Type 3c and eating wrong!

Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Heya DemonBat.
Like you, I am also type 3c and have been since Aug 2021. My blood sugar levels are in general really good. If you're going to eat ready meals, you need to try and make sure they are both low in sugar and low in fat. I'm guessing that you take Creon when you eat anything? If not, as far as I know, it's something you need. A lot of foods have a traffic light system on the ingredients. As long as the meal is either green for both sugar and fat, or yellow for one and green for the other, that's all good. At a push you could have one that has yellow colour for both, but don't eat something with yellow for both 2 days in a row. If I can be of any help, please feel free to message me.


Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Heya DemonBat.
Like you, I am also type 3c and have been since Aug 2021. My blood sugar levels are in general really good. If you're going to eat ready meals, you need to try and make sure they are both low in sugar and low in fat. I'm guessing that you take Creon when you eat anything? If not, as far as I know, it's something you need. A lot of foods have a traffic light system on the ingredients. As long as the meal is either green for both sugar and fat, or yellow for one and green for the other, that's all good. At a push you could have one that has yellow colour for both, but don't eat something with yellow for both 2 days in a row. If I can be of any help, please feel free to message me.
Hi ya,

No, I don’t take Creon. I’ve refused to.
It’s extremely rare that I eat ready meals and it’s extremely rare I cook something to eat. I eat cakes, biscuits, chocolate, sweets etc. I only drink Relentless, which is an energy drink.
The bloke I see at the hospital, he is lovely, but he doesn’t do much. I can’t find someone to talk to. I’m having a diabetic burn out if I’m honest with you. I’m giving up with it all. From January 1st 2024 there’s only been 15 times that my sugar levels have been in the “green”, in the correct level. The rest of the time it’s been in the red… High sugar levels. I’ve got a lot of readings that actually say “HI”!
I’m giving up as I need help, don’t know where to get help, people I’ve spoken to haven’t been helpful. I just wonder what the point anymore.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi @DemonBat i know it’s so difficult and to think it’s not worth bothering. It’s so easy to reach for the convenience foods just to stop us feeling hungry. I’m in a similar situation as I’m on my own now and can’t be bothered sometime. My daughter lives on her own and she batch cooks on a Sunday afternoon so she has something to eat when she gets home from work. I’m doing a similar thing now but with low carb. I’ve recently started roasting joints of meat; chicken, pork, lamb, so I can have a portion with salad or roast cauliflower, green beans, broccoli or just on its own. I don’t mind having the same thing for a few nights on the trot. I’ve just found a recipe for tuna melts - can of tuna drained, 1/4 cup of grated cheese, 1 egg. Mix everything together, divide into 4 patties and fry in butter on each side until slighty crisp. Give it a go. Also I’ve got rid of all ‘bad’ food from my fridge and cupboards so I’m not tempted.
Hi carbs (Carbs, are found in foods like bread, rice, pasta, fruits, vegetables, and sweets) turn into sugar so try and limit them. The problem is sugar is known to be addictive. You could try substituting for Greek yoghurt, cheese, nuts, hard boiled eggs, meat, berries, If you’ve indulged in carbs then go do some exercise or go for a walk, straight afterwards… this will bring your numbers down. Good luck.


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
There are people on this forum Demonbat who could help, but I am not sure you are in the frame of mind to welcome it as you still seem to be eating only cake, energy drinks etc that you were over 2 months ago. I have been type 3c ( don’t think 3c was a drop-down option when I joined this site) for over 10 years following sepsis/ acute pancreatitis, and lost 3 stones soon after without trying. Until very recently I was completely treated as though a type 2, and never offered creon. I have had a Libre 2 continuous blood glucose monitor since Jan., which I presume you too also use since you refer to being ‘in the red/high ‘hi’’, can you start helping yourself by using this information better? I am slowly learning what foods/ drinks affect blood glucose more than others, and how order or combinations of eating makes BG change. For eg Crisps have no affect, but white flour and sugar in cake etc sends my BG vertical and very high, but also near vertical decline in a spike. I was told by my diabetic nurses that I could eat cake etc whenever I like, but just had to adjust the short dose insulin dose beforehand, but the shock of seeing what a coffee Victoria sponge did to my BG has largely put me off that type of eating. Some foods, with no/ few carbs like nuts or cheese ( might not suit your guts, but might be worth a try) act like a ‘buffer’, keeping me full, without BG spikes. Is there nothing unsweet or unprocessed you could try eating, and seeing how the Libre monitor reacts over the following few hours, as a starter to improve your BG hypers? I have incidentally been an intermittent faster 5x a week (fast for 16 hours a day) for a year…that sent the diabetic nurses rather anxious for a while!
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Ps Autoantbodies testing will determine if you are type 1 or type 2. Worth checking if you don’t know. I’m type 1 but not requiring insulin injections and I take 250 mg of Metformin daily. I try and stick to a healthy low carb diet and go for a short walk after meals to keep those pesky numbers down. If I go for longer walks my numbers can get dangerously low so always have some glucose with me.