Vitamins & Supplements


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I thought I'd see if Alpha lipoic acid could be beneficial - didn't really notice much change but I just stood on a plug barefoot.
If there was any problem it has definitely gone now.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I have ordered some ala not r- ala (too expensive for a trial sorry) I dunno if I have been a bit hasty? I have had a couple of poor runs - legs like lead. My legs were also not recovering and my heel was quite painful and my calf and my shins and my hips and glutes . I have read that ala can help with recovery of nerves and thought it may improve my aching muscles. However after talking to a friend who I run with she said she has bad runs - more than often and I probably just need a rest. I already take a magnesium supplement which I really believe makes me feel better. I don't particularly need to increase my insulin sensitivity - I am type 1 and quite sensitive already. Would anyone else give the pills a go or send em back?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
I have just finished a course of vitD3 prescribed by my GP. After doing a little reading I think I am going to take high dose vitD3 in the winter plus K2 plus calcium. I will make my decision when I have done the research and looked at al the pitfalls. I am interested in alpha lipoid acid but would never take anything on anecdotal evidence alone. Much more reading for me.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
One thing I have read recently concerning ALA is that if you are iron deficient it's not such a good idea. As it can make it worse.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
/ I bought the above Alpha Linoic acid for my husband as he has been suffering from what we belive to have been the shingles virus and we were recommended this to help with 'nerve pain'. He takes 600mg per day but if you are on medication for diabetes (he isn't) then you need to check that it won't affect what you are already taking.

I'd always buy organic vitamins and a good quality multi-vitamin may be all that you need to supplement diet. Taking Metaformin can inhibit the absorption of Vitamin B12 so a supplement of that might be beneficial. As for Vitamin D the best way to absorb that is expose your skin to sunlight for around 15 minutes each day :)

For a general purpose 'vitamin or tonic' that won't interfere with prescribed medications then I would suggest looking for a Homeopathic remedy. Try having a look at the Helios site-if you phone them they are happy to give free phone advice and I have always found them very helpful.
Viewed Cummings' lecture on vitD last night. Apparently, in our northern lattitudes the time we get enough sun to trigger manufacture of vitD by uva light is in the height of summer. You could sit outside for a week in winter and not produce vitD. Also, the time required out of doors now recommended is thirty minutes a day.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I was quite pleased with my Vit D test. I had it at the end of November and was within normal range. (no supplements at all) so presumably in the summer I have plenty. We can get Vit D on light, bright days in winter, but in order to do so have to bare some more of your skin that we would normally do at that time of year. Shorts and T-shirts in January? No thanks!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Don't have diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Interestingly I was discussing Vit D deficiencies over lunch with friends and they had both had blood tests recently which showed that they were both in need of supplements. Dangers of a life time spent working indoors in offices I guess. It would be very nice to know you could have 30 mins of sunlight each day, hasn't stopped raining here today !
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Well-Known Member
Many of the doctors who I've spoken with suggest that people with any kind of immune system issues should supplement with Vitamin D. I foolishly bought some over the counter "High Strength Vit D" and it was anything but. Living in the UK - even if you are exposed to sunlight it doesn't necessarily mean you are getting your body's full needs met.