What are you doing now and humorous banter.


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Type 2
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Diet only
If it's any help regarding the right kind of breed? I've always found (in general.) Labs pretty sensible dogs.. If your concern is H&S for a child.

I went for another greyhound as we had one before with my other granddaughter. Picked one that was placid and well natured.
Granddaughter number 2 will not be allowed to torment the dog, or upset him in any way. She found it very interesting today to climb into the bed we purchased yesterday. We have put the bed in the kitchen until he settles in as it's quieter in there
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Up washed and dressed , breakfast plus med.s and jab taken.... curtains not open yet so unsure what the weather like out there but feels a little colder today ...hope all have a great day


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Well I've been home for an hour.

First down as local anaesthetic. Was back on the ward for 9.40am

Not felt any pain yet but they said to expect it. Good job I bought some paracetamol

Otherwise lazy day - going to read some more of my book and might catch up on some tv. Now we have this new fangled Q box I can record more rubbish to watch when hubby is out. I have series and films so guess now the colder nights and days are coming I need to watch them. Took me months to watch Britannia through.

Well wet and windy here, hows the weather by you?
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Well-Known Member
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Don't have diabetes
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I do not have diabetes
Well I've been home for an hour.

First down as local anaesthetic. Was back on the ward for 9.40am

Not felt any pain yet but they said to expect it. Good job I bought some paracetamol

Otherwise lazy day - going to read some more of my book and might catch up on some tv. Now we have this new fangled Q box I can record more rubbish to watch when hubby is out. I have series and films so guess now the colder nights and days are coming I need to watch them. Took me months to watch Britannia through.

Well wet and windy here, hows the weather by you?
@wolfie11969 Sending feel better hugs :)....bit drizzly here....having lunch in local supermarket...
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
Well I've been home for an hour.

First down as local anaesthetic. Was back on the ward for 9.40am

Not felt any pain yet but they said to expect it. Good job I bought some paracetamol

Otherwise lazy day - going to read some more of my book and might catch up on some tv. Now we have this new fangled Q box I can record more rubbish to watch when hubby is out. I have series and films so guess now the colder nights and days are coming I need to watch them. Took me months to watch Britannia through.

Well wet and windy here, hows the weather by you?

Sending warm gentle hugs to you wolfie x


Well-Known Member
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awake at 4 am, why I ask myself tried to stay in bed but when you lay there you strat and think of all the things thta worry you so up I got and washed then tested bgl 5.8 so was not that which woke me up...oh well I thought go make a cuppa take yr tabs and look on the internet, which is exactly what i am doing laughs
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Morning all

Well what a change it makes weather wise. It's dry and pleasantly warm.

I'm undecided what to do today. Hubby off out to fetch some wood for the garden and I'm at a loose end. I might pop into town and if not then hop on the bus to the out of town shopping centre for a mooch.

Oh the joys

Have a good day all
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Well-Known Member
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Afteringnoon all. Just visited this thread for the first time in weeks, reoccurring theme seems to be.......
Dogs and dinner, therefore ( now that's a big word for me ) I shall draw the conclusion that you lot of dog and dinner posters are combining the two. I would guess I'm wrong, hopefully.
But just incase I do have a book on pet recipes.......no I'm not going to post it.
Tonight Mrs J is cooking me dead chicken and shrubbery.
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Well-Known Member
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feels a little cold this morning, just got up washed and dressed breakfast to have and med's and jab...then who knows what the day may bring :p


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all

Beautiful sunny day here in the Midlands. It's a bit cold though.

I'm off to fetch Freddie today - hoping with him being an ex racer he's used to travelling. We're picking him up before they feed them lunch so hoping not to have any sickness in the car.

I'm excited - like a kiddie at Christmas. Everything is ready for him. If I can work out how to make a photo smaller I'll post some of him later.

@alf_Josiah good to see you back


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
Treatment type
as usual up and dressed , breakfast had me's and jab had.... need go shopping today get my eggs and gonna make some low carb cakes am gettings recipes ready for Christmas cos no way can i eat normal cakes and pastry, had a rhubarb small tart and custard the other day and my level shot right up so no more of them which reminds me what do people use for pastry making?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all

Day 2 of Freddie - he's a very anxious dog, nervous at everything so we are going to walk him across the nature reserve instead of the estate (council estate not private estate - I'm not posh). He's just had weetabix and milk and is now settled on his quilt.

Today I have the daughter and granddaughters coming for tea. What Ava-May makes of Freddie I dont know. He will be muzzled until we can gauge his attitude towards a toddler.

Oh well off to find some form of training classes for Freddie. Just check the other threads first.

Enjoy your day
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