What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
When I finally managed to get into a dentists client list , the earliest appointment they could offer was eight months away. When one of our ukranians had a serious tooth infection she had to wait three months for an urgent appointment.
We should all be encouraging our children and grandchildren to train as dentists, plumbers or electricians.
That is dreadful to have to wait that long @SlimLizzy. You are right that we need more dentists, plumbers or electricians.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I didn't make any more food. I sat in the chair and fell asleep (under a sweater, a knitted poncho and a blanket) and by the time I woke up it was too late to cook and I was full of pain (must have done too much exercise), so I just had a cup of coffee or 2. BG sitting at 5.2 all afternoon.

Not sure whether these classes are doing me any good. Kirsty always says not to do any more than we feel comfortable with, but I do feel comfortable at the time - it's the following hours and days that are the trouble.
I used to do exercise classes in the 1980's @Annb
That is, I actually went to the places. I did different kinds at different points of time...Tai Chi, and other Chinese exercises, a gym membership and using all that equipment etc, gentle chair exercise run for old people & I was only 50 at the time(!!!), and so on. I liked doing them all. I like meeting with people but only for short spells.

But I got tireder and tireder as the weeks rolled on and could barely recover before the next class. I persevered with each one, but I had to give up in the end. I loved the tai chi and the Chinese instructor and the great crowd of people there, and managed to keep it up for 3 years. Like you @Annb I can do the classes at the time no problem, but it is as you say "its's the following hours and days that are the trouble". It is the same with me.

I have had arthritis a very long time, I don't know if this is it, but the length of classes, by their very nature, are often an hour of activity at a time, because you have to get ready and you have to travel there etc. And all of that was too much for me combined in total.

I stopped exercising away from home. I bought books, and some exercise equipment. That was much better for me, because the effort expended to get to the place far exceeded the time and effort for the actual class.

No YouTube or Instagram or internet then. And obviously I didn't have the social contact any more.

But I did try and get my friend who came to my house weekly for a coffee, lunch, and a natter, involved in a routine of exercise each week. She would groan at me and say that wasn't why she came. But I was trying out different things (the ideas were from books or magazines etc then). Or even a DVD. All I heard from my friend was "Can we stop for a coffee now". I wasn't even advocating an hour or even half hour of exercise at a time then, but I was trying for 15 minutes at a time then in the 1990's.. My friend had 10 years of that weekly from me...but then I moved too far for her to come to my house.

Despite all my good intentions for myself, and as I fell into disrepair, the next 15 years were pretty much exercise free, apart from a stepper which I used for very short bursts of about a minute several times a day. The stepper was hard on my hips and toes, and I would get cramps in legs and toes ...badly.

Fast forward some years, and I now have this internetty thing as most of us do, and Instagram and YouTube with their shorts.

There are plenty of different exercises to work out different parts of the body, and to do sitting down etc (it is possible to adapt many of them). And these one minute (although they probably say to do them for longer) exercises (or even 30 seconds at a time) are easy to incorporate into those moments in a day when you are waiting for the kettle to boil etc, even if you have to hang on to the kitchen worktops or door frame to keep upright...

Last night, my internet was playing up while I was trying to upload my wildlife videos. Frustrating. Rather than multitask and go on to another different task which would have lost my train of thought on the videos, I did some arm exercises I had seen on Instagram moments earlier. This was actually better for me and cleared my mind.

What I am advocating, for myself at least, is very short bursts of exercise. These do not tire me out afterwards which exercises of longer duration always do.

I feel you seem invested in these Zoom classes. I don't know what exercises they promote, but they are what you know how to do. And that is important. I would like to suggest that you watch the Zoom class as you usually do, but not follow along with the whole class. Is it possible for you to make notes (if needed) for one particular exercise that you can do later in the day at a time and place in your house of your choosing? And for no more than a few minutes.

I hope this helps a bit.

True Blue

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all.
Barmy weather down here on the Coast. 10.5 degrees C, now at the local weather station,

FBG 7.6 mmol/lt. at 0645. Always get the early morning thingy, so should be lower at noon.

Have a good day.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone on a bright and sunny start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.9 according to the spy in the arm. Mind you, we had fish and chips in Whitby yesterday. One portion, shared but it was the size of a porpoise and people always stare when you peel the fish or are waiting for the teeth - take every opportunity to be in that Jenny Joseph poem. Family and friends get together today, about 50 I think. The Ninky Nonks and Little Miss Pamplemouse will be coming up from Birmingham - what fun. Art bit, Another starter for ten. Hope your day moves forward without a judder - moving backwards is very unbalancing. Best make koffy and think about a shopping list.



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
5.0 this morning. It actually stopped raining and the sun came out for our early morning dog walk.

On 29th December I ordered a product but it didn't arrive. I phoned the company at the end of January and they immediately sent a replacement - which did arrive.

Yesterday the product that was shipped on 29th December was delivered. It is a product that I use regularly so I decided to keep it and phoned the company to pay for it.

They couldn't believe I had now got it. They said that they had been having problems with Royal Mail and had now lost faith in them. They refused to accept payment and told me to keep the product - which was great as I do love the product and really nice to have it for free.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I didn't make any more food. I sat in the chair and fell asleep (under a sweater, a knitted poncho and a blanket) and by the time I woke up it was too late to cook and I was full of pain (must have done too much exercise), so I just had a cup of coffee or 2. BG sitting at 5.2 all afternoon.

Not sure whether these classes are doing me any good. Kirsty always says not to do any more than we feel comfortable with, but I do feel comfortable at the time - it's the following hours and days that are the trouble.
I wondered if you could perhaps try doing only half of the repetitions that you have been doing. If that doesn't stop the pain afterwards try cutting down even further until there is no pain afterwards.

Then you very very slowly add one or two repetitions each week - as long as you don't feel pain afterwards. If you feel pain it means you have overdone it.

The other thing that you can do when the other class members are continuing the exercise is to imagine/visualise that you are also doing the exercise. It sounds weird but it does work to strengthen muscles. I often use visualisation when teaching classes.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
I used to do exercise classes in the 1980's @Annb
That is, I actually went to the places. I did different kinds at different points of time...Tai Chi, and other Chinese exercises, a gym membership and using all that equipment etc, gentle chair exercise run for old people & I was only 50 at the time(!!!), and so on. I liked doing them all. I like meeting with people but only for short spells.

But I got tireder and tireder as the weeks rolled on and could barely recover before the next class. I persevered with each one, but I had to give up in the end. I loved the tai chi and the Chinese instructor and the great crowd of people there, and managed to keep it up for 3 years. Like you @Annb I can do the classes at the time no problem, but it is as you say "its's the following hours and days that are the trouble". It is the same with me.

I have had arthritis a very long time, I don't know if this is it, but the length of classes, by their very nature, are often an hour of activity at a time, because you have to get ready and you have to travel there etc. And all of that was too much for me combined in total.

I stopped exercising away from home. I bought books, and some exercise equipment. That was much better for me, because the effort expended to get to the place far exceeded the time and effort for the actual class.

No YouTube or Instagram or internet then. And obviously I didn't have the social contact any more.

But I did try and get my friend who came to my house weekly for a coffee, lunch, and a natter, involved in a routine of exercise each week. She would groan at me and say that wasn't why she came. But I was trying out different things (the ideas were from books or magazines etc then). Or even a DVD. All I heard from my friend was "Can we stop for a coffee now". I wasn't even advocating an hour or even half hour of exercise at a time then, but I was trying for 15 minutes at a time then in the 1990's.. My friend had 10 years of that weekly from me...but then I moved too far for her to come to my house.

Despite all my good intentions for myself, and as I fell into disrepair, the next 15 years were pretty much exercise free, apart from a stepper which I used for very short bursts of about a minute several times a day. The stepper was hard on my hips and toes, and I would get cramps in legs and toes ...badly.

Fast forward some years, and I now have this internetty thing as most of us do, and Instagram and YouTube with their shorts.

There are plenty of different exercises to work out different parts of the body, and to do sitting down etc (it is possible to adapt many of them). And these one minute (although they probably say to do them for longer) exercises (or even 30 seconds at a time) are easy to incorporate into those moments in a day when you are waiting for the kettle to boil etc, even if you have to hang on to the kitchen worktops or door frame to keep upright...

Last night, my internet was playing up while I was trying to upload my wildlife videos. Frustrating. Rather than multitask and go on to another different task which would have lost my train of thought on the videos, I did some arm exercises I had seen on Instagram moments earlier. This was actually better for me and cleared my mind.

What I am advocating, for myself at least, is very short bursts of exercise. These do not tire me out afterwards which exercises of longer duration always do.

I feel you seem invested in these Zoom classes. I don't know what exercises they promote, but they are what you know how to do. And that is important. I would like to suggest that you watch the Zoom class as you usually do, but not follow along with the whole class. Is it possible for you to make notes (if needed) for one particular exercise that you can do later in the day at a time and place in your house of your choosing? And for no more than a few minutes.

I hope this helps a bit.
Very good advice @gennepher


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from a dry but light grey L.A after a good day on the swings for some. Dem Bones, dem Bones :D @dunelm yesterday sounds fun especially the large fish. Thanks for sharing the climb every mountain art and enjoy the family gathering. Jenny Joseph? the little I've read doesn't boil ma bacon but I'll try again - perhaps. @Krystyna23040 double result - the fbg and the delivery. Interesting advice on the visualisation - thanks. @Annb I hope the pain eases and @gennepher and @Krystyna23040 have given you some good ideas for the way forward. Salmon day here so one fixed point of blessing. I need to listen carefully to the cricket commentary - Duckett can be tricky. Here are five pieces of poetry which start my camino. The idea is to encourage us to read poetry aloud and slowly - rather like slowly sipping and savouring a fine wine or the idea of lectio divinia - read, mark learn and inwardly digest. Obvious song is this classic. Enjoy Friday your own way.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and those election candidates that lost their deposits.

Blood sugars this morning were 7.5 and I’m not surprised.

Me me’s and myself have a new dab+ radio for my shed / workshop and I have being trying to set it up, wow what a faffe for an oldster who is a digital immigrant and not a digital native. Never mind I shall persevere, viewing as a challenge and character building. Don’t mention swear words, I’ve used up most of those I know.
Stay safe all.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on a bright and sunny start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. 5.9 according to the spy in the arm. Mind you, we had fish and chips in Whitby yesterday. One portion, shared but it was the size of a porpoise and people always stare when you peel the fish or are waiting for the teeth - take every opportunity to be in that Jenny Joseph poem. Family and friends get together today, about 50 I think. The Ninky Nonks and Little Miss Pamplemouse will be coming up from Birmingham - what fun. Art bit, Another starter for ten. Hope your day moves forward without a judder - moving backwards is very unbalancing. Best make koffy and think about a shopping list.

View attachment 66214
Lucky you having some sun @dunelm

Love the drama the thick lines create...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
5.0 this morning. It actually stopped raining and the sun came out for our early morning dog walk.

On 29th December I ordered a product but it didn't arrive. I phoned the company at the end of January and they immediately sent a replacement - which did arrive.

Yesterday the product that was shipped on 29th December was delivered. It is a product that I use regularly so I decided to keep it and phoned the company to pay for it.

They couldn't believe I had now got it. They said that they had been having problems with Royal Mail and had now lost faith in them. They refused to accept payment and told me to keep the product - which was great as I do love the product and really nice to have it for free.
You drew lucky there @Krystyna23040

I am not impressed withe Royal Mail at the moment...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone from a dry but light grey L.A after good day on the swings for some. Dem bones, dem bones :D @dunelm yesterday sounds fun especially the large fish. Thanks for sharing the climb every mountain art and enjoy the family gathering. Jenny Joseph? the little I've read doesn't boil ma bacon but I'll try again - perhaps. @Krystyna23040 double result - the fbg and the delivery. Interesting advice on the visualisation - thanks. @Annb I hope the pain eases and @gennepher and @Krystyna23040 have given you some good ideas for the way forward. Salmon day here so one fixed point of blessing. I need to listen carefully to the cricket commentary - Duckett can be tricky. Here are five pieces of poetry which start my camino. The idea is to encourage us to read poetry aloud and slowly - rather like slowly sipping and savouring a fine wine or the idea of lectio divinia - read, mark learn and inwardly digest. Obvious song is this classic. Enjoy Friday your own way.
Thank you Ian....


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from a dry but light grey L.A after good day on the swings for some. Dem bones, dem bones :D @dunelm yesterday sounds fun especially the large fish. Thanks for sharing the climb every mountain art and enjoy the family gathering. Jenny Joseph? the little I've read doesn't boil ma bacon but I'll try again - perhaps. @Krystyna23040 double result - the fbg and the delivery. Interesting advice on the visualisation - thanks. @Annb I hope the pain eases and @gennepher and @Krystyna23040 have given you some good ideas for the way forward. Salmon day here so one fixed point of blessing. I need to listen carefully to the cricket commentary - Duckett can be tricky. Here are five pieces of poetry which start my camino. The idea is to encourage us to read poetry aloud and slowly - rather like slowly sipping and savouring a fine wine or the idea of lectio divinia - read, mark learn and inwardly digest. Obvious song is this classic. Enjoy Friday your own way.
Visualisation is very interesting @ianpspurs. Athletes also use it to improve their performance.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I used to do exercise classes in the 1980's @Annb
That is, I actually went to the places. I did different kinds at different points of time...Tai Chi, and other Chinese exercises, a gym membership and using all that equipment etc, gentle chair exercise run for old people & I was only 50 at the time(!!!), and so on. I liked doing them all. I like meeting with people but only for short spells.

But I got tireder and tireder as the weeks rolled on and could barely recover before the next class. I persevered with each one, but I had to give up in the end. I loved the tai chi and the Chinese instructor and the great crowd of people there, and managed to keep it up for 3 years. Like you @Annb I can do the classes at the time no problem, but it is as you say "its's the following hours and days that are the trouble". It is the same with me.

I have had arthritis a very long time, I don't know if this is it, but the length of classes, by their very nature, are often an hour of activity at a time, because you have to get ready and you have to travel there etc. And all of that was too much for me combined in total.

I stopped exercising away from home. I bought books, and some exercise equipment. That was much better for me, because the effort expended to get to the place far exceeded the time and effort for the actual class.

No YouTube or Instagram or internet then. And obviously I didn't have the social contact any more.

But I did try and get my friend who came to my house weekly for a coffee, lunch, and a natter, involved in a routine of exercise each week. She would groan at me and say that wasn't why she came. But I was trying out different things (the ideas were from books or magazines etc then). Or even a DVD. All I heard from my friend was "Can we stop for a coffee now". I wasn't even advocating an hour or even half hour of exercise at a time then, but I was trying for 15 minutes at a time then in the 1990's.. My friend had 10 years of that weekly from me...but then I moved too far for her to come to my house.

Despite all my good intentions for myself, and as I fell into disrepair, the next 15 years were pretty much exercise free, apart from a stepper which I used for very short bursts of about a minute several times a day. The stepper was hard on my hips and toes, and I would get cramps in legs and toes ...badly.

Fast forward some years, and I now have this internetty thing as most of us do, and Instagram and YouTube with their shorts.

There are plenty of different exercises to work out different parts of the body, and to do sitting down etc (it is possible to adapt many of them). And these one minute (although they probably say to do them for longer) exercises (or even 30 seconds at a time) are easy to incorporate into those moments in a day when you are waiting for the kettle to boil etc, even if you have to hang on to the kitchen worktops or door frame to keep upright...

Last night, my internet was playing up while I was trying to upload my wildlife videos. Frustrating. Rather than multitask and go on to another different task which would have lost my train of thought on the videos, I did some arm exercises I had seen on Instagram moments earlier. This was actually better for me and cleared my mind.

What I am advocating, for myself at least, is very short bursts of exercise. These do not tire me out afterwards which exercises of longer duration always do.

I feel you seem invested in these Zoom classes. I don't know what exercises they promote, but they are what you know how to do. And that is important. I would like to suggest that you watch the Zoom class as you usually do, but not follow along with the whole class. Is it possible for you to make notes (if needed) for one particular exercise that you can do later in the day at a time and place in your house of your choosing? And for no more than a few minutes.

I hope this helps a bit.
Thank you for that advice Gennepher. I e-mailed Kirsty and she says to stop the classes and talk to GP or physio. I'll see if I can get an appointment for one or other.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
You drew lucky there @Krystyna23040

I am not impressed withe Royal Mail at the moment...
I don't think posties are particularly impressed either. Working conditions are deteriorating, stress levels increasing, reduced staff numbers leading to espanding of delivery routes, having to work hand in hand with couriers who have different working methods. The list goes on. It only happened after the Royal Mail was privatised (even if the private company is government owned). Such a pity to see such a central part of British life going down the tubes.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I wondered if you could perhaps try doing only half of the repetitions that you have been doing. If that doesn't stop the pain afterwards try cutting down even further until there is no pain afterwards.

Then you very very slowly add one or two repetitions each week - as long as you don't feel pain afterwards. If you feel pain it means you have overdone it.

The other thing that you can do when the other class members are continuing the exercise is to imagine/visualise that you are also doing the exercise. It sounds weird but it does work to strengthen muscles. I often use visualisation when teaching classes.
Thank you for your advice Krystyna. Visualising is an interesting idea. I will certainly take up your advice but I will also talk to the medics and see what they have to say.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.9

I had to go out early to do some stuff.
The cold and wet has got into my bones again...
I am more than well wrapped up against the weather outside, but it is the damp that affects my bones...
In bed again with electric blanket etc.
I need a sleep.

At the chemist I had to wait awhile for my meds. Currently I am owed 6 different meds, and also 4 from last month.

The chemist had explained something to the woman opposite me about the availability of her meds, and she sat down depressed. I didn't have my pen and postcard, but I did have my Pixel phone and my finger, so I tried to draw her on my tiny screen. Not sure about posting it yet, so I took a photo of some wild garlic in my garden which is flowering...

I need a sleep...

Wildlife videos...
The Badger & Cat Jade
1min 4secs

Creative is photo of wild garlic in flower.

And I have a flask of tea...

I will emerge in a few hours...

Have your best kind of day.

I managed to get enough fresh food stuff so I can stay indoors out of this incessant rain for a week...

Catch you later...

Going to sleep now...

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