Type 3c and eating wrong!


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I’m not really bothering taking insulin now. I have my long acting and sometimes my fast acting but I’m just going to leave it. My Libre 2 sensor finished today and I’m not going to start another one.
You see, the hospital and doctors can’t be bothered so neither can I. At last check, my glucose level was Hi. ‍♀️
Please reconsider your decision not to take your insulin, I’m not really qualified to comment as a T2 diet only and can’t begin to imagine how you are feeling after the way you’ve been treated, but what I do know is that not taking your insulin is extremely dangerous and if your BG is showing high you can go into DKA very very quickly and this would become A life threatening situation, I know that you feel like giving up because of your experiences with your care team but you not taking your insulin won’t punish them, the only person that will suffer is yourself. Please please take your insulin


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I’m not really bothering taking insulin now. I have my long acting and sometimes my fast acting but I’m just going to leave it. My Libre 2 sensor finished today and I’m not going to start another one.
You see, the hospital and doctors can’t be bothered so neither can I. At last check, my glucose level was Hi. ‍♀️
Well it is your choice - but I saw my grandmother dying from the complications of her poorly treated diabetes and it was not a good way to spend the last years of her life. I don't think that anyone in the household understood how to use insulin correctly, and it was the 1950s, but there is so much more available these days.


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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I’m not really bothering taking insulin now. I have my long acting and sometimes my fast acting but I’m just going to leave it. My Libre 2 sensor finished today and I’m not going to start another one.
You see, the hospital and doctors can’t be bothered so neither can I. At last check, my glucose level was Hi. ‍♀️
Why are you punishing yourself for other people's failure?


Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Well it is your choice - but I saw my grandmother dying from the complications of her poorly treated diabetes and it was not a good way to spend the last years of her life. I don't think that anyone in the household understood how to use insulin correctly, and it was the 1950s, but there is so much more available these days.
I haven’t been told or shown how to use insulin correctly. This is the problem.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’m not really bothering taking insulin now. I have my long acting and sometimes my fast acting but I’m just going to leave it. My Libre 2 sensor finished today and I’m not going to start another one.
You see, the hospital and doctors can’t be bothered so neither can I. At last check, my glucose level was Hi. ‍♀️
Please take your insulin and insist on an urgent appointment with your GP to get help for your depression and ask them to contact the Diabetic team at the hospital asking them to be more proactive in helping you. If you can say what foods other than sweet stuff you like then I’m sure we can help you with healthy choices eg. Do you love roasted chicken? Easy to cook up a load of chicken pieces and eat them on their own if you prefer. If you like steak then remove it from the freezer the day before to cook the following day. It can be simple stuff but good stuff. I hope you will take steps required to put you in a better place physically. No one should care more about your health and wellbeing more than yourself. Best wishes, hang on in there.
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Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Why are you punishing yourself for other people's failur

Why are you punishing yourself for other people's failure?
How to use insulin properly has never been explained to me. Carb counting has never been explained to me. I have literally been told I was diabetic, given insulin and left to it. I see someone at the hospital every 3 months but all he does is tell me where the
Why are you punishing yourself for other people's failure?
i was told I was diabetic, given insulin, told how much to take and that was it. I kept getting hypo’s as what they told me to take was too much. When I see the consultant at the hospital, he just shows me the graphs of where my sugars have been and are (like the daily / monthly graphs) tells me where they should be then says goodbye. I’m not getting the help I need, I’m injecting up to 7 (very occasionally 8) times a day between 2-8 units of rapid acting insulin. My levels are nearly always 13.0 and above. So I can’t see why I should use the insulin until everything has been properly explained to me.


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
This may sound extremely harsh but it’s extremely real, If you don’t take your insulin you probably won’t be around for someone to explain it to you.
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Type of diabetes
Type 3c
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This may sound extremely harsh but it’s extremely real, If you don’t take your insulin you probably won’t be around for someone to explain it to you.
I’ve only got to wait until March to see the bloke at the hospital who “deals” with my diabetes. That’s IF I bother to see him again at all. I’m going to look up to see what else I can sort out, to see who else I can deal with / talk to about it all. I feel like all I’m doing is injecting insulin. I’m getting through a box of pen needles (96) every month. I suffer with severe depression anyway but this lot with diabetes is really getting me down.


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I’ve only got to wait until March to see the bloke at the hospital who “deals” with my diabetes. That’s IF I bother to see him again at all. I’m going to look up to see what else I can sort out, to see who else I can deal with / talk to about it all. I feel like all I’m doing is injecting insulin. I’m getting through a box of pen needles (96) every month. I suffer with severe depression anyway but this lot with diabetes is really getting me down.
You obviously still care what happens to you as you are here posting in the forum and that’s good:) but it’s a long time until March! you need your insulin so take what you need, as I understand it everyone’s insulin needs are different and if I recall there are those on insulin on the forum that inject multiple times a day. Can you make an emergency appointment with your GP to discuss how you’re feeling? They maybe able to help

Failing that maybe get yourself to A&E - if your BG is showing HI then a visit to A&E is justified
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Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
You obviously still care what happens to you as you are here posting in the forum and that’s good:) but it’s a long time until March! you need your insulin so take what you need, as I understand it everyone’s insulin needs are different and if I recall there are those on insulin on the forum that inject multiple times a day. Can you make an emergency appointment with your GP to discuss how you’re feeling? They maybe able to help

Failing that maybe get yourself to A&E - if your BG is showing HI then a visit to A&E is justified
It’ll be next week now before I can get an emergency appointment with the only doctor I’ll see. She only does Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s.
As for A&E, as I’ve got insulin at home, it wouldn’t be justified. All they’d do is give me insulin at most. After the last time I was actually admitted to hospital, they wanted to lock my insulin away and only give it to me 3 times a day before meals!! How can THEY work out how much insulin I’d need then? Especially when, as I said, I take it a lot more than that in 24 hours (when I do take it) Am I not being told things? It’s extremely annoying to the point I want to scream!! (But I don’t know how to scream! It’s something I can’t do)


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Could you make an appointment with the doctor you prefer to see and continue to take your insulin until then, there is always a way you know nothing is a complete loss


Retired Moderator
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You see, the hospital and doctors can’t be bothered so neither can I. At last check, my glucose level was Hi.
My levels are nearly always 13.0 and above. So I can’t see why I should use the insulin until everything has been properly explained to me.
Levels of 13 are way, way better than HI, that's why you should take your insulin while waiting for your appointment.

It's not the hospital and doctors who will suffer personally if you don't take your insulin, it's only yourself.
Please take your insulin now, and please keep testing.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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I have had some insulin now. I’ll use some but not as much as I need and I’ll see the doctor next week x
Well done!
Any reason why you've taken less insulin than you need?

I'm very happy you'll see your doctor next week, let us know how it goes! :)
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hypos and forum bugs
As for A&E, as I’ve got insulin at home, it wouldn’t be justified.
If you go into diabetic ketoacidosis DKA through lack of insulin in your system then a trip to A&E is essential.

Are you able to test your blood sugar for ketones?

I appreciate that you may not be making the best decisions because of depression, but please keep taking your insulin. Levels of 13 are bad for you in the long term, but levels of HI can kill you in the short term if you go into DKA because of lack of insulin in your system.

Diabetes UK (the UK diabetes charity) have a dedicated helpline if you want to phone someone about your diabetic issues

England, Wales and Northern Ireland​

Call: 0345 123 2399*, Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm
Email: [email protected]


Call: 0141 212 8710*, Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm.
Email: [email protected]

There is also the samaritans on 116 123 .

Please don't give up. No, it's not fun to take insulin but once you are on the right doses things should be much better for you.

Sending virtual hugs from New Zealand.

ps - glad to see you are at least taking some insulin, even if it's less than you need


Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Well done!
Any reason why you've taken less insulin than you need?

I'm very happy you'll see your doctor next week, let us know how it goes! :)
Seeing as though when I was in hospital, they only wanted to give it me 3 times a day, before meals, and was going to lock it away the rest of the time, I’m going to ask the doctor, or someone how often I should take it! (I walked out the hospital because of rows over my meds. It happens every time I go in but this was the 1st time I’ve been in hospital whilst on insulin / being diabetic)
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Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
When no-one else would help me, I helped myself: read a lot, researched a lot, asked people who knew more than I did. It does feel like, if the pro's can't be bothered, then why should I care....? But there are people out there who can teach carb counting. Ask your doc for a referral when you see one another. A fixed dose isn't working for you, and your insulin regime needs to start fitting your life, which it doesn't right now. Guesstimates can be lethal.

Please hang in there and keep asking questions. Here, and with the medical professionals. And if you have a hard time getting a word in edgewise, write down your questions, maybe e-mail them ahead of time to boot. Can you e-mail the person who goes over your readings and doesn't do anything useful? So you can maybe get help before the three months are up again? Because if you ask them for carb counting lessons, they should be able to refer you. Mentioning diabetic burn out might also help... Because it does sound like you're just about done with all this. Which is completely understandable under the circumstances.

PS: High blood sugars also affect mood... They can make depression very, very much worse. So that's a reason to strive for better control, and to fight for help to get it. You might feel mentally better, as well.


Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
When no-one else would help me, I helped myself: read a lot, researched a lot, asked people who knew more than I did. It does feel like, if the pro's can't be bothered, then why should I care....? But there are people out there who can teach carb counting. Ask your doc for a referral when you see one another. A fixed dose isn't working for you, and your insulin regime needs to start fitting your life, which it doesn't right now. Guesstimates can be lethal.

Please hang in there and keep asking questions. Here, and with the medical professionals. And if you have a hard time getting a word in edgewise, write down your questions, maybe e-mail them ahead of time to boot. Can you e-mail the person who goes over your readings and doesn't do anything useful? So you can maybe get help before the three months are up again? Because if you ask them for carb counting lessons, they should be able to refer you. Mentioning diabetic burn out might also help... Because it does sound like you're just about done with all this. Which is completely understandable under the circumstances.

PS: High blood sugars also affect mood... They can make depression very, very much worse. So that's a reason to strive for better control, and to fight for help to get it. You might feel mentally better, as well.
I’ve never heard about diabetic burn out. That actually seems fitting for me at the moment (looking it up on the internet) I will certainly have a look at what you have suggested and I’ll see what I can do with contacting people. Thank you so much x


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
How is it going Demonbat? I have had type 3c for over 10 years, and had to be sent to A&E twice before drs.recognised pancreas was not creating insulin properly. Been on insulin but otherwise been treated as tho got type 2 and told extremely little how to cope with hypo/hyper levels. Never seen a diabetic dr. and if lucky see a surgery diabetic nurse once a year after bloods tested. Been DIY things to help my health for years ( I do have lots of other ailments, most recent over 3.75 years being Long Covid): since last April done intermittent fasting 16 hours a day 5x a week, plus swimming daily. Should be doing me good but not obvious re bloods or body shape! Only this year, after my insistence, have I got a-bit more sense out of diabetic professionals (including being sent on a type 2 diabetic course): got put on Libre 2 monitor, and two different types of insulin ( long and short lasting), and trying to fine tune everything. Seemed to be going ok the last 6 weeks then last night, this am and before lunch had 3 very long and low ( in 2s) hypos, which were rather a shock and seemingly unexplainable judging by all other captured BG results over last 10 years. Makes me wonder whether pancreas can have very odd periods when it ‘wakes up’, or my body takes much longer to adapt to rises in long insulin dose changes than supposed to ( was told 3-4 days). I think us type 3c need more help adjusting to insulin dosing than is perhaps believed by health professionals, unless we should just be treated as type 1, and sent on DAPNE courses.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hi, just over 12 months ago I was told I was diabetic. The diabetic nurse tried to tell me I was T2 but when I told her I knew I was T3c, the reply came back “there isn’t such a thing as T3c” !!! Anyway, I am T3c but I just can’t stop eating biscuits, cakes, ice cream, sweets, frozen desserts etc and the only thing I drink is Relentless (energy drink) it’s very rare my glucose levels are below 13 mmol/L
My HbA1c level is high at around 9.7% or 83 mmol/mol.
I’ve not had anyone talk to me about food, as in a diabetic dietitian. The man I see every 3 months about my diabetes, tells me to come on here and look at some of the recipes. Problem is, I live alone and can’t see the point cooking for one, I’m a very fussy eater and I suffer with severe depression. I find it hard to look after myself day to day as it is without cooking. I’ve read that people say eat nuts… I don’t like them. Avocado… Don’t like them …. I just don’t know what to do other than to give up and just carry on as I am!! While I’m typing this, my glucose level is 17.9 mmol/L
Has anyone got any suggestions please?? I’d really appreciate it. Thanks x