Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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5.9 this morning.
Very busy day yesterday. About 20% more carbs than usual and only managed 15 minutes walking instead of 40. My walk is usually between 8 and 10 in the evening but it was 11.30 last night.
Given the circumstances I'm not worried.

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I knew it would be bad. Back to being an angel today!

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
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aaaargh I think I need to take a bit more notice of this. Normally when I test my fasting bg I get up and test more or less straight away while the kettle is boiling. Today I got up, realised son No1 was in the bathroom so went back to bed. When he had finished I went in the bathroom then went downstairs and made a cup of tea. I pottered about getting packed lunches sorted and hurrying them up for school. About an hour after I had got up I made breakfast and decided to see what my pre meal level was - 6.7:eek: it has never been that high (well as far as know). Is a mug of tea not enough to stop the dawn phenomena or did it start as soon as I got out of bed then went back? Should I test as soon as I wake up and again when I get downstairs? I had jelly and cream last night about 9 o'clock. Is that too late? I only ate that late as I was waiting to test my meal (which after 2 hours was 6.0 so not brilliant).


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Feeling I can never eat anything sweet again or anything with carbs. But thought of diabetes complications scares me more so it is a no brainer!
4.9 for me today.
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8.0 this morning.

Okay I'm thinking now that after two weeks of figures that are generally higher than I like, and huge (to me ) spikes I have reluctantly decided that I have to go back on the metformin. I shall start on one 500g for a week and see what happens. I know that I will probably need more than this, but I want to see what happens.

I am going for a liver scan next Friday - I'll try and ask if they know of any methods to see if I'm improving. I think that I may have far too much fat in my liver/pancreas - the theory does seem to explain things.
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aaaargh I think I need to take a bit more notice of this. Normally when I test my fasting bg I get up and test more or less straight away while the kettle is boiling. Today I got up, realised son No1 was in the bathroom so went back to bed. When he had finished I went in the bathroom then went downstairs and made a cup of tea. I pottered about getting packed lunches sorted and hurrying them up for school. About an hour after I had got up I made breakfast and decided to see what my pre meal level was - 6.7:eek: it has never been that high (well as far as know). Is a mug of tea not enough to stop the dawn phenomena or did it start as soon as I got out of bed then went back? Should I test as soon as I wake up and again when I get downstairs? I had jelly and cream last night about 9 o'clock. Is that too late? I only ate that late as I was waiting to test my meal (which after 2 hours was 6.0 so not brilliant).

Your mug of tea will have raised your levels - caffeine can do this and of course any milk in the tea won't have helped.
One question, why do you think your 2 hour reading of 6 after your evening meal wasn't brilliant? I would love a reading like that after my evening meal.
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I am prediabetic so assumed (maybe wrongly!) that I should aim for lower levels. I did start at 5.8 though so I suppose 6.0 was good.

I have not known tea to raise my levels that much so could it be the tea plus dawn phenomena?
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I am prediabetic so assumed (maybe wrongly!) that I should aim for lower levels. I did start at 5.8 though so I suppose 6.0 was good.

I have not known tea to raise my levels that much so could it be the tea plus dawn phenomena?

I would say the 6 was excellent. :)

As for the tea versus DP I would toss a coin to decide. :( It's all a lottery.
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I now test every morning on waking while still lying in bed. Got alcohol wipes off amazon so can be sterile.

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
5.6 this morning, but before setting off the party poppers this was at 5:15 am as I had to leave early for a work trip.
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I now test every morning on waking while still lying in bed. Got alcohol wipes off amazon so can be sterile.

Sent from the Diabetes Forum App

Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.

Could this be why your readings have been a bit higher the last day or two? I have read somewhere on here that alcohol wipes are not a good idea generally. I can't remember where I read it, but it was on the forum somewhere. The instructions on my meter says to use soap and water then rinse and dry thoroughly. Just a thought.
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Could this be why your readings have been a bit higher the last day or two? I have read somewhere on here that alcohol wipes are not a good idea generally. I can't remember where I read it, but it was on the forum somewhere. The instructions on my meter says to use soap and water then rinse and dry thoroughly. Just a thought.

You are right, alcohol wipes can raise the reading. When i did my clinical skills unit , the section which covered doing Bm's, is to wash hands with soap and water, not to use alco wipes.
Hope this helps.
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Hi everyone,
Yesterday my fasting was 6.0, before going to bed it was 6.2. This morning it was 6.2 fasting. For breaksfast 2 strawberries ( son ate the others lol) blueberries with creme fraise. Took BG pre meal it was 5.6. At 12.45

Any suggestions on how to lower my fasting levels.



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Heather, you are similar to me with flat overnight readings, which suggests no liver dump. (Could be wrong there) Maybe the secret is to lower your going to bed levels?
Mine were both in the 6's from when I started testing until towards the end of May, then all of a sudden both readings dropped to the 5's. I did nothing to cause this, it just happened. The drop coincided with my percentage weight loss reaching over 17% and also taking myself of statins.

Others will be along to help I'm sure because some people advocate exercise in the evenings after evening meal, I don't do this. The thought horrifies me. :eek: Much also depends on what you have for your evening meal and what time you have it, and whether you snack afterwards.


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Heather, you are similar to me with flat overnight readings, which suggests no liver dump. (Could be wrong there) Maybe the secret is to lower your going to bed levels?
Mine were both in the 6's from when I started testing until towards the end of May, then all of a sudden both readings dropped to the 5's. I did nothing to cause this, it just happened. The drop coincided with my percentage weight loss reaching over 17% and also taking myself of statins.

Others will be along to help I'm sure because some people advocate exercise in the evenings after evening meal, I don't do this. The thought horrifies me. :eek: Much also depends on what you have for your evening meal and what time you have it, and whether you snack afterwards.

It has happened a couple of times where the reading has been higher in the morning, from when I started testing, the rest of the time it is either the same or a bit lower. When I eat, depends on my shifts. I make sure I have breakfast now, before work, then I will eat around 2 or 3 o'clock, tea will be around 8 ish. I have peanuts, walnuts some cheese as snacks.

I have done 1 hr post meal test. I have got to 6.5 from 5.6 is that good or bad. I had beefburger 90% beef, no rubbish in it. Mushrooms, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber and a bit of Mayo.


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4.3 for me today. This is at the top end of my personal range. I was 4.2 after dinner last night.

I also had a bit of a shadowy headache on rising. I've had a few of these, so am going to record these, along with my readings to see if I can identify any influences. I may be being overly sensitive here, but gathering data will probably allow me to give myself a decent "get a grip" talking to. :oops:


Well-Known Member
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Feeling I can never eat anything sweet again or anything with carbs. But thought of diabetes complications scares me more so it is a no brainer!
Exercise in the evenings definitely gets my readings down. I have just bought a set of wireless headphones so I can hear the TV over the noise of the treadmill. It can get VERY boring on the treadmill.
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