What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
good evening all :)

4.6 today

Sunday again :) lunch at mum's, italian meatballs with lots of cheese :angelic:
Afters was fruit crumble, I did not manage to resist :sorry: the fruit was stuff from mum's (pear) and a neighbours (bramley apple) stewed together sweetened with erythritol.
Topping was a try out at making something LCish crumble looking. I used a mix of ground almond and sunflower seeds, whey protein and erythritol with a bit of wheat gluten added. then made it into a crumble with some butter. Looked good and tasted fine, it was quite light, not exactly crumble but much lower carb ;) it all went anyway. Baked about 10 mins to brown and served with cream :D (bg 2 hrs later is 4.4 and fingers crossed for tomorrow's fasting bg)

A reflective day, mr gee's dad was in the army during WWII and his mum and dad met because mum was in the land army. the uncle mr gee was named for was killed by a sniper in Italy whilst laying communication cables.

Hope your day is treating you gently:)

@Cumberland - hello there, nice to see you :)

@dunelm - a very thought provoking and sensitive piece of art, thank you.

@gennepher - a beautiful and evocative memory beautifully painted, the water and foliage are lovely :)

@ianpspurs - the way I look at it at least this WOE gives us some level of chance for a measure of control and improvement, beats the alternative ;)

@Muddy Cyclist - What a lovely autumn painting, and thank you for sharing the process stages with us. That foreground foliage is fantastic :joyful:

art bit -

still working on sky
View attachment 45260

Hello there talented one
Admire your painting


Well-Known Member
Stood outside the door for 2 minute silence noticed one other neighbour on the cul de sac did likewise as we waved to acknowledge each other, he is stationed at RAF Spadeadam so kinda expected him to be there

Lest we forget
This’ll be the first year in a long time that I won’t be playing the Last Post. I have crystal clear memories of my first year teaching at a really rough local secondary school. Over a thousand children in the school sports hall. The local branch of the British Legion, local Air and Sea Cadet detachments including Standard bearers. And me, standing in the corner with my trumpet. I’d never seen such astonished, engaged and respectful expressions on those children’s faces. It was a much quieter school that day.
There was still half a corned beef sandwich stuck to the Practice Room door when I went to teach though, so I knew I was still in the right place.
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This’ll be the first year in a long time that I won’t be playing the Last Post. I have crystal clear memories of my first year teaching at a really rough local secondary school. Over a thousand children in the school sports hall. The local branch of the British Legion, local Air and Sea Cadet detachments including Standard bearers. And me, standing in the corner with my trumpet. I’d never seen such astonished, engaged and respectful expressions on those children’s faces. It was a much quieter school that day.
There was still half a corned beef sandwich stuck to the Practice Room door when I went to teach though, so I knew I was still in the right place.
Good gracious we would never have done that with a corned beef sandwich and I went to a really rough school.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I've had another parcel of stuff returned to Amazon, because it became undeliverable in transit. Again it became undeliverable at the point of the Amazon depot in Liverpool.

It took me long enough getting my money back off Amazon last time a couple of weeks ago. It should have been automatically refunded, but it wasn't so I had to chase it up.

Something is not right here.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good evening all :)

4.6 today

Sunday again :) lunch at mum's, italian meatballs with lots of cheese :angelic:
Afters was fruit crumble, I did not manage to resist :sorry: the fruit was stuff from mum's (pear) and a neighbours (bramley apple) stewed together sweetened with erythritol.
Topping was a try out at making something LCish crumble looking. I used a mix of ground almond and sunflower seeds, whey protein and erythritol with a bit of wheat gluten added. then made it into a crumble with some butter. Looked good and tasted fine, it was quite light, not exactly crumble but much lower carb ;) it all went anyway. Baked about 10 mins to brown and served with cream :D (bg 2 hrs later is 4.4 and fingers crossed for tomorrow's fasting bg)

A reflective day, mr gee's dad was in the army during WWII and his mum and dad met because mum was in the land army. the uncle mr gee was named for was killed by a sniper in Italy whilst laying communication cables.

Hope your day is treating you gently:)

@Cumberland - hello there, nice to see you :)

@dunelm - a very thought provoking and sensitive piece of art, thank you.

@gennepher - a beautiful and evocative memory beautifully painted, the water and foliage are lovely :)

@ianpspurs - the way I look at it at least this WOE gives us some level of chance for a measure of control and improvement, beats the alternative ;)

@Muddy Cyclist - What a lovely autumn painting, and thank you for sharing the process stages with us. That foreground foliage is fantastic :joyful:

art bit -

still working on sky
View attachment 45260
Thank you - that crumble sounds great - I must experiment.
Another smashing landscape - excellent


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from a wonderfully quiet morning in the dark and dangerous north

The wonder wheel of roasted vegetables topped with stir fried Korean spiced chicken strips came in at 4.8 this am

We have a guest - our youngest grandchild is sleeping upstairs - it’s her first sojourn so very much an experiment - took her a while to settle but has slept through the night. So far, so good and following the bubble guidelines. She will be 1 year old later this month.

In other news - and far more important than hiding on a golf course throwing random words at twitter, I had a single glass of wine last night - first since the previous Sunday - must be on the mend. I may try a bit of curtain twitching later on if I feel brave enough.

Hope everyone has a fine day. Best get my koffy before the silence is broken.
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What a strange world we live in where a former American president morphs into Verruca Salt and has to be dragged and screaming out of the White House door shouting, "I want to be President!"


What a pleasure it is @dunelm for you and your better half to look after
a young grandchild.

We just have the one grandson who now at 14 has a dark brown voice, but we well remember looking after him for his mum and dad so that they could have a change of scene.

A new week in prospect with unseasonably mild weather again. I well remember years ago when snow lay on the fells below High Pike for weeks before Christmas and on occasions back into November.

Have a good week everyone and stay safe.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Prefer not to say
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
4.9 this morning and a slight drop in ketones to 1.9 but all is good ;)

@gennepher you really don't have much joy with Amazon. I must be lucky with my zone as they delivered twice yesterday with no problems. I was expecting both orders together but Alexa alerted me to the split and when they arrived. I have DPD rocking up today and they have already fixed their 1-hour slot, which leaves the scary delivery to Wed and the dreaded Hermes. Hopefully, you can get a faster resolution this time.

My favourite piece of news today was this, a new frontier :)

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
A long day yesterday at MILs and Daughters house move, did lots ache today.

Some fine art yesterday, impressed as usual by @gennepher @dunelm and @geefull all turned up trumps.

@Cumberland welcome back. We stood outside at MILs bungalow, us, friends helping with furniture removal, daughter and youngest grandaughter and like you not another soul in the Close could be seen. Hope you are doing OK.

Aunties funeral today and our singing bit inside at front of the church, 'To God be the Glory' in 4 parts. Sad day as no socialising to share life stories and remember the 99 year old lady.

BG for me today 6.2

Keep safe.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning all. Today I am mostly wearing a smile because Spurs won, I love the image of @dunelm 's granddaughter sleeping over, it is wonderful to see @Cumberland posting again, I really enjoyed @SilverK's account of Remembrance celebration in that school and @lindisfel's comparison of Trump with Veruca Salt. Sail serenely through the first full week of Lockdown 2. I have a goose to defrost/defrock for Wednesday Sunday now and a nice man to lay a new floor and skirting in my hallway - it's either all go or all gone . Pip Pip old Toots.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
What a pleasure it is @dunelm for you and your better half to look after
a young grandchild.

We just have the one grandson who now at 14 has a dark brown voice, but we well remember looking after him for his mum and dad so that they could have a change of scene.
It certainly is. We have been doing this now for 16 years - oldest - then down through our only grandson (11), then 6, then twins at 3 and now our youngest - I wonder how long it will be before she declares, as they always do, that the bedroom is now hers even though they all take the same room when they stay over.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
4.9 this morning and a slight drop in ketones to 1.9 but all is good ;)
@gennepher you really don't have much joy with Amazon. I must be lucky with my zone as they delivered twice yesterday with no problems. I was expecting both orders together but Alexa alerted me to the split and when they arrived. I have DPD rocki ng up today and they have already fixed their 1-hour slot, which leaves the scary delivery to Wed and the dreaded Hermes. Hopefully, you can get a faster resolution this time.

My favourite piece of news today was this, a new frontier :)
Fabulous trekkie - potentially boldly delivering medical interventions where no delivery system has been before - far more interesting than a tug boat. https://www.engadget.com/researcher...oQagxyAVIg-QXlZoEI2-hFhzVyZKaWwXcEva9KYXhOwAM
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
A long day yesterday at MILs and Daughters house move, did lots ache today.

Some fine art yesterday, impressed as usual by @gennepher @dunelm and @geefull all turned up trumps.

@Cumberland welcome back. We stood outside at MILs bungalow, us, friends helping with furniture removal, daughter and youngest grandaughter and like you not another soul in the Close could be seen. Hope you are doing OK.

Aunties funeral today and our singing bit inside at front of the church, 'To God be the Glory' in 4 parts. Sad day as no socialising to share life stories and remember the 99 year old lady.

BG for me today 6.2

Keep safe.
A sad day but hopefully being able to be present in the church and taking part in the service will help for now. Peace be with you all.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5.4 this morning so am back on track. Our walk around Oxburgh Hall yesterday was lovely. The woodland was bathed in misty sunshine.

A bit gloomy and very misty this morning. Today will be doing Zoom classes and admin.on the computer.