"What have you eaten" Parallel Chat


Type of diabetes
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I have just made a discovery: tea puts my BG up.

It's 2.30 am. My Libre alarm woke me up at 1.50 because BG had dropped to 3.6. So I got up and made myself a cup of tea with a little milk in it. Half and hour later BG was 4.4. Don't know if it will carry on rising or drop away again. I'll keep an eye on it.


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It did drop away again after I had had a cup of raspberry and echinacea tea (no milk) and dropped back to 3.6. Took my basal dose and a cup of ordinary tea with milk - up it went again and stayed around 9 - 11 all day.

Made the recipe that I found for peanut cookies. Just as the recipe, so not diabetic friendly (included sugar) they are for Em to eat because they are (to me) very sweet. Of course I had to try a bit of one, just to see. Will have to be careful because they are very moreish and I could scoff a few at one sitting. The idea is to adapt the recipe for no sugar now that I see what they are supposed to be like. With no sugar they should be quite acceptable - in small quantities of course. Maybe tomorrow.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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The idea is to adapt the recipe for no sugar now that I see what they are supposed to be like. With no sugar they should be quite acceptable - in small quantities of course. Maybe tomorrow.
What is the recipe?


Type of diabetes
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For about 18 cookies:
250 grams crunchy peanut butter
200 grams dark brown sugar
1 egg
All mixed together into a paste and large walnut sized pieces rolled into balls and placed on baking parchment (they are fairly greasy so I think the baking parchment or a silicone sheet is a good idea).
Flatten the cookies slightly with a fork.
Bake at 180C for 12 minutes. They should be golden brown when done.
Very soft when hot but they firm up as they cool.
Tomorrow I will add some coconut and maybe linseed and leave out the sugar. It might work, who knows?


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Em has decided that she doesn't like the peanut butter cookies, so I'll have to ask her dad if they are suitable for him. If not - the chickens. The sugarless version is a work in progress. I had to add a second egg to get a consistency that could actually be handled and the biscuits ended up tasting OK but didn't rise at all so remained as very small, plain biscuits, looking rather like small teething rusks but they are a bit softer than that. A bit bland as well. I had thought there was enough salt in the peanut butter but there wasn't and I should have added some. I used the last of the mixture to roll out very thin (not easy to handle - too lumpy with the peanut chunks) and sprinkled rock salt over them. Those ones are still in the oven but it's clear that the recipe needs work - smooth peanut butter, for a start.


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Today's experiment will be using a jar of coconut and peanut butter with some linseed and an egg. The thin crackers worked pretty well and crisped up quickly once cooked and the rock salt on top was excellent, but the dough was very hard to work and they are a bit crumbly - that's because the peanut butter was too crunchy really. Tasty though, and it didn't put BG up!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Today's experiment will be using a jar of coconut and peanut butter with some linseed and an egg.
Keep us updated!
I'll simply wait until you've perfected the recipe before making your peanut butter cookies! :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Oh joy! the NLP federal government have just given PBS card holders ten free RAT kits over a three month period. They should be giving every one, black white, and brindle for free.

It would stop the RAT price gouging going on at certain pharmacies here in Australia if they were made free.

Hmmm! smoko time.


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Ouch! I just received in the post, some dark chocolate which I rather fancied the idea of (not good grammar, I know) and decided I would try just one small square. It is called Black Widow and is 70% cocoa solids with ghost chilli. One square is quite enough to let me know it's too hot for me. Not sure if it will be too hot for No 2 son. Neil wouldn't be able to eat it anyway. And I went and bought 2 bars - one for me, one for No 2 son. Maybe I could use it in some savoury dish, little by little.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Ouch! I just received in the post, some dark chocolate which I rather fancied the idea of (not good grammar, I know) and decided I would try just one small square. It is called Black Widow and is 70% cocoa solids with ghost chilli. One square is quite enough to let me know it's too hot for me.
Aw, wish you were my neighbour, I'd happily eat them for you!


Retired Moderator
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I'd very happily give them to you, if you were close enough.
I know!
But I'm not, so you'll have to experiment with your sons suggestions and use them in a Mexican style dish. I think this will work out very good, so all the better for you! (And too bad for me I'm not closer :D)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Ouch! I just received in the post, some dark chocolate which I rather fancied the idea of (not good grammar, I know) and decided I would try just one small square. It is called Black Widow and is 70% cocoa solids with ghost chilli. One square is quite enough to let me know it's too hot for me. Not sure if it will be too hot for No 2 son. Neil wouldn't be able to eat it anyway. And I went and bought 2 bars - one for me, one for No 2 son. Maybe I could use it in some savoury dish, little by little.
I'd try some in a low carb chocolate cake, might be enough to just give a bit of warmth. Or melted with cream into a spicy hot chocolate drink?


Type of diabetes
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I'd try some in a low carb chocolate cake, might be enough to just give a bit of warmth. Or melted with cream into a spicy hot chocolate drink?

It really is so hot that I don't think it would work - a savoury dish would be my best option.


Type of diabetes
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Thinking about not only keeping carbs pretty low, but also trying to keep calories down as well, in an attempt to get some of this weight off. I reckon about 500 calories in the breakfast and I don't know about the 2nd meal, but it can't be much. The weight is one of the things that keeps me in a wheelchair - the arthritic legs won't take the weight and one of the things that made my original surgeon opt to do my surgery under a local anaesthetic. However, now that he is off sick, the replacement surgeon doesn't want to do that - he's rather do the job under a general anaesthetic. Risk or no.

I could refuse, and I did when there was a chance that I could have had one of my knees operated on. I knew they wouldn't do it without a general but was uncomfortable with what they were saying, so I declined the surgery. Fine by them - one less to do and there's been no other offer. Too late now - the waiting lists are so long that I probably wouldn't survive to see it.

Mind you, DIL's grandmother said that when she was offered surgery for her cataracts with a waiting list of 18 months. She was 99 at the time so she thought there was no point and they took her off the list. She died in 2021 at the age of 107!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Mind you, DIL's grandmother said that when she was offered surgery for her cataracts with a waiting list of 18 months. She was 99 at the time so she thought there was no point and they took her off the list. She died in 2021 at the age of 107!
The hug was for your situation, but this definitely needs a winner rating!
Hope she adapted to her vision loss well!


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It made life more difficult for her, but she was a very tough old bird and soldiered on. I admired her hugely.

As for me - I made my bed and I will lie on it. The knee operation was my own choice and I deliberately (and knowingly) ignored my own health while nursing my husband through his last few years. But I don't hink I will decline this time - cancer is an issue not to be ignored.