What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from the dark and dangerous north.

The wonder wheel of getting wet on the beach followed by a Lilliputian version of a scene from Chariots Of Fire yesterday came in at a Hawaiian 5.0 this am.

The grandchildren are off home today but still time for a toddlers session this morning at a trampoline park before setting off.
Still unable to sit for very long so Mrs Miggins will be accompanied by her twin sister down to the half way exchange point about 2 hours away.
At least on grandchild is now up and demanding breakfast so TTFN


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning all you really, really useful folks. Fbg of 5.4 today for me. Wonder just how accurate the meter is and how protective from nasties that kind of level really is. All these known and unknown unknowns leave one so discombobulated. Put the mattock and mutt to good use yesterday helped by No 1 son - good day. May your numbers remain comfortably low and your joys soar to amazing heights.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. Strange things going on in meter land today. At 06.30 on way back from bathroom (foot to floor and all that) 4.8 (what, cant be true). Didnt get back to sleep so at 07.30 tried again and got a 5.6. Its in the zone so alls well.
Very windy night again here, whipping around the four corners of the house. Today is a gentle day. Mr PM off to the Emirates so I will get snug with some useless tv and a pair of furries. Next weekend by contrast shaping up up to be hectic with helping No 2 son move into his first home and No 1 son also back with us.
What is all this confusion about wet wood and coal ban about? Anyone with half a brain knows you cant burn wood that hasnt been seasoned for two years. Theres no gas in our village so virtually all the cottages are heated by open fires or stoves. Will the current “smokeless coal” be allowed or what is this coal “replacement product” they are on about? Answers on a postcard please.
Have a great Sunday everyone. Stay well, stay safe.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.3 at 4am

It seems the way I am eating at the moment is keeping me in the 6's for fbg
It is always nuts for breakfast which is around 4 to 6am. I love nibbling when I am doing my early morning painting. And I might even get a second helping of those nuts ...
Then can be eggs (or something else as sliced meat if I have some in, or both boiled eggs and meat) around 11am to 12 noon
Then fish (maybe fish fingers) around 4 to 6 pm and maybe some garden peas.
During the day I might have some cheese or a few black grapes if I have some in.
Also during the day might be a very tiny packet of pork scratchings (I get a bag of these tiny packets).
Also I probably eat one all day breakfast out (or two) during the week. Or instead of one breakfast I might have cod in batter from the fish and chip shop. It just depends on my week.

So that is an update where my eating is at the moment.

Here is my daily painting of my daily painting challenge to myself.


I squished the left over acrylic paints on my palette with added water.
Left it to dry.
Then it suggested a waterfall.
So, I used the children's tempera paint sticks I have shown you in previous days paintings. The waterfall and clouds were done with the the blackboard white chalk pen I showed you yesterday. I just used my finger to swirl the clouds. Then the waterfall...I used a palette knife swiped downwards on the freshly applied chalk pen, and it created the waterfall effect. And because (I presume) I had squished the old acrylic paint in every direction on the paper, it created a texture for the chalk pen white when I used the palette knife. Hence you see water spray! That was a nice surprise! Then finally my black Japanese fude pen for the trees...

A horrid day outside. Rain and wind....
Take care
Have fun
Hugs if you need them...

Barb McD

Well-Known Member
Morning folks,

Fbg 3.2 Temp 40 C

Today I am volunteered for a Pancake Day practice run, I fear I was duped by a little gang of mini McD’s - seven of them all asking Nana for pink & green pancakes today.

Ladies & gents I am Barb and I am a pushover lol

No pancakes for me because (shhh this is a secret) I’ve made so **** many, for so many children, I don’t even like my own pancakes. A bought one sneakily toasted once a month fulfils my needs. Today I expect to make for 7 littles, 9 grown ups (!!!) then Muffin & I will have a nap.

Great day coming, super happy inside despite my health issues.
Really don’t want to make that many pancakes. But I will .

I like to be useful *shines badge*

Happy day to everyone, everywhere.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
@gennepher that is I think my favourite of yours. I am amazed by the spray and how you did the edge the water goes over. I feel I am standing there by the tree watching it. Thank you. I like the sound of all your food and its nice you get a meal you dont have to prepare regularly. I think fish in any form is very good and I dont know how I would manage without eggs. Hope you and Popeye have a cosy day with no intruders.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning All. Strange things going on in meter land today. At 06.30 on way back from bathroom (foot to floor and all that) 4.8 (what, cant be true). Didnt get back to sleep so at 07.30 tried again and got a 5.6. Its in the zone so alls well.
Very windy night again here, whipping around the four corners of the house. Today is a gentle day. Mr PM off to the Emirates so I will get snug with some useless tv and a pair of furries. Next weekend by contrast shaping up up to be hectic with helping No 2 son move into his first home and No 1 son also back with us.
What is all this confusion about wet wood and coal ban about? Anyone with half a brain knows you cant burn wood that hasnt been seasoned for two years. Theres no gas in our village so virtually all the cottages are heated by open fires or stoves. Will the current “smokeless coal” be allowed or what is this coal “replacement product” they are on about? Answers on a postcard please.
Have a great Sunday everyone. Stay well, stay safe.
Hugs @PenguinMum for bureaucracy not taking into consideration the general needs of the population...
It causes uncertainty, and possible added cost with their replacement product...
Take care
Enjoy your tv and the furballs
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning folks,

Fbg 3.2 Temp 40 C

Today I am volunteered for a Pancake Day practice run, I fear I was duped by a little gang of mini McD’s - seven of them all asking Nana for pink & green pancakes today.

Ladies & gents I am Barb and I am a pushover lol

No pancakes for me because (shhh this is a secret) I’ve made so **** many, for so many children, I don’t even like my own pancakes. A bought one sneakily toasted once a month fulfils my needs. Today I expect to make for 7 littles, 9 grown ups (!!!) then Muffin & I will have a nap.

Great day coming, super happy inside despite my health issues.
Really don’t want to make that many pancakes. But I will .

I like to be useful *shines badge*

Happy day to everyone, everywhere.

Have a great day. That sounds certain but just how many pancakes will that be and pink and green?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning folks,

Fbg 3.2 Temp 40 C

Today I am volunteered for a Pancake Day practice run, I fear I was duped by a little gang of mini McD’s - seven of them all asking Nana for pink & green pancakes today.

Ladies & gents I am Barb and I am a pushover lol

No pancakes for me because (shhh this is a secret) I’ve made so **** many, for so many children, I don’t even like my own pancakes. A bought one sneakily toasted once a month fulfils my needs. Today I expect to make for 7 littles, 9 grown ups (!!!) then Muffin & I will have a nap.

Great day coming, super happy inside despite my health issues.
Really don’t want to make that many pancakes. But I will .

I like to be useful *shines badge*

Happy day to everyone, everywhere.

Good morning Barb you sound like a very kind granny to make pancakes on that scale. Pink and green? There arent many foods (cream yuk) I dont like but pancakes is one of them. Its odd because Inlike omelettes but the texture of pancakes leaves me cold. As a family we have never done the Pancake Tuesday thing so none of us like them.
Your temp seems a little high? Hope you get some help in the kitchen!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning folks,

Fbg 3.2 Temp 40 C

Today I am volunteered for a Pancake Day practice run, I fear I was duped by a little gang of mini McD’s - seven of them all asking Nana for pink & green pancakes today.

Ladies & gents I am Barb and I am a pushover lol

No pancakes for me because (shhh this is a secret) I’ve made so **** many, for so many children, I don’t even like my own pancakes. A bought one sneakily toasted once a month fulfils my needs. Today I expect to make for 7 littles, 9 grown ups (!!!) then Muffin & I will have a nap.

Great day coming, super happy inside despite my health issues.
Really don’t want to make that many pancakes. But I will .

I like to be useful *shines badge*

Happy day to everyone, everywhere.

Hi @Barb McD
Pancake practice run sounds good!
Your shiny yellow badge is beautiful!!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Prefer not to say
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
5.9 this morning and a lazy day ahead, probably a book day. I've been volunteered for cat sitting duties by her ladyship for three days, but I don't mind. Toby is a lovely old fella who just wants to be fed and cuddled (a bit like me then :)).


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Being follicly challenged I have many caps, buffs, Tilley Hats, beanies and fedoras. Seldom seen summer or winter without some headgear and to think back in the 60s I had lots of long hair. :(

Mr C is the same and also has many hats - he bought a Tilley hat last year, and although it was ridiculously expensive he says it’s the best thing he’s ever bought! It’s really come into its own with the recent weather. And it comes with a lifetime guarantee!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
@gennepher that is I think my favourite of yours. I am amazed by the spray and how you did the edge the water goes over. I feel I am standing there by the tree watching it. Thank you. I like the sound of all your food and its nice you get a meal you dont have to prepare regularly. I think fish in any form is very good and I dont know how I would manage without eggs. Hope you and Popeye have a cosy day with no intruders.
Thank you for that compliment @PenguinMum !
That was a brilliant surprise how that water and spray worked out.
I do use a lot of eggs...hard boiled eggs too.
Thank you for your wishes.
It is a dreich day here, so I cannot see either Popeye or I emerging from under the electric blanket...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning/evening folks, an unforgiving 6.1 on the dice today, back on cabin duty today, roof to finish, doors and windows to level and fix, floor to fit, all in I think it's just easier to pay someone else to do it.

Two pancakes for me Barb, orange juice and golden syrup and rolled up....on second thoughts I'd better just make an omelette.
Have a lovely day all, looks like it's going to be a wet one.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning Barb you sound like a very kind granny to make pancakes on that scale. Pink and green? There arent many foods (cream yuk) I dont like but pancakes is one of them. Its odd because Inlike omelettes but the texture of pancakes leaves me cold. As a family we have never done the Pancake Tuesday thing so none of us like them.
Your temp seems a little high? Hope you get some help in the kitchen!
With you on pancakes (and waffles) but Julie and the boys love 'em. Fortunately? being Little America here The Pancake and waffle shack does home deliveries from 8.30 till late!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all. 5.8 today horrible weather outside, the wind makes an otherworldly keening noise when it blows round the big granite rock which is a local landmark here. It’s quite spooky. This is a photo of it taken from the bedroom window on a clearer day. The orange speck is Mr C in High viz.

Wonderful picture again @gennepher and a wonderful fbg @PenguinMum enjoy your day curled up in the warm with the furries. I have to try to get Dennis out in a bit - we are supposed to be going on a charity beach dog walk but he won’t want to go unless the rain stops. Agree about all the wood and coal burners.
@BarbMcD looks like you have a really fun day ahead. I’m not mentioning your punk and green pancakes to my granddaughters or they’ll want them too.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Have they fitted indicators to them yet :)
What BMW drivers don't need to indicate...my previous car was a classic BMW 330CI midnight blue with a leather cream interior...a couple of years ago a friend invited for lunch was parking & drove straight into the back of it...she got herself in such a panic she reversed shot forward again and rammed into the boot with such force my car shunted into the car in front...the insurance company wrote my car off...I was devastated...I wouldn't have found a suitable replacement (spent lots of money on it) in such good condition so now drive another make.
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