What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
over selling.... oh so many things are enthusiastically oversold
...5.3 this morning, I'm a little surprised as yesterday I spent pretty much the whole day driving (Over 500 miles covered ) maybe its because I managed to pack on the road food and water.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
20.1 I feel dreadful. Was at 7.2 at 2100 hours. Shot up to 13.2 by midnight so had a few units to sort that. Isn’t helping I’m now being made into a case conference and still waiting after over two months to switch insulin by my diabetes nurse just to change from novorapid to actrapid, both gp and dsn have been totally unsupported of my low carb journey and I’m thriving on it. I’m so stressed by the way I’ve been treated night times just go bonkers..


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

Good morning.

A stunning almost full moon hanging over the garden this morning as I set out on my walk. My photo really does not do it justice.

Still busking in the glow of my 33 mmol/mol Hba1c score yesterday.

I had that measured as I have now completed 2 months back on the saddle and back in this forum. This is a marked improvement on my one month in corresponding score of 38.

Hopefully by the time the effect of my older high glucose levels prior to the last two months drop out of the equation theoretically three months in, I can get something close or even under 30.

I don't believe there is an actual health benefit to aiming for that score but I need to set targets and it is a nice round number.

Today's fasting level at 5:00 AM was an unually "high" 6.5mmol. Testing after my an hour and a half 9 kilometer walk returned 4,6 mmol, a huge drop!

Have a great weekend all!

Beautiful pictures as usual pavlosn


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Good morning all. Blood sugars were 4.9 today.

@Key_master_, I am so sorry that you are feeling so dreadful and unsupported by your health team. Hope things will improve really soon for you.
It’s really getting me down @ziggy_w my father has only just passed away at 60, his main cause of death caused by diabetes, I’ve been nailing mine with low carb since end of June. August I needed the regular like dr b as protein is causing issues and I’m now stacking chasing it, if too much rapid is used at the off when I eat I go really low as protein hasn’t come in to play yet. I’ve explained this to both my dsn and gp, then I’m chasing the protein later and stacking..


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
over selling.... oh so many things are enthusiastically oversold
20.1 I feel dreadful. Was at 7.2 at 2100 hours. Shot up to 13.2 by midnight so had a few units to sort that. Isn’t helping I’m now being made into a case conference and still waiting after over two months to switch insulin by my diabetes nurse just to change from novorapid to actrapid, both gp and dsn have been totally unsupported of my low carb journey and I’m thriving on it. I’m so stressed by the way I’ve been treated night times just go bonkers..

There does seem to be something systemically wrong with our "doctoring system" sorry that you are at the sharp end of it.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
20.1 I feel dreadful. Was at 7.2 at 2100 hours. Shot up to 13.2 by midnight so had a few units to sort that. Isn’t helping I’m now being made into a case conference and still waiting after over two months to switch insulin by my diabetes nurse just to change from novorapid to actrapid, both gp and dsn have been totally unsupported of my low carb journey and I’m thriving on it. I’m so stressed by the way I’ve been treated night times just go bonkers..
Sorry your feeling so dreadful hope you get sorted soon an start to feel better sending big hugs