What was your fasting blood glucose? (with some chat)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Diet only
4.8 on Dexcom, 5.4 prick. Still very satisfied.
we have a heat wave happening, very warm for this time of year, we hit 30 yesterday and 30 today. We are already in drought conditions, it’s very scary. Fires will be bad this year…..
im really wanting to plant my flowers but it is early. The forecast shows it will be cooling but not a lot. Maybe next weekend…


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Ive had some 12's and a 13, but am feeling unwell - think I've got a virus from the kids. Had to stop exercise for a few days which didnt help.
Starting to feel a bt better and exercised today. Will see what tomorrow brings.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Diet only
4.8 dexcom,5.2 prick….and my overnight numbers, according to Dexcom (which has been quite accurate) are between 4.8 and 5.2….that is very new and very much an amazing thing!
Happy Mother’s Day (maybe North American?)
the sun is shining and the garden is calling my name.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Got a 9.4 this morning and was happy. However my sensor is all over the show, alarmed a low (was actually 11.9 at the time!) so can't trust it. its refusing to scan quite a bit too.
Contacted supplier and they are sending a fresh one. Really annoyed as I don't have a spare at the moment so I'm back to the finger pricks:(
I'm wondering if its actually the site - Im having trouble when its in my left arm, but never this bad before - does anyone else have an Idea why its happening? or trouble with a particular arm?
Also a bit unhappy as call centre person pointed out its not compatible with my phone anymore and not to do a software update as I wont be able to use it. Suggested I get a reader. Having health problems is expensive!