Type 1'stars R Us


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It is obviously correct that the amount of insulin we require does seem to vary a lot from person to person , I would guess us varying in size must have something to do with it but it does seem odd that it varies so much , perhaps someone knows the answer ?
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Marie 2

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I just know when I was on MDI I had to take more basal, a significant amount. I'm not sure if you have enough time but maybe try another long acting insulin like Tresiba?


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Good morning everyone. Hope you have a nice day.

I'm stuck in today waiting for the plumber to come to hopefully fix the toilet. Diabetes decided to behave yesterday after lots of dips on Sunday. Maybe due to a very warm day Sunday and cooler yesterday, or .... or ..... (who knows)! Warmer again today, so we shall see!!


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Wow, I had a good day today. My BG was not above 10, although I am concerned that I had to inject a lot of insulin for a meal that contains almost no carbohydrates, but at least I am without hyperglycemia today.
I also tried to put on contact lenses today (I didn't do it before) and enjoyed 100% vision for several hours. I'm still a little scared to get my fingers in my eyes, but I think it will pass soon
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Actually, I have not tried contact lenses for the same reason.

too scared to put something in my eyes.

I see people wearing lenses and some got laser operation
but I prefer wearing glasses even though they bother me sometimes


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Good morning everyone have a good day


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Good morning everyone.
Yes, good to hear from you Karen! Hugs incoming, a shower of virtual hugs. What a shame we can’t have a proper, in person hug circle with you, I feel sure we’d all join it.
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Type 1
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
I hate antibiotics. Repeat, I hate antibiotics.
My teeth have decided they’ve done a long enough sentence as the tools of nighttime lows rescue and are fighting back. Due to have one removed tomorrow and a post put in for another implant. The wretched thing broke, exposing the nerve, so after a protracted argument with the dental receptionist about needing emergency treatment NOW, I’ve had it painted with a sort of clove varnish and been told to take antibiotics as well as infection could creep in before the full treatment.
The sugar graph for the last few days has been like a child’s drawing of a jerky switchback. I even managed a 23. Not had one of those since the bad old pre-Libre days. And I won’t even begin to talk about the effects on the gut.
I hate antibiotics.
There. That feels better. Lucky that live yoghurt’s nice. Especially with raspberries, or stewed apple or stirred into a smooth veg soup. As soon as I’ve working teeth again (could be a couple of months) there’ll be crunchy nuts in the live yoghurt too.
Have a good day everyone.

Marie 2

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@Fairygodmother I had iffy teeth to begin with, my whole family actually, my Dad lost his teeth by the time he was 18. Of course he was air force and they probably pulled them easily and gave him dentures. The only redeeming factor was my mom had good teeth. So all of us had some caps starting early on. I did have the best teeth for a while, but now I think I have the worse. I now have 6 implants.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
@Fairygodmother I had iffy teeth to begin with, my whole family actually, my Dad lost his teeth by the time he was 18. Of course he was air force and they probably pulled them easily and gave him dentures. The only redeeming factor was my mom had good teeth. So all of us had some caps starting early on. I did have the best teeth for a while, but now I think I have the worse. I now have 6 implants.
Thank goodness for implants. It’s nice to know someone else has troublesome teeth, though for your sake I wish I were the only one here.
I shall have the same number if tomorrow’s scan shows that the bones of my jaw are fit for a couple more. I’ve two posts awaiting already, and this last naughty one, plus the gap next to it, will add two more. Then there are the two well-established ones that support three teeth. I’m soooo looking forward to the day when a nice crisp apple and a handful of nuts are a pleasure. The apple blossom’s just fallen so I’m cosseting the tree, telling it to produce an abundance this year.
As a small bit of gossip, the dentist I see fitted Simon Cowell with a full mouth of veneers. That glinting smile . . .
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