What have you eaten today?

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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
@Bluetit1802... This is my typical dinner.. This was yesterdays.. Chicken with white stilton and apricots and bacon wrapped round with salad....
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Have now gone to full size plates to try and eat more... Before they were just large side plates!! So hubby does lovely appetising foods which would be great if I sat behind a desk, or sat down at home.... Just too bust burning up calories constantly..

Agreed since your posting that we will sit down in mornings and have a cooked breakfast when OH on late shifts and alter the berries to evenings... Looking forward to them as mornings are so cold in winter when gardening so will have some warmth in me to go out with!! Thankyou..
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@Bluetit1802... This is my typical dinner.. This was yesterdays.. Chicken with white stilton and apricots and bacon wrapped round with salad.... View attachment 7120

Have now gone to full size plates to try and eat more... Before they were just large side plates!! So hubby does lovely appetising foods which would be great if I sat behind a desk, or sat down at home.... Just too bust burning up calories constantly..

Agreed since your posting that we will sit down in mornings and have a cooked breakfast when OH on late shifts and alter the berries to evenings... Looking forward to them as mornings are so cold in winter when gardening so will have some warmth in me to go out with!! Thankyou..

That looks delicious, and a good big plateful, although I wouldn't enjoy the lettuce very much. Well done for upping the size of the plate! Great idea to sit down and have a proper cooked breakfast. It would last you throughout a cold morning's gardening. I always look forward to a fry up, but we tend to have them either for lunch or tea. I really don't know why.


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This whole 'cured' thing really annoys me.
And the fact that health care professionals are using it as a carrot to goad people with a promise of a 'cure' is irresponsible.
And how long until they are using it as a stick to beat us?
It strikes me as ignorant, unprofessional and inflicting mental cruelty.
And no, I'm not exaggerating.
The first HCP who trots out that drivel to me, is not going to know what hits them.

The reality is that your diabetes type 2 may not be curable by losing weight.
It may be. But it may not.

It depends on you, your particular reason for being diabetic, your age, your physique, your beta cell count and regeneration rate, your other health issues, environmental, chemical, drug and diet factors... The list is endless.

And your nurse doesn't know (cannot KNOW) whether you are curable, or not. Nor can she know, if you seem cured, whether it will return in 1 year, 5 years, or at any time.

Losing weight, improving your BMI and hba1c is a fab thing and the best thing you can do in your circumstances, but please do not hang your hopes on a mythical cure.

If it happens, we will all celebrate with you, but if it doesn't, there will be fewer pieces to pick up, if you keep your expectations realistic.

Thanks. I do feel that they blame everything on weight alone and I've been told rather disappointingly by my doctor that it's all because I am overweight. No matter the fact I've been severely depressed for years and as soon as I started antidepressants the weight piled on after being a size 8 all my life. I've been told if I get the weight off which I am doing I will be "cured". Obviously I want that so much. It's not about wanting to go back to my old habits but yes I do miss not being able to join in with certain treats the family have.

I'm gonna start testing properly again now and try and get back on track. It's stupid she said not to test really because I don't know what new things I've tried have put my BG high and what haven't. I don't know why they get annoyed at us testing so much, how else are we supposed to learn.

I've been feeling very tired today and for some reason really really hungry which I've managed by drinking loads and loads of water. I'm gong to have a home cooked meal with plenty of fresh veg tomorrow. That always fills me up.


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I'd like to see pictures of meals on here to compare portion sizes.
If I have a salad I will have the normal amount of whatever meat I decide to have with it but masses of salad. I end up with a big plate full but it's mainly salad. I also have half the plate filled with veg if I have something else like a chicken breast, two boiled new potatoes and literally tons of veg. It fills me right up.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Thanks. I do feel that they blame everything on weight alone and I've been told rather disappointingly by my doctor that it's all because I am overweight. No matter the fact I've been severely depressed for years and as soon as I started antidepressants the weight piled on after being a size 8 all my life. I've been told if I get the weight off which I am doing I will be "cured". Obviously I want that so much. It's not about wanting to go back to my old habits but yes I do miss not being able to join in with certain treats the family have.

I'm gonna start testing properly again now and try and get back on track. It's stupid she said not to test really because I don't know what new things I've tried have put my BG high and what haven't. I don't know why they get annoyed at us testing so much, how else are we supposed to learn.

I've been feeling very tired today and for some reason really really hungry which I've managed by drinking loads and loads of water. I'm gong to have a home cooked meal with plenty of fresh veg tomorrow. That always fills me up.
ll bet your hunger was carb cravings, cos you'd had all those carbs in the ready meal. :(
For me, carb cravings are a restless craving feeling in my middle, like something is trying to gnaw its way out. No pain, just endless feeling of need Carbs, of course!

Good on you for handling it with water. My will power always beaks down. I've learned to handle it by eating good, filling, satisfying low carb food, coffee with cream, a full breakfast, cheese, LC hot choc. Protein isn't enough, the fat is the key.

I understand some people don't get the cravings. Lucky sods. I used to think I had no will power, but then I realised, I have masses of willpower for other stuff (work, reading, writing, research), it is just metabolic stuff that it breaks down - and if I stick to LC (low enough carb), my self discipline comes up to speed in that area of my life too.
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Breakfast was 2 tuna fishcakes I made last night and chilled then baked in the oven whilst I had my shower ect I used a little ground almond and an egg to bind. Were v nice

Lunch was salami and brie and celery and 3 glasses of water
(Peeing for england here folks)

Dinner is a nice lamb steak with home made mint sauce (splenda mint chopped and white wine vineagar)
With green beans and hispi cabbage about 10z all told

Snack was 3 almonds and maybe a little greek yoghurt around 8 ish
Water water water
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Weird Science

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2 LivLife with marmite

Pork nam tok

King prawn, brocolli and other veg Kaeng Som curry / soup

Nut ball
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cold ethyl

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breakfast bacon, mushroom, poached egg
lunch bit of everything salad
dinner keema and pea curry, gujerati green beans, 1/2 poppadum
snack 2 big squares 73% chocolate and a few naughty crisps with my lunch out of Mr E's bag.


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Diet only
Sausage and eggs coffee

Home made kebab wraps

Half pack of crackling (trying to wean myself off them)

Two bits of cake from McMillan coffee morning leftovers

Salami and Brie salad

Yoghurt and strawbs

2 teas


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Tablets (oral)
People who interrupt you when you're talking and people who won't listen.
Yesterday. Not a good day. Travelling...motorway services and eating at a friends house. You know already this isn't going to be a low carb day. Don't beat me up for it...i already did that :(

Snack- egg, 3 walnuts
Lunch- burger and fries (bleh...tasted **** too)
Dinner- sausage casserole, cabbage, tbsp peas, tbsp root veg mash with summer fruit pie and cream (tiny portion)

I hate traveling and being out of my usual routine. I find it stressful and i always make **** food choices. Can't wait to get back home :(
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Breakfast as always is 4 half boiled eggs, 1 tbs of butter and a mug of black coffee (with nothing added).

I normally have 3 meals a day but for this week I am trying this "eat only when hungry approach" so..

Early supper consisted of 1 gorgeous lamb patty pan fried with 1 tbs of butter, half a baby butterhead lettuce, 4 cherry tomatoes and about 20gm of feta cheese. :)


Retired Moderator
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Diet only
Yesterday must have been day 14 of this diabetic miracle eating lark :woot:

It is going so well that I think I am getting a bit too blasé :grumpy:

I'm supposed to eat something (meal or snack) every 5 hours, and only have carbs with meals.

The thinking is that unless we eat that regularly, our livers may dump, and part of the aim is to retrain the liver to be less hair-trigger with its dumpage.

Anyway, as I say, I've been getting a wee bit casual on two fronts; watching the clock for 5 hourly snack moments, and ensuring the carbs only happen during meals.

Don't think I've messed up yet. But have come close, a couple of times...
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So far today...
B was really not that inventive. Was in a hurry. 1 boiled egg and 2 glasses water and an espresso coffee
Luch just now was a rocket salad with olive oil and lemon juice with 1 carb free home made burger grilled with mushrooms sauteed in a tiny knob of butter

Dinner to follow. No idea yet.


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Hazelnuts, full fat Fage Greek yoghurt, cinnamon, vanilla, 10 blueberries
Home made cappuccino and 16g Lindt 85%
Jamie Oliver's 'Jool's Favourite Beef Stew' , Brussels sprouts and French beans. Sugar free jelly and double cream


Well-Known Member
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Yesterday. Not a good day. Travelling...motorway services and eating at a friends house. You know already this isn't going to be a low carb day. Don't beat me up for it...i already did that :(

Snack- egg, 3 walnuts
Lunch- burger and fries (bleh...tasted **** too)
Dinner- sausage casserole, cabbage, tbsp peas, tbsp root veg mash with summer fruit pie and cream (tiny portion)

I hate traveling and being out of my usual routine. I find it stressful and i always make **** food choices. Can't wait to get back home :(

I find driving and eating away from home disruptive to my diabetes control, so I'm not going to beat you up for having the same problem! :(:) Driving sends my bs upwards. I feel it should do the opposite, but usually it doesn't. Yeah, I take my dad out for coffee and cake, after I've driven the motorway for 1.5 hours. We have a great time, as (my Dad lives in a care home), we have found a wonderful cafe where there is a convenient disabled parking place, where there is plenty of time to sit and talk, where the waiters/waitresses are relaxed and welcoming, where the coffee and tea are good and where my dad can have a slice of home-made cake. He's 97 but likes to get out and see the countryside and we chat about old times and laugh about funny memories. I drink their coffee, and sometimes they have dark chocolate for sale, but not always unfortunately, and I don't eat their cake. Quick bs check before the return to the care home, the motorway and home. Shattered. :confused:
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Dinner tonight is pork tenderloin pieces stir fried with mushrooms and cauliflower cheese the sauce made with cream and an egg yolk and grated strong cheddar and a teasp of mustard...I'm getting obsessed here. Even checked 'wholegrain mustard' carbs. Lol


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Day 15 Diabetic Miracle eating:

Peanut 9bar and a coffee with cream (very short of time!)
four slices of Edam and an Atkins overly sweet chocolate shake (even less time!)
herb teas
two 100% meat burgers, asparagus and broccoli, followed by a mug cake and cream

What a weird day...
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Avocado Sevenfold

Brunch: feta omelette, ketchup

Grazing throughout the day: trying and failing to perfect the perfect crepe

Dinner: cheesy jalapeño poppers

cold ethyl

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Diet only
breakfast bacon, poached egg, tinned mushrooms, dollop piccallili
lunch tuna and bits salad some dark choccie
dinner ( out at Mum's till late) bowl homemade ham broth with slice of ham
snack cheese
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