Hello all
I am confused. I have been put on trulicity and yes, I have lost a lot of weight. I am on the smallest dose and it has been amazing. The problem is, I don't know how it is working.
As I understand it, the drug is supposed to stop me from being hungry so I eat less. It doesn't. I have swopped to a lower calorie intake because after menopause, keto no longer worked for me (and a whole host of other things I won't go into here - suffice to say, I stopped keto, went back on it and it just didn't work). After a significant weight loss since taking Trulicity, I have started an exercise regime at home because I want to get rid of the "belly flap", and would like a taut, toned body.
Trulicity does not stop me from being hungry. I did start the lower calorie diet before going on it, and began a slight weight loss then. I thought the drug would help with the enormous hunger pangs, but I haven't noticed any difference. After taking the drug, I notice that even if I over eat, or eat things I shouldn't, I still lose weight, which is pretty disastrous for me because obviously I am constantly tempted to eat bad things and I don't get that kick up the back side anymore because I get up in the morning and I can see a continuing loss.
I am terrified that when I stop Trulicity that I will regain the weight. I don't know if I will have to stop, I'm simply hoping to reach a point in my weight loss, diabetes control journey where I wouldn't need so much medication any more, plus there is the obvious side effect of diabetic retinopathy. So, for example, if that were to suddenly get worse, the obvious solution would be to stop taking the drug. However, if my weight loss is also due to calorie control, my weight training and my other exercise routines, am I worrying about this too much? I had to stop it for 4 weeks due to lack of supply and I didn't gain weight and the doctor said he wouldn't prescribe anything else because I was having such a positive reaction to so small a dose that he didn't think I would regain the weight. The drug may have continued to work for a month after stopping, I don't know. However, all the information on the internet implies that weight gain is inevitable because people apparently regained their appetite. But I haven't lost mine.
My ultimate goal is to have a body which is more muscular, fitter and hopefully more healthy. I am hoping that I won't need this drug forever. The crunch issue is that I crave carbs non-stop. I appreciate that I buy **** and eat it, which is my fault and if I just stopped, that is much better for me. I would like to understand though what the future holds in that if I am going to stay on this drug forever, which seems to be the consensus of everyone out there, the temptation to eat what I like is going to be too much to bear.
Has anyone been on this drug and come off it?
Is there any hope I can keep my new body without it?
I am confused. I have been put on trulicity and yes, I have lost a lot of weight. I am on the smallest dose and it has been amazing. The problem is, I don't know how it is working.
As I understand it, the drug is supposed to stop me from being hungry so I eat less. It doesn't. I have swopped to a lower calorie intake because after menopause, keto no longer worked for me (and a whole host of other things I won't go into here - suffice to say, I stopped keto, went back on it and it just didn't work). After a significant weight loss since taking Trulicity, I have started an exercise regime at home because I want to get rid of the "belly flap", and would like a taut, toned body.
Trulicity does not stop me from being hungry. I did start the lower calorie diet before going on it, and began a slight weight loss then. I thought the drug would help with the enormous hunger pangs, but I haven't noticed any difference. After taking the drug, I notice that even if I over eat, or eat things I shouldn't, I still lose weight, which is pretty disastrous for me because obviously I am constantly tempted to eat bad things and I don't get that kick up the back side anymore because I get up in the morning and I can see a continuing loss.
I am terrified that when I stop Trulicity that I will regain the weight. I don't know if I will have to stop, I'm simply hoping to reach a point in my weight loss, diabetes control journey where I wouldn't need so much medication any more, plus there is the obvious side effect of diabetic retinopathy. So, for example, if that were to suddenly get worse, the obvious solution would be to stop taking the drug. However, if my weight loss is also due to calorie control, my weight training and my other exercise routines, am I worrying about this too much? I had to stop it for 4 weeks due to lack of supply and I didn't gain weight and the doctor said he wouldn't prescribe anything else because I was having such a positive reaction to so small a dose that he didn't think I would regain the weight. The drug may have continued to work for a month after stopping, I don't know. However, all the information on the internet implies that weight gain is inevitable because people apparently regained their appetite. But I haven't lost mine.
My ultimate goal is to have a body which is more muscular, fitter and hopefully more healthy. I am hoping that I won't need this drug forever. The crunch issue is that I crave carbs non-stop. I appreciate that I buy **** and eat it, which is my fault and if I just stopped, that is much better for me. I would like to understand though what the future holds in that if I am going to stay on this drug forever, which seems to be the consensus of everyone out there, the temptation to eat what I like is going to be too much to bear.
Has anyone been on this drug and come off it?
Is there any hope I can keep my new body without it?