Weekly weigh in - Fridays


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Diet only
11 lbs gain now in 4-5 weeks, leaving me at 155lbs, BMI 21.8 and bodyfat 16.9%

5lb gain to go leaving me at 11 stone 7lbs and then I will go into maintenance mode.

No carb increase to achieve this, all done with high cal smoothie for breakfast and 1 evening meal.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Dishonesty lies and thieves and online Bullies!!!
Friday 14/4/17 weight 13 st-10 lb or 87.08kg lost 1 pound, better than putting it on,
Weight doesn't seem to shift much even though LCHF, two meals per day and 18-19 hour fasting in between ?
Every day,it seems to have moved this week has I tried eating small amount of carbs last few days,anyone got any answers? K

Art Of Flowers

Well-Known Member
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I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
I do intermittent fasting at the weekends and recently my weight on Saturday has been 77.2 and down to 76.6 on Monday, but back up to 77.2 the following Saturday. This pattern has repeated the last few weeks, but last Saturday I started on 77.1 and with four days intermittent fasting (just eating once a day) my weight this morning is down to 76.0. Hopefully it won't go up to much by next weekend. :)


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Just had my test results back for upcoming diabetic review at the beginning of May HbA1c 30 cholesterol 3.5 BMI now 19.6 blood pressure 103/58 and weight 56kg which is 8st 8lbs so weigh less on their scales :) sooooo super happy, it shows how important weight loss can for diabetes
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Cycling, Exercise Classes

Well I brought new scales - not digital as could not get any locally - no idea if I am losing or staying the same because even though it has a magnified section I am unable to read what it says!
So frustrating - now going to try and find a decent pair of digital scales............
So all I can say for sure is I have not gained weight as I can read the larger numbers on the dial...........
So considering I have been on holiday I have not gained weight - thankfully.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Just had my test results back for upcoming diabetic review at the beginning of May HbA1c 30 cholesterol 3.5 BMI now 19.6 blood pressure 103/58 and weight 56kg which is 8st 8lbs so weigh less on their scales :) sooooo super happy, it shows how important weight loss can for diabetes
What wonderful numbers, very happy for you.:joyful:
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)

Well I brought new scales - not digital as could not get any locally - no idea if I am losing or staying the same because even though it has a magnified section I am unable to read what it says!
So frustrating - now going to try and find a decent pair of digital scales............
So all I can say for sure is I have not gained weight as I can read the larger numbers on the dial...........
So considering I have been on holiday I have not gained weight - thankfully.
I rated funny because you did make me smile!!. Good luck with finding another set of scales;)
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Today's weight is 75.2kg, down 0.7kg since last Friday.

That makes an even 12.5kg lost since Christmas, and I am more than halfway. I am aiming for 64kg (at 5'3", that would bring my bmi to 25.)
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Retired Moderator
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Diet only
Good morning. Lost 0.8kg this week, bringing total weight loss to 9.9 kg - tantalisingly close to 10kg and 10% of my body weight since diagnosis.
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Good morning Everyone. Hope your weights are all heading in the right direction. Friday again. Had a hectic gardening week involving hauling lots of heavy barrows around. No sign of any muscle or appointment for the CT scan (waited 3 weeks now) but am now 77.7. A loss of .6 which is good for me especially as I have been eating lentils in the form of lentil and bacon soup and something that the recipe claimed was a cracker but turned out to be a cookie type splodge. This means I am not low carb any more. I guess I am moderate carb per the diet doctor scale but I am still too lazy to weigh anything. My cheese consumption has decreased to compensate for the lentils so less calories = more weight loss. My runes for the next week declare I shall be doing a lot of sitting on my butt and propping up greenhouse frames so I hope I can at least maintain current weight. My waist size yaws around in a very odd fashion. I have never got to 35 inches but it has gone up to 42 for short periods. Something to ask about at my well woman appointment in May.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Very heavy water retention. On monthly too. So far same weight but will weigh again as same time as last week then. I may have lost. We'll see. ;)
If same weight I put it down to less insulin and higher bgs. I was losing on more insulin and lower bgs!
Seeing specialist in 3mths time I will tell him my observation. Obviously water retention has been heavy throughout my weighing in.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
21/4 - Morning.
Despite hurting my arm 4 - 5 days ago and not doing much, I have been eating less and so I am pleasantly surprised to find I have lost 4 lbs since last Friday - weighed in at 12 stone 10 lbs this morning :).
Well Done to everyone on here, we are all "Winners" - :).


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type

Well I brought new scales - not digital as could not get any locally - no idea if I am losing or staying the same because even though it has a magnified section I am unable to read what it says!
So frustrating - now going to try and find a decent pair of digital scales............
So all I can say for sure is I have not gained weight as I can read the larger numbers on the dial...........
So considering I have been on holiday I have not gained weight - thankfully.
Well done @srobertson06 . Its lovely to see you on board. ;)
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I've bee stable at between 90-92 kilos for a while now, but this morning when I was due for a meds checkup with my GP, my weight appeared to be back up to 95 again - whatever I did to try to persuade the scales otherwise.... Knowing I'll always weigh more at the surgery (fully clothed and shod) I was a bit worried and anticipated a little slap on the wrist, but wonder of wonders - I'd actually gone down on their scales...:wideyed::wideyed::)



Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

Well I brought new scales - not digital as could not get any locally - no idea if I am losing or staying the same because even though it has a magnified section I am unable to read what it says!
So frustrating - now going to try and find a decent pair of digital scales............
So all I can say for sure is I have not gained weight as I can read the larger numbers on the dial...........
So considering I have been on holiday I have not gained weight - thankfully.

srobertson06, I have these scales: https://www.omron-healthcare.com/en-gb/products/weightmanagement#

Whilst I wanted some of the body composition data, for you, that you can use the hand grasps, which include the digital display at outstretched arm level, might make reading your displayed weight easier for you.

That particular model is the upper end of their range, with grasps, so there are others more moderately priced, depending on your desire for the additional body composition data.

For me, they have been money well spent. I like the idea I can track visceral fat levels for any potential increase, which I'd like to avoid, where possible.
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