weight loss

  1. T

    Best fat burning diet for type 2

    So, I currently do cardio workout at the gym (air bike, stairs and treadmill) that is apparently supposed to burn fat and it is working but only slowly. I was at 127kg and now I am 110kg and it took me 6 months. Which diet would help speed this process up?
  2. T

    Newbie on the block

    Before I continue with my introduction, I would like to add a trigger warning for those of you who have mental health problems. I apologize if this post offends you, it is not to offend anyone but for me to reach out for help and to share my experience. My name is Alan and I am a type 2...
  3. T

    Need Advice

    hi I know this forum is meant for people with diabetes but i signed up as I need some advice my Dad is 63 almost 64 and has type 1 diabetes recently his sugars have been really high some days to high for meter to read and today was 31 then when he took his isulin it only went down to 22 he has...
  4. L

    T2 fasting and metformin SR

    Both myself and my husband are type 2 and very overweight. the last two weeks we have been fasting 16:8 and 18-19:6 and slowly moving towards low carb. I have lost weight and he hasn’t lost as much, the difference being he still takes 2000mg daily and I just stopped. I suggested the failure to...
  5. TallulahsThoughts

    Tallulahs going to lose weight ! (And you can too!)

    Hi all, my name is Tallulah, I’m 29 and a pre diabetic with insulin resistance and PCOS. As of today, Sunday 26th March I weigh 13st 3lbs. I’d love to come off medication and my doctor has told me I need to try and follow a lower calorie diet so here I am. I’m going to aim for 12 weeks until...
  6. P

    Approved Would you be able to lose 15% body weight in order to manage, or even reverse T2 diabetes?

    It has been documented that in patients with BMI >25 (overweight and obese), a 15% loss of body weight can reverse T2 diabetes or prevent onset of diabetes in pre-diabetics. The difficulty is, losing this weight and maintaining it in the long-term is a huge challenge! As part of my masters...
  7. polarsun

    Metformin and CBD

    Type 1 diabetic having good success with appetite control and weight loss with 500mg metformin 4x/d and 10mg CBD 1x/d. Also am taking 30mg/d biofisitin and 100mg/d resveratrol and various other longevity supplements. CBD is my new addition and it is making me less anxious. By itself it doesn't...
  8. Munkki

    Improved numbers after pregnancy

    Hi all, I hope you are all well, and benefitting from the forum just as I do. I wanted to share what is probably a different kind of success story - but also ask, whether anyone has experienced anything similar, or has an explanation :writer: I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in Summer 2015...
  9. A

    Newly diagnosed - Gliclazide

    Hi All, Feeling a little lost. I'll introduce myself. I'm Alex, 31 with two young children. I am very overweight - currently weighing 147kg but did weigh 160kg at the beginning of my diabetes journey. It was an unexpected diagnosis. I went for a blood test to check something else and my...
  10. D

    Back t drawing board!

    I was first diagnosed with T2 diabetes about 10 years ago and given metformin 3 times daily and went on course to loose weight. Well had my ups and downs especially having asthma and needing steroids once or twice a year. I was 4ft 10ins my Bs 17 and 12st 10lbs I’ve lost a bit ono and off over...
  11. Debandez


    I will be forever grateful to all the forum members on here who guided me back to good health. Too many to mention and I don't want to leave anyone out so will just say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone. You know who you are. You do such an amazing job of helping and supporting.....and so much...
  12. E

    Weight loss & diabetes

    I’ve been consciously trying to lose weight for the last few months and but have mostly stayed around the same weight. My consultant seems to think that as my diabetes control is good, I will struggle to lose any but I’m starting to get frustrated with this. I have been going to the gym a few...
  13. D

    Metformin to break through stalled weight loss

    Has anyone used metformin to speed up glacially slow last-mile weight loss? I'm now in normal-to-prediabetes territory after LCHF-assisted weight loss approaching 20 kilos (remission criteria met). However, I am still around 2.5 kilos short of my target weight, which I want to achieve to give...
  14. S


    Hi, Can anyone talk to me about this article?Thanks https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8322232/#s3title
  15. finsit

    How to add back subcutaneous fat

    Hi guys, has anyone any idea or point me to some good video/study that shows how can I add back some subcutaneous fats without hurting my waistline or visceral fats? I have lost quite a bit of weight (mostly fats) in the previous months and even though my stats look great, to most of people I...
  16. Widgets

    I need to share this somewhere ...

    In June I went for routine blood tests because I have high blood pressure and am on medication for that. A follow up telephone appointment with the GP told me that I was pre-diabetic. Although he didn't give me the number for my A1C. He suggested an appointment with a diabetes nurse specialist...
  17. O

    At the end of my weight loss rope

    Hi Everyone - I am 32 and have 2 children. When my first child was born in 2017 I had gestational diabetes. After he was born I went right back to the gym and lost all of the baby weight and got in the best shape of my life. My husband and I experienced secondary infertility when trying for...
  18. L

    When you lose weight where does the fat go?

    This seems like a such a simple question, when considering the current rates of being overweight or obese and the strong interest in losing weight. However, there is surprising ignorance and confusion about the process of weight loss among the general public and health professionals alike. A...
  19. HeliGary

    Got back to work amongst other things.

    How do you know there is a helicopter pilot in the room ? They'll tell you, one of the oldest adages in aviation. No prizes for guessing that my diagnosis in Nov 2020 came with some potentially career limiting issues as I lost my medical which left me unable to fly. The diagnosis was a bit of...
  20. rilakkuma02

    Intermittent fasting, good result for BS Level?

    Hi, everyone, I have been doing intermittent fasting for nearly 2 months now. Have questions, doubts about if I have done it right, or things can be improved. My BS lever was 65 Hba1c (10.3mmol/L) in Aug. and I have been monitored my BG level for fasting, in 2 hrs and random in the evenings...