Worst GP Appointment I have had…ever


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What an unpleasant and negative experience. She should have also focussed on the positives as your results show that! and the improvements in your figures/numbers!

She was obviously not listening to your concerns, views and what you wanted and was following her 'text book' and trying to push statins.

Thankfully my Dr is not like that although she is new to me as my Dr (who was useless) retired recently. Some of us have a hard enough battle controlling and managing our symptoms (through NO fault of our own) and also other conditions that may or may not be linked to our diabetes. It's not easy after being demoralised but try to pick yourself up and remember this forum IS supportive and encouraging. I often find myself on here when I'm down or feeling rubbish and asking for advice etc. And, I'm confident in the fact that I will get this from those who live and manage diabetes, unlike the Dr you saw who is unlikely to have any personal experience of the condition through either having it themselves (perish the thought!) or a family member or friend being diagnosed with it.
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I am sick and tired of G.Ps and their reactions

(Just being diagnosed as type 2 and have suffered thirty years of severe suicidal depression and mental illness)

I only see my G.P. when I think I am dying, its that bad. In my case everything is because of my depression and supposed paranoia.

Me- I think I have problems with my stomach
Dr- Are you imagining you have stomach cancer
Tests proved I have a severe stomach ulcers

Me- I think I may have prostate problems
Dr- Are you are imaging this because your dad has been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer
Tests proved I had prostate cancer at age 47

Dr -Your ultrasound has come come back and you have advanced liver disease and I know it is hard for an alcoholic to admit they have a drink problem
Me - Mmmm I have been tea total from birth, The liver damage is caused by thirty years of taking huge doses of anti depressant medication !!

Me) I think I may be diabetic
Dr- Who has been diagnosed with Diabetes?
Me- My sister in law
Dr - Oh so you think you are diabetic?
Tests proved that I have been type 2 for two years without diagnosis and treatment
Dr- Why didnt you come to see me sooner?
Me - "Because you never F....ing listen to anything I tell you !!!! "

Now I hope you can see why I only go to see the Dr when I am at deaths door. Every illness is in my imagination and I have fight every step of the way to get referral and tests done.
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Lamont D

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Reactive hypoglycemia
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I do not have diabetes
Me; I'm sure that there is something is wrong with me!

Dr; other than your diabetes?

Me; yes, I have sweats, shakes, blurred vision, keep forgetting things and I'm confused.

Dr; sounds like your in menopause or it could be your fatty liver, your last liver function tests showed you are high. Maybe some tablets or you may need to stop drinking!

Me; gave up drinking five years ago!

Dr; are you certain,? Your livers saying otherwise!

Me; I don't drink!

Dr; are you sweating?

Me; No I'm frustrated, because I can't stop feeling ****!

Dr; that will be the diabetes!

Me; can you give me something for it?

Dr; I'd rather not, maybe statins down the line! Maybe some meds if you don't feel better in a couple of weeks! How's your diet coming along?

Me; I'm eating like a sparrow, I'm hardly eating at all! The weight is still going up! I'm not sleeping and my dreams are really weird!

Dr, you need to lose weight! Are you sure your eating healthy?

Me; yes, as I said I'm not eating much at all, I just don't understand it! There is something going on!

Dr, Thats the diabetes, it will be like this until you lose some weight and get your blood sugars down! I will book you in for bloods, but they looked ok last time!

Me; ok thanks doc!

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I really appreciate your feedback and support guys. Sorry for the delay in responding. I spent yesterday at the funeral of a friend and ex-work colleague who passed away at 56 from cancer. It put my issues into perspective. It hasn’t been a fun-packed week. Yesterday wasn’t helped but 4 different train journeys, not one of which either arrived or left in time, and 6hrs in total…..but at least I avoided the Friday M25 traffic.

@Administrator actually the Doctor didn’t respond to my jibe about the healthy eating plate and later when I asked for her opinion on low carbs, she said, ‘I will refer you to a dietician I am a doctor’. I thought that also was a bizarre thing to say but things had become a little frosty by then :)

@zand I have read somewhere else about the milk thistle, perhaps I will give it a try. Thanks.

Yesterday gave me time to reflect on the meeting with the Doctor. I honestly think that some of her later statements about being a diabetic for life, eventually needing insulin, the jibe about my weight etc where simply an attempt to regain her dominance in the meeting. Basically she was ****** off that her authority was being challenging and was putting me in my place.

@graj0 normally I am like you, I only think of the good retorts whilst driving home. On reflection, there is so much I would have loved to have said in that meeting, but she started to throw a lot of obviously well-rehearsed blah at me, with a lot of medical terms. From the forum I had known this sort of Doctor was out there but it still intimidating when you meet one in the flesh. Whilst now I am back to being positive, as I said I left her office feeling deflated. If it was a boxing match I think I had a couple of good early rounds but the truth was in the end she probably won on points :)

I am totally confused though as to why this should be a fight! From what I have read and now experienced first-hand, I am increasingly convinced that some Doctor’s seem to have a negative mind-set towards T2 patients. I think they believe we have largely brought this upon ourselves, are an unnecessary drain on NHS resources and should just shut-up and take the meds they prescribe. It sounds as if many have not updated their knowledge or thinking on the subject since they left training decades ago. And then we have the system itself unwilling or unable to change the advice they are offering. Thankfully though, I know that is not true of all doctors. Up to that point, I have had nothing but good support and sensible advice.

There is part of me who would like to go back and see her again for a rematch, but actually I will change Doctor…..life is too short, and if I listened to some in that profession it might be even shorter :) Actually I think probably the main the lesson from my experience is don't be afraid to change Doctor until you get one of the good ones.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I am totally confused though as to why this should be a fight! From what I have read and now experienced first-hand, I am increasingly convinced that some Doctor’s seem to have a negative mind-set towards T2 patients. I think they believe we have largely brought this upon ourselves, are an unnecessary drain on NHS resources and should just shut-up and take the meds they prescribe. It sounds as if many have not updated their knowledge or thinking on the subject since they left training decades ago. And then we have the system itself unwilling or unable to change the advice they are offering. Thankfully though, I know that is not true of all doctors. Up to that point, I have had nothing but good support and sensible advice.

Yes that's the impression I have had from some of my GP's too. It's very demoralising at times. :(

Can't wait for your next set of results though. :D
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Yep exactly the same thing this monday gone (I am T2 for 3 years), had to see a different doctor( top dog at the surgery....

My normal doc and DN have been brilliant,as been suffering from blood sugar spikes which she put down to high depression and anxiety........... which after nearly 12 months are starting to get better...the last 2 months making massive strides forward....

As the poster above I have sweats, shakes, blurred vision, keep forgetting things and I'm confused a lot..... plus massive fatigue ........and have had to give up my (driving) job because of this

My PHQ-9 was nearly off the scale as was the GAD-7... so basically severe depression and anxiety.........

I am awaiting a decision on ESA, but has been delayed so needed a new sick note...............

Me: I need a new fit note as my ESA decision has been delayed

Doc: I wont give out a sick note to a diabetic , its not a reason not to have a job..

Me: I had a job ,I had to give it up due to complications

Doc: What complications

Me: Sweats, shakes, blurred vision, keep forgetting things and I'm confused a lot..... plus massive fatigue ........and have had to give up my (driving) job because of this..

Doc: It probably all in your head

Me: I was a bus driver and nearly passed out at the wheel and had numerous incidents, with colleagues telling me I was away with the fairies on many occasions, so thought it best to stop driving...

Doc: Well maybe a fit note to do some work...

Me: (Really ****** off by now) I want to get my bloods etc back under control and return to my job which is being held open for me.......... and MY doctor agrees...

Doc: Maybe you should see her then

Me: I think so :banghead:

I could not believe it , its 2015 and someone diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety is told its all in your head.............................:banghead:
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Rude,Ignorant people.Manners & respect for others cost nothing.
Same here Guys.Agree with you all! The GP,s treat people as if they are "rabid dogs" and need to be put down! After 5 months of aches and pains,she finally sent me for a blood test,which proved to be diabetes type 2!

I suffer with a mental illness too,Combat PTSD after serving in Iraq War,and take many meds.The doc thought all my symptoms were related to the PTSD! When clearly,now It wasnt! Waste of time are the Docs.
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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Yes that's the impression I have had from some of my GP's too. It's very demoralising at times. :(

Can't wait for your next set of results though. :D

Thanks Zand. For sure it has added even more motivation (not that it was needed) to turn this around. And when I do I will make a point of tracking her down :)
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Same here Guys.Agree with you all! The GP,s treat people as if they are "rabid dogs" and need to be put down! After 5 months of aches and pains,she finally sent me for a blood test,which proved to be diabetes type 2!

I suffer with a mental illness too,Combat PTSD after serving in Iraq War,and take many meds.The doc thought all my symptoms were related to the PTSD! When clearly,now It wasnt! Waste of time are the Docs.

Sorry to hear that @Micheal2457. I wouldn't write off the entire medical profession though based on a few Muppets. There are some good guys out there. Keep changing doctors until you find one. As @mfactor experience shows there is a huge difference between the help one doctor can provide and that provided (or not provided) by another.

An a ex-Service guy suffering with PTSD, is there not additional expert support/advice out there you can tap into through SSAFA or something like that?


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@mfactor it must be incredible demoralising to do the right thing by walking away from your job to get yourself sorted and then be treated as if you are some sort of skiver. I mean, did he really want you driving a bus with those symptoms?! As you say, unbelievable. You should be thanked not criticised.


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Just finished my GP appointment today to follow up on the results ... I left feeling probably the worst I have felt since my diagnosis. I have worked very hard in the last 2 months. I am a pretty resilient person (I like to think) but I walked out thinking what’s the point.

This is depressingly awful and I'm sure lots of people have had similar experiences. But thanks for spelling it all out - I feel forewarned for my next GP session!

My only 'advantage' is coming from a family that opted out of medication wherever possible and was into trying all and every alternative, so whenever I'm prescribed something, I start off by blaming my dear-departed-parents and my upbringing. With luck it defuses the situation and they accept me going home to read up about it and cogitate - sometimes I don't go back, sometimes I do.
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Hi carb Foods

My PHQ-9 was nearly off the scale as was the GAD-7... so basically severe depression and anxiety.........
Know what you mean.
I too was the same with the pqh-9 & Gad-7.
GP said "can't give you antidepressants due to your physical ailments:confused:" so palmed of to "Healty Minds " who passed me up the chain to the therapists (6 months + later:wideyed:) who said "You're too depressed for us to deal with, go back to your doctor & demand antidepressants or a referral to a psychological consultant:rolleyes:) .
Result is now I'm on certraline and a bit fuzzy but less depressed!
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Gosh it does frustrate me when I read stories such as yours @Klangley
I am a nurse specialist - not in diabetes I hasten to add! - and if I heard another health professional talking to a patient that way, I would be taking them to one side for a SERIOUS talking to!
I work with patients with an incurable disease called Myeloma - a cancer of the plasma cells. And never for a moment would I dream of dismissing any positive progress they made, or being anything other than positive about their future. Sometime I have patients who choose not to have treatment. In those instances we make sure that they are fully aware of the treatment options available to them, but if they choose not to proceed, we SUPPORT them fully in their decision. Caring for patients HAS to be a holistic approach, not a prescriptive one. My patients often know as much (if not more) about their disease than I do - and any health professional worth their salary will use this expertise! I have learned a lot over the years, and continue to learn things from my patients.
So, let me make this absolutely clear, the way you felt when you left that GP surgery is a reflection on the Doctors POOR practice and in no way a reflection on you.
You have done fantastically well in reducing your HbA1c - I hope mine shows such a great improvement when I have my first test since diagnosis next month.
As for the medication issues - their role is to give you the facts and help you decide if it's right for you.
Quite frankly she's simply showing her ignorance in her inability to give you a satisfactory explanation.
Whatever you are doing is working well for you - keep up the good work xxxx
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I must be lucky, my practice have never 'talked at 'me', there are two diabetes nurses and I chhoose which one I see.

My next review is due in December, so things may change but I currently taken Metformin and statins, the statins were my personal choice, my cholesterol was and is good but I wanted to cover all my bases.

From a personal point of view, I would check the practice website, see if there is a go who has an interest in Diabetes and INSIST that you get an appointment with them, it really does help if the doctor has an interest in the subject, I know it helped me when I was first diagnosed.
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Gosh it does frustrate me when I read stories such as yours @Klangley
I am a nurse specialist - not in diabetes I hasten to add! - and if I heard another health professional talking to a patient that way, I would be taking them to one side for a SERIOUS talking to!
I work with patients with an incurable disease called Myeloma - a cancer of the plasma cells. And never for a moment would I dream of dismissing any positive progress they made, or being anything other than positive about their future. Sometime I have patients who choose not to have treatment. In those instances we make sure that they are fully aware of the treatment options available to them, but if they choose not to proceed, we SUPPORT them fully in their decision. Caring for patients HAS to be a holistic approach, not a prescriptive one. My patients often know as much (if not more) about their disease than I do - and any health professional worth their salary will use this expertise! I have learned a lot over the years, and continue to learn things from my patients.
So, let me make this absolutely clear, the way you felt when you left that GP surgery is a reflection on the Doctors POOR practice and in no way a reflection on you.
You have done fantastically well in reducing your HbA1c - I hope mine shows such a great improvement when I have my first test since diagnosis next month.
As for the medication issues - their role is to give you the facts and help you decide if it's right for you.
Quite frankly she's simply showing her ignorance in her inability to give you a satisfactory explanation.
Whatever you are doing is working well for you - keep up the good work xxxx

Thank you so much for your response. Like many others I received on the forum, it has helped me put things into context. The first doctor I spoke to was nothing but supportive. And the consultant at the hospital was fantastic. I think I just got 'one of them' as @tim2000s described her, every profession has them. I admire people who chose to work in fields like yours. I am sure it is highly specialised and are not looking for a change in career path but I have to say it would be fantastic to have a DN with your attitude and personal experience of Diabetes :)


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From a personal point of view, I would check the practice website, see if there is a go who has an interest in Diabetes and INSIST that you get an appointment with them, it really does help if the doctor has an interest in the subject, I know it helped me when I was first diagnosed.

Good advice. I just looked at their web site and there is a doctor at the practice who is the Diabetes lead. Unfortunately, from recollection she is very popular, next time though for sure I will book her.


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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Please note:

Diabetes nurses at Practices, hospitals etc have to undertake specialist, further training.

GPs do not. An example is our practice..... We have to have a GP that oversees diabetes... He had no special interest in it. He has no extra interest or qualifications in it. He was just selected by the other partners to be responsible for overseeing it.

If you really want to see the qualifications and interests of your GPs at your Practice look them all up on the GMC website... That is the only way to check their specialist interests or qualifications.
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When I saw the diabetes nurse at my surgery she told me that she's not actually a specialist - just the only one in the surgery that was chosen to deal with it. When I was going to start insulin I had to be referred to the hospital as there is no one in my surgery who is able to deal with this. Have chosen to stay with the DSN at the hospital. They are always at the end of the phone if I need them and I have other medical issues too, which I am under the care of the hospital for.
I am sorry to say that I have given up with my GP surgery. Seems to be mainly locums now - can't even seem to see the same doctor twice.
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Dark Horse

Well-Known Member
Do you have a link for the source of that table, graj0? I'd like to read it.

By the way, incidence and prevalence have 2 quite different meanings. I like the analogy of a bath filling with water: incidence is the water coming out the tap, prevalence is the water in the bath and mortality is the water flowing out the plughole. Even if the incidence has fallen, the prevalence can stay the same if the mortality also falls.
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