give away a ticket to Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake as the thought of sitting in a theatre, and people squeezing past, was just jaw clenching.


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I've had to write a note, to my friend who occasionally stays and also occasionally cooks for us both, on my bags of sweetcorn that they are not for eating after umpteen thawings and refreezings. She likes sweetcorn, I, however, do not! Which is why I have them as my ice packs.

Luckily last time she noted the "Best Before" date of 2015 before adding them to dinner...

They are currently in use whilst I decide if 16 miles is long enough of a walk or whether I'm going to go out again today or not.