Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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6.8 today. No idea why!!

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.


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snap! 4.8 this morning after yesterday's 5.3. I have been stressing myself after reading Wheat Belly by William Davis. How do you get rid of all those bread, pasta and breakfast cereals for kids too? What do you replace them with? Looking for recipes now.


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I think wheat belly is slightly too extreme although I agree with a lot of it. I want to get my kids off it all too so am slowly reducing sugary stuff with a view to eventually convert them. Bloody hard though!!!

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.

Lamont D

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You have to ask yourself which breakfast cereal has the lowest carb and sugar content, even the likes of shredded wheat, weetabix, porridge, known as 'healthy foods' are toxic to diabetics!
Even toast has too many carbs and sugars.
A full English or an omelette is better!
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snap! 4.8 this morning after yesterday's 5.3. I have been stressing myself after reading Wheat Belly by William Davis. How do you get rid of all those bread, pasta and breakfast cereals for kids too? What do you replace them with? Looking for recipes now.
Step by step I suppose. Rather than wheat free (unless there's an intolerance) I would replace foods with healthier versions. For instance my grandchildren are white bread but once they had tasted my burgen they wanted that! Much tastier! Even baking bread in a breadmaker would be healthier than the white bread with all the additives.

Oatibix instead of wheatabix? Rice crispies and cornflakes don't have wheat in them, although there may be some hidden sugars, not sure. They may like porridge.

When I was growing up in the sixties I remember the advert "Go to work on an egg!" Perhaps boiled, poached or fried egg ? Or an omelette of some sort? There's also yoghurt and fruit.

Having read this back, it all sounds a bit boring so keep searching for recipes ;-)

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Thank you for suggestions, it will be hard to replace all wheat products, at least minimise much as possible. I buy hi-lo bread from Sainsbury's with only 5g of carbs, read the ingredients full of all wheat stuff. I think I must not go OTT here as kids do not have any intolerance to it. (can't anyway with hubby as he also does shopping some times and still bring carton of fruit juices with no nutritional value, Bread is a must on his list for sandwitches).


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I hate abuse of any kind to humans or animals. I dislike judgmental people and people who are generally unkind, inconsiderate and have problems understanding the issues faced by others. I hate snakes!!! Cringe if I smell TCP!! and I cannot bare garlic!!
This morning 7.6.


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4.3 for me today. This is at the top of my personal range.

The sore throat and sensitive ears are at play here, I reckon, as I had elevated (only by 0.3 on my average for the food I had eaten) yesterday. It could have been my carb-tastic Friday paying me back, but I'll take a longer term view on that over the coming days.


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6.5 today.

Higher than expected but I was up for two hours with stomach cramps :(

Will do lots of walking today

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Diagnosed prediabetic Easter 2014. Just left to get on with it, no guidance or help from GP. Every day I'm learning something new.


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8.4 ........... tried 2 digestive biscuits as a end of first week lchf - guess that tells me they spike me!! Greek yoghurt and raspberries for breakfast coming up before work! Aiming for 7's tomorrow!!

Ruth B

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7.1 today. I seem t be noticing a trend, it is in the low 7 Saturday, Sunday and Monday and then drops to the 6s for the rest of the week (having said that tomorrow will probably be in the 7 just to prove me wrong). I have a week off work coming up next week so it will be interesting to see if it ties in with having to get up with the alarm. I don't go out Friday or Saturday night so I know its not that.

cold ethyl

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6.5 today after very protein heavy meal. Also running higher all weekend as away from own routines and foods.


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7.1 today. I seem t be noticing a trend, it is in the low 7 Saturday, Sunday and Monday and then drops to the 6s for the rest of the week (having said that tomorrow will probably be in the 7 just to prove me wrong). I have a week off work coming up next week so it will be interesting to see if it ties in with having to get up with the alarm. I don't go out Friday or Saturday night so I know its not that.
I get cycles as well. Like a wave motion. Think it is to do with body clock. Also depends on time you get up

5.0 this morning

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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
6.2, but went to bed late and only got about 4 hours sleep.


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7.1 this morning. Having refrained from weighing myself the last few months I did this morning and have put on 6 kg....
Could this be why levels have increased?

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Well-Known Member
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Intolerance, career politicians, reality TV and so-called celebrity culture, mobile phones in the quiet carriage.
7.1 this morning. Having refrained from weighing myself the last few months I did this morning and have put on 6 kg....
Could this be why levels have increased?

It depends, what medication/diet/exercise regime do you follow?


Well-Known Member
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It depends, what medication/diet/exercise regime do you follow?

I'm controlling by diet only. No meds.
I do plenty of walking, biking and a few weights.
Also have recently given up smoking and perhaps now I think about it have been eating too many nuts.

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