What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yesterday I did a fast and had blood drawn for an A1C lab at the doctor's office. It came back at 6.7. That is the highest I've ever had my sugar levels that I'm aware of. I'm new to this idea that my sugars flux with what I've eaten, or not eaten and whether I got my 10k steps in that day and if pizza matters (note - it does.). SO, while I can attribute my high number to the 3 slices of Pizza Hut cheese and pepperoni, along with the sedentary lifestyle of the American and shameless, I get it. I'm supposed to be here and you guys are my new best friends! I hope to be consistent posting my numbers in order to support the notion of management.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I knew hive dwelling wouldn't last, 6.7 yesterday and 6.3 today. Stress factors include a 4 figure electricity bill (I mean, where DO they get those crazy numbers from, I only owned the property since January and its unoccupied as we are doing it up, bizarre!) and flight disruptions for a concert I'm going to in June. The worst bit was opening the emails when I got them, which was 11pm as I'd been out for the day and then not being able to sleep for worrying about it.

On the plus side, my Ninja Creami arrived so I can experiment with making sugar free ice cream, given that its impossible to find anything in the shops that isn't loaded with added sugars. If anyone has any links to good recipes for sugar free ice creams or sorbets, please direct me to them and I'll happily test them out :)
Not really either of those but I mix Greek yogurt with crunchy peanut butter & raspberries then put on grease proof paper & freeze, then break it up into pieces, put in a plastic tub back in the freezer, sweet & nutty & hits the spot when I want something sweet


Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Diabetes, not having Jaffa Cake
my watch shows the bad night I had.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Yesterday I did a fast and had blood drawn for an A1C lab at the doctor's office. It came back at 6.7. That is the highest I've ever had my sugar levels that I'm aware of. I'm new to this idea that my sugars flux with what I've eaten, or not eaten and whether I got my 10k steps in that day and if pizza matters (note - it does.). SO, while I can attribute my high number to the 3 slices of Pizza Hut cheese and pepperoni, along with the sedentary lifestyle of the American and shameless, I get it. I'm supposed to be here and you guys are my new best friends! I hope to be consistent posting my numbers in order to support the notion of management.
Hu @klundblade Welcome to the forum and this FBG thread. We're pleased you could join us.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Not really either of those but I mix Greek yogurt with crunchy peanut butter & raspberries then put on grease proof paper & freeze, then break it up into pieces, put in a plastic tub back in the freezer, sweet & nutty & hits the spot when I want something sweet
I am going to try that . :)