"What have you eaten" Parallel Chat


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Made my salmon Fu Yung. Ate it. Regretted it. Feels as though I am carrying a ton weight around in my stomach and didn't taste of much at all. Only used half of the salmon so the rest is in a box in the freezer for happier times. I have to cook a rolled shoulder of lamb before it goes off, but at least I can cook it, slice it and freeze for future use. I'll throw it into the oven and hope for the best.


Retired Moderator
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However, they tasted like cardboard. Not that they were overcooked, they were just done but the taste buds also seem to have gone on strike.
Any chance you have a bit of the covid?
Under the weather, food not tasting right, sounds like how I felt with it last time.
I don't know how much that (looks like a) barge weighs, but having seen what our 22 ton sailing yacht did to a relatively new marina mooring (and to a lesser extent itself), I'd urge enormous caution.

Yes, our boat was in a Cat 4 hurricaine at the time, but it is a sobering reminder of the power of Mother Nature.
Don't worry!
There was a long line from the outside bollard as well, I wasn't counting on the car holding the ship all by itself, and I did tighten that line as well after using the car to get the ship (a tjalk, 70 to 75 ton, at an educated guess) as close to the shore as possible.

It's also on a channel, no waves, very little wind, just some water movement from larger vessels passing by. And I wouldn't dream of leaving a car like that, it was only while actively working on it so eyes on what was happening at all times. :joyful:
I am guessing that wasn’t @Antje77 ‘s car!
Nope, it was my neighbour's (mine doesn't work again), serves him well for suddenly needing that uncomfortable and painful appointment with the GP! :hilarious:
edit: I see I am late with the info. So well done @Antje77 . You do need to consider the regular checks / cervical smear tests now, too.
Point taken. Remind me in 5 years?


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Doesn't feel like Covid. Doesn't feel even vaguely flu like. Feels more arthritic plus a very painful stomach - not sore, really painful and some measure of reflux. Not going to worry about it, it is on the way out even if it is taking its time to go. It had started before I had my Covid jab a few days ago - it might have made it worse, but certainly didn't cause it.


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Having veg today. Started with cold ratatouille. Plenty of fluids already. That was one of the odd things about this "infection" - if that's what it was. I usually have problems with waterworks because I have to take so many diuretics to stop me retaining fluid and swelling up but at the beginning of this, despite usual amount of fluids and diuretics, throughput dropped away to almost nothing. Bit concerning for the kidneys but things are pretty well back to normal now, so that's OK. Still inconvenient in itself because I can't leave the house if I take my pills but most days are manageable.

2nd meal will, in all probability, happen and will involve cold roast lamb.

Neil will shop, as usual and I am asking him to get me a cauliflower! Adventurous for me. Just want to try it again and see if I can tolerate it better after a break.

He's still working on the larder - filling cracks and holes left by the builders when they took pipes through it and repainting the walls. Next he has to put up a panel to cover 2 pipes that now stand out from the wall a bit. Then he will repaint those steel shelves that I told you about a few days ago (Kurust first and then Hammerite). Then I will be able to get, at least, my larder back into use.

EDIT: BG dropped while I was in the shower to 3.5 so just had a coconut biscuit to push it up a bit. Contains both flour and sugar, but not much and the biscuits are rings and so not much to them. Another cup of tea, I think. That might push it up a bit as well. At least the soup didn't hurt too much going into my stomach, so there's another improvement.
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Breakfast: refried lamb with a fried egg and 2 very thin slices of a large tomato and one very thin slice of onion.

2nd meal will be pork sausages and green beans. Shop bought sausages but high meat content. I may not approve of them but they do taste better than mine - at least the texture is better. And I just fancy having them. Not quite sticking to the very low carb at the moment - indulging myself while I feel ill. Back to the straight and narrow when I feel better.


Retired Moderator
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I've just realised I'm looking forward to the weekend...but my excitement will be in reading about your weekend!!
Hope it's a good one for you ;)
I'm about to have a social zoom with friends I haven't seen in too long, looking forward to it!

I made a headstart with the weekend yesterday with a sleepover at my neighbour, but had a rubbish night due to repeated hypos and rather bad neck pain despite paracetamol and ibuprofen. I went to bed early enough for my workday today, but it doesn't really help if you can't sleep...

So tonight I'll sleep in my own bed and treat myself to some stolen (from neighbour) crisps to prevent hypos, and a tramadol tablet for the neck, so tomorrow I'll be all fit and ready for a barbecue and booze with my neighbour! :happy:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
So tonight I'll sleep in my own bed and treat myself to some stolen (from neighbour) crisps to prevent hypos, and a tramadol tablet for the neck, so tomorrow I'll be all fit and ready for a barbecue and booze with my neighbour! :happy:
Is that stolen the same as the fruit loaf we call stollen here? @Antje77 In Germany, stollen is traditionally baked at Christmas and usually has marzipan in the middle.

Good night @Antje77and sleep well. The weekend will soon be upon us!


Retired Moderator
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Is that stolen the same as the fruit loaf we call stollen here? @Antje77 In Germany, stollen is traditionally baked at Christmas and usually has marzipan in the middle.

Good night @Antje77and sleep well. The weekend will soon be upon us!
German Stollen is called 'stol' here, specifically kerststol (Christmas stol) or paasstol (Easter stol).

But nothing of the kind today, I stole his crisps and put in some confusing brackets! :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
German Stollen is called 'stol' here, specifically kerststol (Christmas stol) or paasstol (Easter stol).

But nothing of the kind today, I stole his crisps and put in some confusing brackets! :hilarious:
Haha! Stolen crisps @Antje77. It seems so obvious now in the cold light of day.


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Breakfast: 2 crumpets. Yes - I know. I buy them for Em and, after her last visit until next week there were 2 left. They were getting past their best but I needed something to put the salmon pate on. So - 2 buttered crumpets piled up with h/m salmon pate, using the remainder of the salmon I was given a few days ago, along with some smoked salmon. 3 cups of the mixture in the freezer but half a cup for breakfast.

2nd meal will be shepherd's pie made with the rest of the rolled lamb roast, some veg and a swede crust. May follow with some raspberries and cream.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast: 2 crumpets. Yes - I know. I buy them for Em and, after her last visit until next week there were 2 left. They were getting past their best but I needed something to put the salmon pate on. So - 2 buttered crumpets piled up with h/m salmon pate, using the remainder of the salmon I was given a few days ago, along with some smoked salmon. 3 cups of the mixture in the freezer but half a cup for breakfast.

2nd meal will be shepherd's pie made with the rest of the rolled lamb roast, some veg and a swede crust. May follow with some raspberries and cream.
Crumpets freeze very well and toast perfectly from frozen. They are my OH's standby as we don't routinely buy a loaf of bread


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Neil went to town this morning to buy some wood and some paint to do this job on my larder. He came back with his purchases but told me he had popped in to a 2nd hand yard sale just outside Stornoway where he had seen 2 travel trunks similar to ones that we have. One a very elderly, probably Victorian, dome topped and wooden strapped one (like ours) and the other a blue, probably 50's flat topped one with leather handles. He mentioned these because I had been talking about storage for blankets and so on. It's a lovely warm day here so he offered to take me for a drive and to call in to see these trunks.

Long story short - we brought home 2 trunks. Both need restoring a bit but one was £20 and the other £25. Bargain! The more modern trunk has a very well-worn inscription painted onto it "M.Fisher, MV ?????, Medical Supplies". While we were thinking about the purchase Neil went inside the "emporium" (I couldn't get past all the furniture in the yard) and came back out to tell me that there were some tagines inside. He knew I have wanted to get myself a tagine for ages. The man brought out 3 of them - all identical except one had a bit of a chip on the rim of the bowl. He didn't actually know what they were but offered all 3 for £10...

I just gave one to Alistair and may give another to my friend. A good day and good value for £55 in all.

I did need a storage box (probably not 2, but I couldn't choose between them) and I didn't need 3 (or even 2) tagines. I'm trying to clear stuff from the house, not add to it. But no regrets. I love my new purchases. I may be a bit light headed and excitable it being my first outing for pleasure in about 20 years or more.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi All
@Annb you have been on a horrible rollercoaster of bad tummy again. Whenever I have a bad tum I limit myself to LC toast (or any toast) and tea to give tum a rest in processing. I hope the toasted crumpets had the reset effect for you. I loved reading about your Emporium purchases. We all love a bargain and finding stuff you like at a good price is really joyful.
I am having a quiet weekend after a hospital dash with my best friend Thurs/Fri. She had an excellent review with a specialist cardiac nurse and came away better informed, reassured and with a plan of medication treatment going forward with a review every 6 months. This stood out for me as one of the best appointments with the NHS that I have ever witnessed. This clinician was knowledgeable, empathetic, encouraging and didn’t rush and happy to answer any questions. It is astonishing that after 2 weeks in hospital with leaky valves they have been able to improve this with balancing 3 medications. She still has heart failure and may need surgery in the future but not right now.
Mr P is away on golf break so I have been eating what and when I fancy.
Friday night had Youngs jumbo scampi (a rare treat and working on the basis that ratio of crumb to bigger pieces better)with side salad. Supper last night was two whole chicken legs roasted to golden brown crispy skin with three baked local asparagus spears. Today lunch and supper are interchangeable either prawn cocktail & avocado or three meaty sausages and two scrambled eggs.
Quiet day of pottering inside and in the garden and catch up tv with my furry girls. Bliss.


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Breakfast - a bit late for breakfast, a bit early for brunch. Had to get on and have it so that I could take my new antibiotic pill. Running out of ideas for breakfast but there was some ratatouille left so I heated that and then dropped an egg into it and mixed it in. The heat of the stew cooked the egg. A bowlful of that was quite filling.

I have some sausages that I could have later, if I need any more food today.

The trunk with an inscription on it that we bought yesterday has a sticker on it that says "BOAC Singapore". When did BOAC become part of BEA, I wonder. I do remember it, but can't say when it was. BEA, of course, then became BA. Must have been quite a long time ago anyway. Maybe early 60's? Clearly the trunk has history though. Lots of rubbish in it - no treasure though. :)


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I did have the sausages for a 2nd meal today and with them had some "smashy peas". That's what I call them anyway - like mushy peas but made with defrosted garden peas and butter. Very nice and that'll definitely keep me going until tomorrow.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Breakfast - a bit late for breakfast, a bit early for brunch. Had to get on and have it so that I could take my new antibiotic pill. Running out of ideas for breakfast but there was some ratatouille left so I heated that and then dropped an egg into it and mixed it in. The heat of the stew cooked the egg. A bowlful of that was quite filling.

I have some sausages that I could have later, if I need any more food today.

The trunk with an inscription on it that we bought yesterday has a sticker on it that says "BOAC Singapore". When did BOAC become part of BEA, I wonder. I do remember it, but can't say when it was. BEA, of course, then became BA. Must have been quite a long time ago anyway. Maybe early 60's? Clearly the trunk has history though. Lots of rubbish in it - no treasure though. :)
BOAC and BEA were merged and became BA 1st April 1974


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BOAC and BEA were merged and became BA 1st April 1974
I hadn't realised it was s late, but I suppose it must have been because in Italy they were still talking about BEA in 1970 when we were there. I had difficulty understanding what was being said when Italian staff talked about something that sounded like "Bay Ya". I got it in the end though, so I should have remembered that it was after that when the merger happened.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I hadn't realised it was s late, but I suppose it must have been because in Italy they were still talking about BEA in 1970 when we were there. I had difficulty understanding what was being said when Italian staff talked about something that sounded like "Bay Ya". I got it in the end though, so I should have remembered that it was after that when the merger happened.
For a few years before the merger, they had to fly different routes so BEA went to Italy whereas BOAC did the longer hauls (mostly)