Vitamins & Supplements


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Tripe and Onions
I'm pretty sure they ship to the U.K.
I have used many of their supplements in the past and they are always high quality. If they don't ship, try Amazon and as mentioned look for the R fraction
If you get the regular you're only actually getting 1/2 the dose as the R is the absorbable part. I've tried 2 other brands but prefer Swanson. I hope they ship to the U.K.
**** it I just bought some yesterday and they are not R ALA.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
**** it I just bought some yesterday and they are not R ALA.

Just take twice as many! 600mg max. I also ordered the plain ALA in error and it was a big tub. I was taking 300mg (one tablet) daily but increased it to 2 tablets when I discovered about R-ALA


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Kristin251 can you tell me what mg you take as there are different ones and double strength Thanks

After trying a few brands and strengths I have settled on only the R lipoic and I use both 100 and 50mg. I spread them out throughout the day rather than a large dose at once. I have found if I take them with my insulin and food I am more insulin sensitive but if I take them away from food my bs rises a bit more rather than drop a bit. You'll need to experiment if it's better with food or without
My schedule.
Bf 8 am 100 mg. An hour later 50. Noon half of my lunch and 100mg. 3:00 the other half of lunch 50 mg.
I ended up buying the 50 as sometimes I get too much energy on the 100mg! I also believe it's best to spread supps out during the day rather than slam it with high doses at once. So 300 mg R lipoic. I believe if it's regular you need 600. Regular is generally cheaper but you need twice as much. That being said, I originally started on 100 mixed 3 times a day ( 150 R) and still saw improvements fast.

I can't tell you how much it's helped me in so many different ways. After DX I always said my nervous system wasn't the same. Completely helping. Also mental clarity and energy greatly improved. Better deeper sleep, waking well rested. And the list goes on. Neuropathy is faint at best. Probably wouldn't even notice it if I wasn't looking. I started noticing a difference within a few days, then every day more and more. I'd say about two weeks and it was vastly improved.


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**** it I just bought some yesterday and they are not R ALA.
Not to worry. I started on 100 mg regular 3 times a day and saw improvements right away. Decided this supp was a keeper so ordered R from Swanson. The regular worked at even half the R dose. Here, the R is almost impossible to find so I had to order online. All I can find is regular in the stores. It still works but the S fraction isn't absorbed.


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**** it I just bought some yesterday and they are not R ALA.
I have ordered Vitamin D and Alpha Lipoic Acid not so while ago from UK website. But the supplier messed up with my order. He tried to prove that it was my fault but it could not be true. I checked it twice . Now he doesn't want to get my money back.
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Kristin251 I found them on Amazon going to get the 100 mg at first and take twice a day and if OK them go for 300 mg to see the difference Hope it helps with my fingers Thanks for all your help
Swanson Ult D-s R-fraction Alph Lip (100mg 60 capsules) £16-77 sold by healthmonthly-uk.on Amazon
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Kristin251 I found them on Amazon going to get the 100 mg at first and take twice a day and if OK them go for 300 mg to see the difference Hope it helps with my fingers Thanks for all your help
Swanson Ult D-s R-fraction Alph Lip (100mg 60 capsules) £16-77 sold by healthmonthly-uk.on Amazon
No problem!! I always start slow too. The only side effect I had was too much energy!!! And it didn't interfere with sleep. Actually made it better.
It has allowed me to eat some spicy nightshades and a little cheese without aching. I put these links on another thread. Not sure if they're on this one on the first page so I'll just repost


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No problem!! I always start slow too. The only side effect I had was too much energy!!! And it didn't interfere with sleep. Actually made it better.
It has allowed me to eat some spicy nightshades and a little cheese without aching. I put these links on another thread. Not sure if they're on this one on the first page so I'll just repost

I am so glad that I posted this question as I am now researching the R-aplha lipoic acid and am liking what I am reading, I would never have known about this and how it can benefit diabetics - I'm surprised my GP didn't mention it but then again GP's don't recommend vitamains/supplements anyway as they say you should get everything in food but that's not always possible. I may leave out buying Magnesium and Omega 3 as I try and eat oily fish twice a week. I will continue with Co-Q10 as I take statins. I usually get a Vit B12 and Vit D blood test done annually as part of my diabetes review.

Thanks for your very informative posts. I am at present reading up about R-alpha lipoic acid and have several pages open on the internet reading about it :)


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I am so glad that I posted this question as I am now researching the R-aplha lipoic acid and am liking what I am reading, I would never have known about this and how it can benefit diabetics - I'm surprised my GP didn't mention it but then again GP's don't recommend vitamains/supplements anyway as they say you should get everything in food but that's not always possible. I may leave out buying Magnesium and Omega 3 as I try and eat oily fish twice a week. I will continue with Co-Q10 as I take statins. I usually get a Vit B12 and Vit D blood test done annually as part of my diabetes review.

Thanks for your very informative posts. I am at present reading up about R-alpha lipoic acid and have several pages open on the internet reading about it :)
You're welcome!!
Supplements can be tricky. I try to take as little as possible. Just vitamin D and now R ALA.
Fish oil always bloated me , nauseated me and made me burp. Assumed my body didn't like it. I do eat salmon and tuna a lot. Magnesium gave me insomnia! And achy muscles. The exact opposite its supposed to do. Calcium same thing. Some supps helped for a week or two but then backfired. I just listened to my body and stopped taking them. I've wasted so much ,lneynon supps that I tossed. Hope ala works for you!! It's been miraculous for me. It did very obvious things and many subtle things. The sun seems brighter, birds seem happier, little annoyance aren't annoying and I just have a better sense of well being

Good luck!!
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You're welcome!!
Supplements can be tricky. I try to take as little as possible. Just vitamin D and now R ALA.
Fish oil always bloated me , nauseated me and made me burp. Assumed my body didn't like it. I do eat salmon and tuna a lot. Magnesium gave me insomnia! And achy muscles. The exact opposite its supposed to do. Calcium same thing. Some supps helped for a week or two but then backfired. I just listened to my body and stopped taking them. I've wasted so much ,lneynon supps that I tossed. Hope ala works for you!! It's been miraculous for me. It did very obvious things and many subtle things. The sun seems brighter, birds seem happier, little annoyance aren't annoying and I just have a better sense of well being

Good luck!!

There are so many sites out there that it gets confusing where to buy from. Holland & Barrett is always a recommended one but it is so pricey (the same goes for Healthspan) but I'm looking for a natural company that doesn't have any synthetic things in their products and as natural as possible. Just scrolling through a few ones at the moment, haven't purchased yet.


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Is it best to ask the GP if I can take this? I mentioned I take Co-Q10 to a GP once and she'd never heard of it!


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Is it best to ask the GP if I can take this? I mentioned I take Co-Q10 to a GP once and she'd never heard of it!
Are you kidding me? You certainly can ask but in my experience G Ps generally don't know a whole lot. But I feel it reassures you, most definitely do it
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Well it always says 'check with your doctor before taking any vitamins/supplements' but if some doctors have never heard of certain supplements it doesn't give you much confidence. I will carry on today with further research and hopefully make a purchase by the end of the day :) no harm in giving R-alpha lipoic acid a go.
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Grumpy bosses!
Is it best to ask the GP if I can take this? I mentioned I take Co-Q10 to a GP once and she'd never heard of it!
Appalling how ignorant they are - statins deplete the body's supply of Coenzyme Q10 (and depletion of this can cause heart problems), so they should actually prescribe Q10 at the same time as statins!
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I was referring to the coQ 10. It is appaling he didn't know that!! You're right, leaves us with little faith. We need to do our own research always.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
I was considering taking CLA supplements recently but decided against it after reading Authority Nutrition's take on it.
it’s important to keep in mind that the CLA you find in supplements is NOT derived from natural foods.

It is made by chemically altering safflower and sunflower oils, which are unhealthy vegetable oils. The linoleic acid in the oils is turned into conjugated linoleic acid via a chemical process (13).

The balance of the different forms is heavily distorted in supplements. Foods are mostly c9, t11, while the supplements are very high in t10, c12, which is never found in large amounts in nature (14, 15).

For this reason, CLA taken in supplement form does not have the same health effects as CLA gotten from foods."


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Be cautious with magnesium. As a diabetic, magnesium in high dose can damage your kidneys. They are already under stress from glucose passing through the filtration system. Get sound advice before you embark on suppliments, remember you are living with an illness that is hard on the vascular system, the heart, liver and kidneys. Always be cautious!

If people have gotten their blood glucose down in normal levels or almost normal levels their kidneys are very often not under any strain...
And magnesium is part of around 280 processes in our bodies so it is an important meneral to have enough of..

I myself take vitamin D and a combined pill with magnesium, B 12 and vitamin B 6... sometimes take fish oil when I remember , chromium and R-alpha lipoic acid .. but I many days forget..
I also take 3 types of medication of which one is metformin and another is levothyroxine.. and somedays I am sick of eating all those pills... I also take milk thistle by the way I bought these pills half a year ago but only now I had the gut to try them, they should better liver condition, and I just thought that I had a fatty liver being very obese and having a BMI initially of around 42... my BMI is now more like 32 .. I would like to lose 10-15 kg more .. but it has stalled the last 3 month now.. but at least I am back at the lowest again which I was once before since Christmas
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miserable weather, rude and bad mannered people
I was considering taking CLA supplements recently but decided against it after reading Authority Nutrition's take on it.
it’s important to keep in mind that the CLA you find in supplements is NOT derived from natural foods.

It is made by chemically altering safflower and sunflower oils, which are unhealthy vegetable oils. The linoleic acid in the oils is turned into conjugated linoleic acid via a chemical process (13).

The balance of the different forms is heavily distorted in supplements. Foods are mostly c9, t11, while the supplements are very high in t10, c12, which is never found in large amounts in nature (14, 15).

For this reason, CLA taken in supplement form does not have the same health effects as CLA gotten from foods."
CLA isn't the same as R-alpha lipoic acid is it?
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