Very upset at lack of results


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Hello everyone.

I’ll try and give you some back story without this turning into a 10 page essay.

I’m 38 and currently 23 stone 1lb. I have a disabled child and as a single parent, the focus of anything has never been on myself.
This year I started to have some health issues, and I noticed some signs of diabetes.
I purchased a BG monitor and measured as soon as it arrived. It said 7.3 mmol. I hadn’t eaten at that point, but it wasn’t as soon as I got up.

I immediately did an online food shop and some research online. Changed my diet and genuinely haven’t cheated once.
The first week I lost 5lb. This week 1lb. And for the size I am, I’m disappointed.

My fasting readings are consistently 6.6-6.8 now.
And a couple hours after breakfast or lunch, they read around 6.4-6.7. I haven’t ever measured after dinner though…

I track all food on an app and I’m eating 1200-1300 calories which is why I don’t understand why the weight isn’t flying off! And 86g of carbs a day.

Can anyone advise me of what to do? I really want to lose weight to help this


Well-Known Member
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How are you counting your carbs, 86g a day seems awfully precise, I don't have that many but would be hard pressed to be so sure of the exact number.
I generally find that around 50g a day keeps my blood sugar where I like it, but if i want to lose weight i need to go even lower to get into ketosis and start using my fat.
We are all different and lots of factors are relevant with weight loss, gender, hormones, metabolism, to name just a few.
The other thing to Bear in mind is that when we put on the weight it didn't increase steadily by x amount of pounds each week. We gained it in drips and drabs, a couple of pounds here, three pounds there, maybe drop a pound or stay the same before another couple got added.
We lose it in exactly the same way, think of it as a lifestyle change not a diet.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
How are you counting your carbs, 86g a day seems awfully precise, I don't have that many but would be hard pressed to be so sure of the exact number.
I generally find that around 50g a day keeps my blood sugar where I like it, but if i want to lose weight i need to go even lower to get into ketosis and start using my fat.
We are all different and lots of factors are relevant with weight loss, gender, hormones, metabolism, to name just a few.
The other thing to Bear in mind is that when we put on the weight it didn't increase steadily by x amount of pounds each week. We gained it in drips and drabs, a couple of pounds here, three pounds there, maybe drop a pound or stay the same before another couple got added.
We lose it in exactly the same way, think of it as a lifestyle change not a diet.
Thank you so much for replying.
I agree with you, perhaps I do need to be more patient. I guess in mind, it used to come off faster than this, but I suppose my body is in a different place now.

I am tracking calories and carbs in the Lose It App. I think it’s a good idea for me to lower my carbs. I’ll try to get them to around 50g and see how I feel. Thank you :)


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Diet only
The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
I wouldn't be so hard on yourself, you are doing really well. I never counted calories as I found it too much work! The weight did come off but not quickly. I managed to up my exercise and dropped the carbs more and went more carnivore. I had to cut out my dairy recently as it causes migraines, since doing that they have decrease although I have a headache today. What does your diet look like, what do you eat in a day. Intermittent fasting is good if you can do it :)


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I wouldn't be so hard on yourself, you are doing really well. I never counted calories as I found it too much work! The weight did come off but not quickly. I managed to up my exercise and dropped the carbs more and went more carnivore. I had to cut out my dairy recently as it causes migraines, since doing that they have decrease although I have a headache today. What does your diet look like, what do you eat in a day. Intermittent fasting is good if you can do it :)
Thank you so much, I’m so happy to have found a supportive place :)

I don’t mind calorie counting although, I could probably get to eating a bit faster without it lol.

Yesterday I had:
For breakfast, I have a slice of Biona rye bread, 80g avocado, 1 egg fried with a teaspoon of oil.

Lunch is 1 baked chicken breast around 120g, green salad, 25g of grated cheese, 35g Caesar salad dressing.

Dinner: 70g quinoa, Waitrose bagged green veggies, gastro breaded fish and 30ml thousand island dressing.

I do see that I can remove the breaded fish and just have plain fish. It’s more expensive but I’ll do it


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
The term "big boned" lol repeatedly told this growing up!
Thank you so much, I’m so happy to have found a supportive place :)

I don’t mind calorie counting although, I could probably get to eating a bit faster without it lol.

Yesterday I had:
For breakfast, I have a slice of Biona rye bread, 80g avocado, 1 egg fried with a teaspoon of oil.

Lunch is 1 baked chicken breast around 120g, green salad, 25g of grated cheese, 35g Caesar salad dressing.

Dinner: 70g quinoa, Waitrose bagged green veggies, gastro breaded fish and 30ml thousand island dressing.

I do see that I can remove the breaded fish and just have plain fish. It’s more expensive but I’ll do it
There are lots of low carb alternative breads about, not sure about the rye bread that would send my levels spiking. Everyone is different and its trial and error, more error with me when first diagnosed and I am still learning! I make my own fishcakes with frozen cod or tinned salmon, mashed with herbs and bind with egg then lightly fry in olive or avocado oil. They are yummy and no breadcrumbs :) For me I would watch the dressings also, the shop bought ones can haven nasty hidden sugars ;)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
There are lots of low carb alternative breads about, not sure about the rye bread that would send my levels spiking. Everyone is different and its trial and error, more error with me when first diagnosed and I am still learning! I make my own fishcakes with frozen cod or tinned salmon, mashed with herbs and bind with egg then lightly fry in olive or avocado oil. They are yummy and no breadcrumbs :) For me I would watch the dressings also, the shop bought ones can haven nasty hidden sugars ;)
That sounds lovely! I’m not the best in the kitchen but I reckon I could give fish cakes a go.
I think you may be right about the dressing. They add up to 8g of sugar a day.
The rye bread is 24.8g of carbs which 3.1g of sugar. I’ll pop into tesco tomorrow and see what low carb options they have.


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Just want to congratulate you. For taking control, joining here, and working things out. Well done. Oh and don’t be disappointed with your weight loss so far. That is almost half a stone in a fortnight. Look for the positive!
It is tough enough being overweight, without prediabetes and being on your own with a disabled child added to the load. Do take some time for yourself. Read around the different sub forums, and theninfo for new members. (You will find some useful info for new members in my signature at the end of this post). Ask questions, find the support you need. Our members are good at sharing their experiences, and tips. You are not alone. :)


Staff Member
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exercise, phone calls
Just 2 points which don't seem to have been covered yet:

1. In the first week of Low Carb, most of the weight loss is due to lower water retention - because carbs retain water. Which is the reason for 'Keto Flu' since that water contains electrolytes (salts) of Sodium, potassium and magnesium.

2. Most people seem to want to drop weight faster than is medically advised ( i.e. 1 to 2lbs per week). Doing so courts (temporary) blurred vision - eyes are sensitive to blood glucose levels and also semi-permanent unsightly loose skin (if a lot of weight is lost faster than the skin can be renewed).
But it's your choice if should you want to disregard these potential problems.


Well-Known Member
In terms of weight loss, I have found both times I've done low carb properly that it's only after a few weeks I can see the results. I'm not going a out lowcarb this time as I couldn't sustain it but I've lost 7lb in 3 months and I'd say when you look at me it seems more. Ive definitely dropped a dress size. I've probably only got a stone to lose now so I'm happy with slow.
Low carb seems to 'unpuff' me. I think I was probably carrying around alot of water and inflammation along with fat.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Welcome to the forums, and I can only echo what the others have already said. Well done on recognising you need to take action and taking it. Just the fact that you are here and are curious is winning half the battle. See this as a journey with its ups and downs, detours, and sonetimes, even backtracking.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Just want to congratulate you. For taking control, joining here, and working things out. Well done. Oh and don’t be disappointed with your weight loss so far. That is almost half a stone in a fortnight. Look for the positive!
It is tough enough being overweight, without prediabetes and being on your own with a disabled child added to the load. Do take some time for yourself. Read around the different sub forums, and theninfo for new members. (You will find some useful info for new members in my signature at the end of this post). Ask questions, find the support you need. Our members are good at sharing their experiences, and tips. You are not alone. :)

Thank you so much I really appreciate your kind words.

It is hard. I have a lot of stress, and have done my whole life. Even with these symptoms, it was more of "oh what is it now" then shock. I really do need to take some time for myself, but l've been doing this for so long I don't really know how.

However, I've been reading around and everyone seems like such lovely and welcoming people and I’ve already learnt that it can be done, with willingness and patience, so I want to thank you all again for commenting and making me feel better today ❤️


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Just 2 points which don't seem to have been covered yet:

1. In the first week of Low Carb, most of the weight loss is due to lower water retention - because carbs retain water. Which is the reason for 'Keto Flu' since that water contains electrolytes (salts) of Sodium, potassium and magnesium.

2. Most people seem to want to drop weight faster than is medically advised ( i.e. 1 to 2lbs per week). Doing so courts (temporary) blurred vision - eyes are sensitive to blood glucose levels and also semi-permanent unsightly loose skin (if a lot of weight is lost faster than the skin can be renewed).
But it's your choice if should you want to disregard these potential problems.

Thank you, those are very fair points you bring up. Plus I suppose 1lb down is better than 1lb up.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
In terms of weight loss, I have found both times I've done low carb properly that it's only after a few weeks I can see the results. I'm not going a out lowcarb this time as I couldn't sustain it but I've lost 7lb in 3 months and I'd say when you look at me it seems more. Ive definitely dropped a dress size. I've probably only got a stone to lose now so I'm happy with slow.
Low carb seems to 'unpuff' me. I think I was probably carrying around alot of water and inflammation along with fat.
Yes! Indeed. I seem to have lost a lot of bloat in my face and neck area and thighs. This is partly why I kept thinking my weight was reduced but nope. Just water it seems lol


Well-Known Member
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Hi @Juniperr and welcome! I understand completely about not having time for yourself and also feeling frustrated when weight doesn't shift.

As @Lainie71 said, if you can, try intermittent fasting. Jason Fung on You tube has some great videos and podcasts that are really helpful in explaining how that can help you access your body's fat stores and use them up. I am morbidly obese and have done intermittent and some extended fasting and I am doing it again now along with a carnivore diet - weight is coming off and if I can stick to it, I think I can win the battle.

Jason Fung also has some books that may help you understand diabetes and obesity called, funnily enough, The Obesity Code and The Diabetes Code. Those books changed my life, even with a few years in the weeds due to well, life, I have gone back to it and found it easy to pick up again.

It takes a bit of experimenting and maybe sticking with something that feels strange or even a bit uncomfortable for the first couple of weeks or so, to get over the inevitable complaints from your body wanting what it's used to, but give some different things a go and see what works for you.

There are lots of great threads on here, have a look around and settle in with a few of them to help you stay focused and motivated!

Wishing you every success x


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Welcome to the forums, and I can only echo what the others have already said. Well done on recognising you need to take action and taking it. Just the fact that you are here and are curious is winning half the battle. See this as a journey with its ups and downs, detours, and sonetimes, even backtracking.

Thank you so much! I like it here very much and I can tell this place will be a huge help to me


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi @Juniperr and welcome! I understand completely about not having time for yourself and also feeling frustrated when weight doesn't shift.

As @Lainie71 said, if you can, try intermittent fasting. Jason Fung on You tube has some great videos and podcasts that are really helpful in explaining how that can help you access your body's fat stores and use them up. I am morbidly obese and have done intermittent and some extended fasting and I am doing it again now along with a carnivore diet - weight is coming off and if I can stick to it, I think I can win the battle.

Jason Fung also has some books that may help you understand diabetes and obesity called, funnily enough, The Obesity Code and The Diabetes Code. Those books changed my life, even with a few years in the weeds due to well, life, I have gone back to it and found it easy to pick up again.

It takes a bit of experimenting and maybe sticking with something that feels strange or even a bit uncomfortable for the first couple of weeks or so, to get over the inevitable complaints from your body wanting what it's used to, but give some different things a go and see what works for you.

There are lots of great threads on here, have a look around and settle in with a few of them to help you stay focused and motivated!

Wishing you every success x

Thank you much. I have read about Jason in this forum today, but I haven’t had a chance to read up on any of his work yet. I’ll definitely check out YouTube later this evening.

I’m very pleased to hear your journey has been successful so far.
I have been meaning to try IF as I have done it before. I don’t get very hungry in the mornings anyway, so shouldn’t be too much trouble for me.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
@Juniperr If the way to lower weight was to simply reduce calories, then low calorie diets would work and I would not have been screamed at and insulted when they didn't ever work for me.
Low calorie diets just made me turn grey and lethargic, and if I tried to do anything strenuous my heart would be hammering against my ribs trying to escape.
I tried low calorie on the instructions of HCPs for almost half a century.
Half a year of low carb and I lost more weight than I ever imagined to be possible, and I made no effort to do so. I just ate low carb, avoided any low fat versions or containing seed oil and my clothes were sliding off - thankfully not when out in public, though it was a near thing a few times.
I lost weight eating no more than 50gm of carb a day, from low carb sources, no grain and just a little fruit. I did not restrict what I did eat though. Over time the amount of food I eat has reduced, but that was after I lost the weight.