What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Good morning all, I've been AWOL for a few days..lots going on. A surprising 6.2 for me today after going to bed at 11.0 my highest number since testing. Sadly lost my 13 year old American cocker spaniel yesterday, didn't eat all day and ended up with a bag of chips from the chippy hence the high number. It was so sudden which is always hard as you can't try and mentally prepare, but at least for my Harry Boy it was quick and he was still wagging his little tail have a lovely day all, it's good to see the sunshine.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
good morning all :)

4.8 today

chilly but looking a bit brighter here this morning, we had a bitterly cold wind here yesterday with sleet so walking was limited ;) If it stays a bit warmer and drier today I'll hopefully take mum's little dog for a walk later, both of us would benefit from that :)

It's odd how hard I find it to handle cold winter temperatures now I'm slimmer, (note I said 'slimmer' :hilarious:)
But I am developing a fine collection of winter hats, scarves and woolly jumpers ;) Happily mr. gee is facilitating this new addiction and keeps pointing out handsome hats to me.

It's chicken and veg. (leek, mushroom, peppers and courgettes) baked in a cream sauce for Sunday dinner today with broccoli on the side and I'm just off into the kitchen to make 'take 2' of the carrot cakeish sponge recipe for my pudding today, more spice and just a bit more erythritol/truvia, should taste good with greek yoghurt :)

Hope your day treats you kindly :)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Good morning all, I've been AWOL for a few days..lots going on. A surprising 6.2 for me today after going to bed at 11.0 my highest number since testing. Sadly lost my 13 year old American cocker spaniel yesterday, didn't eat all day and ended up with a bag of chips from the chippy hence the high number. It was so sudden which is always hard as you can't try and mentally prepare, but at least for my Harry Boy it was quick and he was still wagging his little tail have a lovely day all, it's good to see the sunshine.
Sending hugs angi xx
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Happy St Patricks Day and top of the morning to you all.
A not so cheerful 7.2 this morning after eating too much Indian t/a though no rice or bread. A very careful day for me today.
@AngiH so sorry to hear your sad news. Our pets are such a big part of our lives. Sending hugs.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and to all who will venturing out on two wheels.
A delicate 7.4 greeted me this morning. Anything between 5 and 10 is good for me.

Their is a nasty rumour going around the sun might put an appearance in today. Me's will attempt to make the most of it. Me's will probably combine naked sunbathing with gardening, sorry forgot to mention the hat and hobnail gardening boots. Does that count as naked sunbathing ?
Well folks have a good day, I bet my neighbours won't hehehehe.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning all, I've been AWOL for a few days..lots going on. A surprising 6.2 for me today after going to bed at 11.0 my highest number since testing. Sadly lost my 13 year old American cocker spaniel yesterday, didn't eat all day and ended up with a bag of chips from the chippy hence the high number. It was so sudden which is always hard as you can't try and mentally prepare, but at least for my Harry Boy it was quick and he was still wagging his little tail have a lovely day all, it's good to see the sunshine.
You're entitled Angi...so so sorry to hear about your Harry...it's heart breaking.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning all, I've been AWOL for a few days..lots going on. A surprising 6.2 for me today after going to bed at 11.0 my highest number since testing. Sadly lost my 13 year old American cocker spaniel yesterday, didn't eat all day and ended up with a bag of chips from the chippy hence the high number. It was so sudden which is always hard as you can't try and mentally prepare, but at least for my Harry Boy it was quick and he was still wagging his little tail
have a lovely day all, it's good to see the sunshine.

So sorry to read about your dog Angi, we lost our tripehound more than a year ago and it still hurts when we come across photos of her, they do become part of your family don't they.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Good morning all, I've been AWOL for a few days..lots going on. A surprising 6.2 for me today after going to bed at 11.0 my highest number since testing. Sadly lost my 13 year old American cocker spaniel yesterday, didn't eat all day and ended up with a bag of chips from the chippy hence the high number. It was so sudden which is always hard as you can't try and mentally prepare, but at least for my Harry Boy it was quick and he was still wagging his little tail have a lovely day all, it's good to see the sunshine.
Sorry for your loss x
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