No idea to be honest, as
@ianf0ster said, low carb and low calorie at the same time isn't something I understand ... well, I personally would worry about getting enough nutrition, lowering metabolism, losing muscle, and basically going into starvation mode.
Your liver will produce glucose (from anything, basically, once it has run out of stored glycogen, if it needs to) as well as ketones.. for my money, low-carb high-fat works, because you are aligning your body with energy management based on fat. I don't think I know enough to really say anything useful about your regime, which is not the same because you are restricting energy as well as carbs.
Even when I was fasting every odd day, I was eating totally normally on eating days, though many of my meals would be along the lines you suggest - mince, spices and cheese; fantastic. But I'm having bacon and eggs and sausage for breakfast as well, with some clotted cream and dark chocolate for desert, and usually some salami and cheese for lunch. I often have halloumi "chips" with whatever meat I'm eating. At the moment I'm fasting maybe once a fortnight, and just kind of mixing it up - I'll miss breakfast one day, lunch another, occasionally dinner, but I don't limit myself at all when I'm eating and most days I will have at least two meals - as long as the insulin is low, I'm not storing energy as fat, I'm burning what I need and converting much of the rest into ketones, but my ketone levels are much lower than yours. I'm never really hungry - though I do try to eat in the morning if I wake up hungry.
But - I'm firmly in the camp of "low calorie is just hardship for no benefit"- just to aknowledge my bias. I'm definitely not saying that as if it's fact - only that for me, I followed strict calorie restriction for 3 years - then I was diagnosed as diabetic, so it definitely did not work for me.