What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good afternoon all :)

4.4 this morning

it's blowing rather briskly outside today so I've been sorting out some of my recently unearthed winter weight stuff. I started small with good intentions then it sort of escalated until I had to keep going if I ever wanted to be able to get into bed :hilarious:

Cold callers are the pits! They're annoying when they immediately hang up after you've galloped across the house to grab the phone, equally annoying if they don't hang up and waste your time.
Mind you, we did get three instant hang up calls last week, I was annoyed enough to check the number online to see who it was, turned out it was automated bot. reminder calls from the Health Board for the flu jab appointments :)

Mum doesn't like the amount of waste for all the unsolicited advertising bumph she keeps getting. so she deals with it by sealing up the freepost reply envelopes and posting them back so it costs them for the postage;)

Hope your day is treating you kindly :)

@gennepher - I agree that doing intricate black and white is quite therapeutic, also that it's hard on the hands nowadays :sorry: I got a pack of 5 cheap kids pencils from Home Bargains, each one had a rubbery padded pencil grip on it so I have taken them off and can use them on my drawing pencils ;)
I like both versions of your art today, perhaps the more monocrome one has the edge, it's very atmospheric :)

@lindisfel - some lovely scenery today, I hope your scan visit goes smoothly :)

@dunelm - interesting spatter patterns, it's worked out very harmoniously :)

@ianpspurs - I could probably eat that cabbage casserole, as a side dish ;)

@Muddy Cyclist - hope your tidying up ends goes apace :)

art bit - thought I'd have a bash at the craggy rocks ;) this was based on a photo I saw on the net (from memory I think it was of somewhere in China)

View attachment 45576
Wonderful mountain - looks like Zhangjiajie National Park. I like the way that you have been quite minimal with the mountain peak while at the same time describing the essence of it’s shape and texture. Trees fab and I love that smokey, misty background that reminds me so much of walking in the Appalatians quite a few years ago.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
On our way to MILs this morning I noticed the Beech have mostly lost their leaves but their trunks were lit by the low sun against the dark clouds. The Larch still glowed and so on our return home I unwound with a glass of red, Beethovens Sonatas for Cello and Piano on my music centre and quickly started a watercolour based on what I saw. Will finish Sunday.

A4 so far 20 minutes, you can see where the Beech Trees will be on the left. Larch have gone a bit muddy, should have changed my water :banghead: I will try and sort in the morning....
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Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 5.9

On the days I have been good with eating, I have been only eating in a 4 to 6 hour window. Yesterday my window of eating was a 5 hour window.

Okay, painting for today. A digital painting in ZenBrush3. Then in Procreate to do the splatter of snow. Then in Snapseed for name, year, and black frame.

But Snapseed kept freezing or crashing, and it took me longer doing the name and frame than painting this digital painting. Snapseed has just been updated, so I hope a fix is done soon, or else I shall have to find another app for name and frame...

I am sort of practising in ZenBrush3 for when I do some Xmas cards in real ink and paper. But I fear I am running out of time. Can I finally clear my painting table today? So I can do some Xmas cards...

Maybe...maybe not...but I have another project I want to do today...

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
5.9 ➡️
I made myself drink two 750ml bottles of water yesterday and accepted the inevitable loo wake-ups but after a day where my sensor was rising and falling more than anyone doing ballroom on Saturday's Strictly Come Dancing, the levels looked smoothish overnight.

It was a late finish last night with the match ending around 11pm so no point in putting live then as we would get no network traffic, so up at 6:15 to finish it off with quotes. Made a cuppa in my room with my trusty travel kettle that usually comes with me around the world.

I need to descale it but don't want to use a commercial dealer as it is literally a baby plastic kettle and I think the usual Oust solution will just eat it! So going to try half white vinegar, half water for a few hours and see if that works.

Request to the hive mind - HOW do I make myself drink more water - I think (hope) it is only thing left to try to help shift things along as this is still a painful issue and becoming really inhibiting now. It hasn't mattered during lockdown but it cannot continue like this.

Going to try also having lemon and ginger tea and peppermint tea in the day... already have flax seeds folded into my greek yoghurt in the morning, travel probiotic has not made much of a difference... I already exercise a lot, so water is the only thing I don't do a good enough job with. I get carried away writing and just forget to have some.



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from a pleasantly slow start in the dark and dangerous north.

The wonder wheel of a late in the day full English came in at 4.9 this am

A grand winter landscape practice piece @gennepher, nice touch with including tones of brown.

Lots of waffle on the box about what will happen on Dec 2nd and will people be able to get together over Christmas - these are the dummest conversations yet - it’s a virus you idiots - it thrives on get togethers and will spread faster than Matt Hancock’s fibs and obfuscations.
Get dosh if contacted by track and trace but not if your app pings you - another crazy govt clustercluck.
Lithium mica granite in Cornwall - nice if you want to make lithium batteries for electric vehicles - not so good for caravan owners on those narrow roads.

Sky starting to show itself -might be a pleasant day - walk round the park then. Bit of play with bamboo yesterday so that’s what it will be for this morning. Have a wonderful Sunday if you can - vogue - drink koffy - that’s my game plan.


Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 5.9

On the days I have been good with eating, I have been only eating in a 4 to 6 hour window. Yesterday my window of eating was a 5 hour window.

Okay, painting for today. A digital painting in ZenBrush3. Then in Procreate to do the splatter of snow. Then in Snapseed for name, year, and black frame.

But Snapseed kept freezing or crashing, and it took me longer doing the name and frame than painting this digital painting. Snapseed has just been updated, so I hope a fix is done soon, or else I shall have to find another app for name and frame...

I am sort of practising in ZenBrush3 for when I do some Xmas cards in real ink and paper. But I fear I am running out of time. Can I finally clear my painting table today? So I can do some Xmas cards...

Maybe...maybe not...but I have another project I want to do today...

View attachment 45596
That's a really good winter scene, you have caught the feel of cold, whiteout days brilliantly. A good piece of art.

Like you I am behind with my cards. I did have a design in mind but have lost it in the depths of memories so frustrating should have made a sketch.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5.9 ➡️
I made myself drink two 750ml bottles of water yesterday and accepted the inevitable loo wake-ups but after a day where my sensor was rising and falling more than anyone doing ballroom on Saturday's Strictly Come Dancing, the levels looked smoothish overnight.

It was a late finish last night with the match ending around 11pm so no point in putting live then as we would get no network traffic, so up at 6:15 to finish it off with quotes. Made a cuppa in my room with my trusty travel kettle that usually comes with me around the world.

I need to descale it but don't want to use a commercial dealer as it is literally a baby plastic kettle and I think the usual Oust solution will just eat it! So going to try half white vinegar, half water for a few hours and see if that works.

Request to the hive mind - HOW do I make myself drink more water - I think (hope) it is only thing left to try to help shift things along as this is still a painful issue and becoming really inhibiting now. It hasn't mattered during lockdown but it cannot continue like this.

Going to try also having lemon and ginger tea and peppermint tea in the day... already have flax seeds folded into my greek yoghurt in the morning, travel probiotic has not made much of a difference... I already exercise a lot, so water is the only thing I don't do a good enough job with. I get carried away writing and just forget to have some.

Vinegar and water should be OK - put in kettle - boil - leave for an hour or so
Liquid intake - perhaps set an alarm to remind you - I use my fitbit - a small glass of water every 90 minutes for me. When making a hot drink, have a glass of water while you wait for it to boil (write a post it note to remind you). I make a flask of green tea and take it throughout the day. Take care.


Have a great sunday everyone.
They are forecasting a rain free week!

Do I believe it. Not on your Nelly!
The river through the hamlet was full of water again yesterday morning, has it has been for many a day this autumn.

But life is good come rain or shine.
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Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from a pleasantly slow start in the dark and dangerous north.

The wonder wheel of a late in the day full English came in at 4.9 this am

A grand winter landscape practice piece @gennepher, nice touch with including tones of brown.

Lots of waffle on the box about what will happen on Dec 2nd and will people be able to get together over Christmas - these are the dummest conversations yet - it’s a virus you idiots - it thrives on get togethers and will spread faster than Matt Hancock’s fibs and obfuscations.
Get dosh if contacted by track and trace but not if your app pings you - another crazy govt clustercluck.
Lithium mica granite in Cornwall - nice if you want to make lithium batteries for electric vehicles - not so good for caravan owners on those narrow roads.

Sky starting to show itself -might be a pleasant day - walk round the park then. Bit of play with bamboo yesterday so that’s what it will be for this morning. Have a wonderful Sunday if you can - vogue - drink koffy - that’s my game plan.
View attachment 45598

View attachment 45597
What a great playtime you must have had, Bamboo magnificent as usual and always different, keep showing us more, nice brush strokes.

Enjoy your walk.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Morning and 6.1 for me today.

Sun out, skip run, then a good long walk, well that's the plan. :)

Take the day as it comes. Keep safe.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Vinegar and water should be OK - put in kettle - boil - leave for an hour or so
Liquid intake - perhaps set an alarm to remind you - I use my fitbit - a small glass of water every 90 minutes for me. When making a hot drink, have a glass of water while you wait for it to boil (write a post it note to remind you). I make a flask of green tea and take it throughout the day. Take care.

The reminder function is a good one, especially if I can get it to buzz on the Watch as I invariably at least wear that. Hopefully this will start to make some kind of difference ....

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Request to the hive mind - HOW do I make myself drink more water -
I can only suggest the same as @dunelm set a timer reminder. I just got into a habit. The most difficult for me is when Mountain Biking in the winter, I know I don't drink enough, in the summer it's easy. So I make myself have a drink every time I stop or giveaway to other trail users, horses, walkers, dogs. Maybe you could do this take a drink every time you pause.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I can only suggest the same as @dunelm set a timer reminder. I just got into a habit. The most difficult for me is when Mountain Biking in the winter, I know I don't drink enough, in the summer it's easy. So I make myself have a drink every time I stop or giveaway to other trail users, horses, walkers, dogs. Maybe you could do this take a drink every time you pause.

I think that is going to be the only way to do it, as my previous thing of trying to take regular sips every half hour or so just ends up in a black hole. I seem to have lost the Reminders app on my iPhone.. so will just have to set some kind of timer or use the Libre app hourly timer


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
5.9 ➡️
I made myself drink two 750ml bottles of water yesterday and accepted the inevitable loo wake-ups but after a day where my sensor was rising and falling more than anyone doing ballroom on Saturday's Strictly Come Dancing, the levels looked smoothish overnight.

It was a late finish last night with the match ending around 11pm so no point in putting live then as we would get no network traffic, so up at 6:15 to finish it off with quotes. Made a cuppa in my room with my trusty travel kettle that usually comes with me around the world.

I need to descale it but don't want to use a commercial dealer as it is literally a baby plastic kettle and I think the usual Oust solution will just eat it! So going to try half white vinegar, half water for a few hours and see if that works.

Request to the hive mind - HOW do I make myself drink more water - I think (hope) it is only thing left to try to help shift things along as this is still a painful issue and becoming really inhibiting now. It hasn't mattered during lockdown but it cannot continue like this.

Going to try also having lemon and ginger tea and peppermint tea in the day... already have flax seeds folded into my greek yoghurt in the morning, travel probiotic has not made much of a difference... I already exercise a lot, so water is the only thing I don't do a good enough job with. I get carried away writing and just forget to have some.


I have a glass of water every time (almost!) when I make a hot drink. I have a few pills to take, so I make sure I drink plenty of water taking them. I make herbal teas, a weak solution and decant them into water bottles. I have various herbs in the garden, the lemon balm has just taken off growing again and so has the mint, so I pick a few leaves while I am out there in the garden, and crush them and make a hot drink.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from a pleasantly slow start in the dark and dangerous north.

The wonder wheel of a late in the day full English came in at 4.9 this am

A grand winter landscape practice piece @gennepher, nice touch with including tones of brown.

Lots of waffle on the box about what will happen on Dec 2nd and will people be able to get together over Christmas - these are the dummest conversations yet - it’s a virus you idiots - it thrives on get togethers and will spread faster than Matt Hancock’s fibs and obfuscations.
Get dosh if contacted by track and trace but not if your app pings you - another crazy govt clustercluck.
Lithium mica granite in Cornwall - nice if you want to make lithium batteries for electric vehicles - not so good for caravan owners on those narrow roads.

Sky starting to show itself -might be a pleasant day - walk round the park then. Bit of play with bamboo yesterday so that’s what it will be for this morning. Have a wonderful Sunday if you can - vogue - drink koffy - that’s my game plan.
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Thank you for the painting compliment @dunelm
Both bamboos are great.
But I love the second bamboo, it looks so 3 dimensional!