What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
7.7 :arghh::bag:
HbA1c highest ever 55.
Out of ideas now
Like all of us you've had setbacks before and come back stronger. From what you've posted over a few months that A1c is reflective of a good result due to hard work after a tough time. Take stock of how far you've come since DX, where you would be without all your recent hard work, shake yourself off and in time go again. Everybody hurts, sometimes, but you are a resilient lady. Take care but don't beat yourself up. Take your time, process things accurately but stick in there. There is so much love and goodwill for you here. You're one of our own. :D
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Like all of us you've had setbacks before and come back stronger. From what you've posted over a few months that A1c is reflective of a good result due to hard work after a tough time. Take stock of how far you've come since DX, where you would be without all your recent hard work, shake yourself off and in time go again. Everybody hurts, sometimes, but you are a resilient lady. Take care but don't beat yourself up. Take your time, process things accurately but stick in there. There is so much love and goodwill for you here. You're one of our own. :D
Thank you. That is so very kind.:)


Well-Known Member
Really didn’t want to post this one.

Before Bed Fingerprick 6.9 Libre 6.0

FBG Fingerprick 10.5 Libre 10.2

For the cluedo fans out there was it “the ever so tasty pesto penne at the italian restaurant with the delayed glucose spike due to too much olive oil and cheese or was it “the slowly brewing cold probably caught off a workmate”?
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thank you all for hugs and encouragement.
I know we all have each others’ best interests at heart, here.
I am getting closer to finding reasons for my hard to control BG levels. It isn’t what I am eating or drinking. When I have more info I will start a thread, so as not to derail this one. That would not be allowed, and I would have to report my own posts. ;):hilarious: And face the consequences.