Explaining what it's really like to live with Type 1 / And what was your fasting blood glucose in a morning? · Send to a friend
Recipe of the day
Bad sleep, weird moods and blood glucose
It’s very irritating when struggling to fall asleep or having difficulty getting back to sleep.

There are a number of factors that can lead to difficult sleep, and diabetes can affect sleep in a number of additional ways. High sugar levels, low sugar levels and the effects of neuropathy are some of the ways in which diabetes can affect sleep.

Now we’re within summer, the heat and humidity can make it harder for some of us to sleep and diabetes can add an extra factor that makes our sleep harder.

Diabetes Forum members have been weighing in the issue of weird effects when sleeping and how diabetes may be linked to these.

A clinical trial has just been published that shows how exercise can affect overnight sugar levels in children with type 1 diabetes that contributes to a greater risk of hypos during the night.

Whilst the researchers noted that children seemed particularly sensitive to the effects of exercise, it is known that exercise can increase the risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia in people of all ages with type 1 diabetes.

Recipe of the day
Recipe of the day
Cutting carbs from your diet is a bad idea - or is it? Members of the forum have been debating the media’s knee-jerk reaction to the growing scientific evidence in favour of low-carb diets.

Have your say on the Why Cutting Carbs From Your Diet Is A Bad Move thread or join in on today's top threads:

01  What are you doing right now?
02  Type 2 Life
03  Explaining what it's really like to live with Type 1
04  What does the UK leaving the EU mean for us?
05  80's sweets
06  Hi everyone
07  Lost the plot
08  There are many "WHY"
09  Should I be worried - just done a home blood test.....
10  Type 2s: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

There are 1,112,539 posts from 205,951 members in the forum right now.

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No question is too silly, most questions get their first response in 4 minutes. The success stories speak for themselves - by connecting we are making better choices and improving understanding. Now, that is awesome.

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In other news, a joint team of researchers from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and Sackler School of Dental Medicine in Boston have found a new non-invasive way to treat patients with diabetes suffering from advanced ulcerations of their foot.

That's quite exciting and has led to our pages on some of the pioneers of diabetes such as Charles Best, Eva Saxl and Frederick Banting trending this week.

Have a great day,

PS. Join in today's most popular chat thread, what are you going to do to make the UK great again?

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