Windows 10


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When are people going to say enough is enough?


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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
There are a raft of stories coming out saying it's not in the final product but .....


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Not installing it myself at work, I much prefer win 7 and will keep with it as long as humanly possible! I have no need for stupid tiles etc that come with anything else more modern!
I have been downloading win 10 though for my dad who lives where broadband is too poor to download it, he fixes and builds computers for people so needs it, I have downloaded 3 different versions onto memory sticks and posted to him! Faster than he could attempt to download one!
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Well I lasted 2 days with Windows 10 and had to recover back to Windows 7.
Scroll function on mousepad didn't work
Backlit screen didn't work so screen was dark
Had to google a hack to get some software working
Facebook videos wouldn't play as well as BBC iPlayer, ITV Player etc......
Online banking protection software wouldn't work with new browser Windows Edge - Push you over the edge more like
Blah Blah Blah Windows 10 Blah Blah Blah
Didn't work for my laptop :(
Luckily you get a months grace to recover back to your previous version... So I did the recovery and in 10 minutes all is well again :)
Not great then.....
going to put Linux on my laptop.... just to see if I can do it and see what it is like....


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Not great then.....
going to put Linux on my laptop.... just to see if I can do it and see what it is like....

I think Linux is worth looking into - will take a lot of research though.

For the time being I will stick with Win 7 though I had to do more googleing to stop my laptop constantly trying to download the upgrade to 10.

All settled now though :)

I really am due to get a new laptop but really don't fancy Win 8!
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linux has not worked for me at all. Drivers are a pain to get, some programs dont work no matter how hard i try.... and last time I tried linux mint on my desktop, the monitor just wouldnt work. No amount of help from the linux community could solve it. If your lucky enough to get it working, then I guess its fine. However, it can be a pain in the rear end.
Just my personal experience.



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Dictators who positively go out of their way to force misery, tears and fears, upon their countryman's lives.
Politicians who, in dealing with dictators, have a wishbone where a backbone should be.

Haven't tried it yet, davidh66. I decided to wait for the consensus of opinion....which turns out to be pretty dire, as you are aware.

Here's a link for anyone who wants rid of it..........

On the other hand..........

btw, as one poster mentions in link two, I also liked WindowsXP. and I still have a hankering after Widows78.
Both clean and clear cut. All that was required IMHO, was a yearly update bringing them in line with today's modern technology standards without loosing sight of the basic 78 & XP appeal.

Right, I'm off before I hear the howls of laughter. :D

(A very timely subject)

willie. :)


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Windows is woeful, has been since Windows XP.

I moved to a Chromebooks two years back and love them, 3 second boot time, nothing stored on the laptop, constant seamless updates. No exe. files to worry about. Everything backed up in the cloud, 1TB free storage.

90% of users would be better off with these devices in my opinion, there are apps and extensions for everything most would want to do with a windows machine. Not for those that are into image, video editing, gaming etc I admit.

The dell is my current favourite. Well after the chromebook pixel with it's MacBook retina beating display that is.

I have an old windows 7 laptop I'll use once in a while to upload things to carelink etc, I'm usually screaming at it wanting to throw it through a window (excuse the pun) within five minutes of using.

Windows as a platform just seems dated, my partner has windows 8 and I can't even look at that laptop without feeling ill. Terrible OS.


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I swopped to windows 10 the day it came out.

It works perfectly.

I put it on a new laptop/netbook, (well a week old) using a usb drive.

I'd just got used the the version of windows it came with, (8.1) so it seems a step back really.
But I have a touchscreen, and 10 is more geared for keyboard and mouse when installed on a laptop

I then upgraded my daughters from 7 to 10, apart from the touchpad not working it was fine.
Downloaded the new driver from Asus, and that fixed it.

As to privacy, we haven't had that for years.

Within minutes of being turned on initially, my new laptop had downloaded all my contacts from my windows phone, my shares watchlist, and my browsing history from my Android tablet.
My phone even told it my internet password when it found it on the home network.

The first I knew about it when I started to copy them over myself, and found everything was there.


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When are people going to say enough is enough?

Your findings do not surprise me. The workhorses in this house, hubby's business and my photography 4K display are our iMacs. Hubby changed over from windows to Apple after Windows 8, Microsoft's attitude to shoving a new design without regard to the users preference, I'll respond in kind by taking my wallet elsewhere. I have a Windows 7 laptop that I take overseas and use for odds & ends.... it is staying on 7 until it breaks, no more windows after that.
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My wife tried to download Windows 10 on her laptop (it's a few years old now) and it was taking forever and a day, in the end she cancelled the download, so far I've only had one message to say that the laptop needed to close down and apart from that its going great, I really like it :)


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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Not great then.....
going to put Linux on my laptop.... just to see if I can do it and see what it is like....
Go for Mint 17.1 is my advice.
Fast and virtually no learning curve.


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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Running Windows 10? Microsoft Can Disable Your Pirated Games

t hasn't even been a month since the release of Windows 10 and Microsoft's newest desktop operating system has been stirring up one privacy related controversy after another. The latest addition is company's rather bold decision to change the license agreement, giving it the power to disable counterfeit games and unathorised hardware on computers running Windows 10.

The Redmond-based software mammoth has updated its European License Agreement ToC (first spotted by PC Authority) to note that it will not tolerate counterfeit games or hardware on any Windows 10-powered machine.


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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
If you're into serious gaming then Linux isn't for you.
Steam for Linux is expanding all the time and as Linux gets ever more popular more game developers are creating with Linux in mind but not much available just yet.
Music making photography office etc are all top notch and of course always free.


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For those wanting to install linux, best of luck. You may need it. LOL



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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
For those wanting to install linux, best of luck. You may need it. LOL

Are you up to date?
It's dead simple and very fast these days.
No knowledge needed.
Anyone wishing to try out Linux go for Mint 17.1 Cinnamon.
Download a iso. file bung it on a disc or stick and run it in trial mode .... boot up from the stick/disc.
The whole operating system will be running seriously fast without using your hard drive.
You'll be able to do emails visit places like this make posts uplod pics and links etc.
The only thing you won't be able to do really is download anything.
If you like it and most people do then install it on the hard drive.
There's virtually no learning curve .... you'll think you're on the fastest version of windows you ever saw.
Not good if you're a serious gamer because the game makers have mostly ignored Linux .... till now.
There's a reason the space station and every super computer in the world runs on Linux.


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yep, the live cds work fine but after full installation i cant get the screen to work


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...........There's a reason the space station and every super computer in the world runs on Linux.

Because they're all unique, and can afford to spend millions inhouse to produce a system specifically for their own needs?