What do we love/hate/like about this festive time ..



Love the festive food,parties, time off to spend quality time with the family. Extremely organised this year, done all the shopping which I even enjoyed this year, avoiding all the hustle in the shops, so a very relaxed Christmas break. Only thing I dislike is at these times a heightened sense of grief on remembrance to the Christmas past where not all will be attending.
Impressed with all the shopping you have done ..
Glad you enjoyed it , you must of enjoyed it and knew what you wanted to buy ..

I am afraid I am one if those who does get a bit emotional at Christmas time .. I laugh and smile to though :)
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What i love is a child hood memory ..

Of walking down the local,high street and being allowed to choose sweets , all sold in jars and put in little white paper bags ..
When my sister and I got them home they had to be put in a special dish to look posh for Christmas .. Next to the bowl of oranges , but again these were all,part of the Christmas Eve tradition .. They were treats really ..
Then we used to go and visit all relatives .. Older ones .. None were ever left alone for Christmas Day ..
I used to like a great aunt , always insisted I had a little something in my lemonade at Christmas ..:rolleyes:

Then always neighbours would pop in and out .. Just don't have that now in adult life .. ;)
But then times have changed ..
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The pressure of Christmas is huge. In my last house I got a card every year from someone I didn't know. At the 20 year mark there was a message saying, "We still live at No. 11" which suggests they were not getting a reply but did not know how to cross someone off their list.

It happened again at this house but at about the 15 year mark the message said, "Sorry to hear about Gwen". I made enquiries and the previous owners wife had indeed died. The sender knew that she was dead but didn't know that she had moved house fifteen years before.

I was unreliable in the card sending department and gave up a few years ago. Other people must have crossed me off their list since incoming cards are fewer but some still arrive.

As for the rest of Christmas, you can keep it. Silly present buying to, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas". Getting presents that I have no use for since the giver is compelled to conform.

These days I just buy myself a present. I always like it.
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i could write a long list about tacky aspects of Christmas, but I prefer to forget about them in favour of the special things, events and people. Actually I think people are amazing, you couldn't write the script.
About cats hating Christmas: Tabs loves the fires we light at Christmas, but she gets a little shy, cross and wary of crowds of visitors, - especially if they turn up in fancy dress, - and escapes - to a bed in a dark bedroom.
Christmas in hospital can be a bit strange. My son was born on December 18th, thirty years ago, and he and I were still in hospital on Christmas Day. Early morning, all the patients were given Christmas cards, and prezzies - a bar of soap for me and a flannel for my son - I don't know why I was so affected by this kind gesture, but I was.
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i could write a long list about tacky aspects of Christmas, but I prefer to forget about them in favour of the special things, events and people. Actually I think people are amazing, you couldn't write the script.
About cats hating Christmas: Tabs loves the fires we light at Christmas, but she gets a little shy, cross and wary of crowds of visitors, - especially if they turn up in fancy dress, - and escapes - to a bed in a dark bedroom.
Christmas in hospital can be a bit strange. My son was born on December 18th, thirty years ago, and he and I were still in hospital on Christmas Day. Early morning, all the patients were given Christmas cards, and prezzies - a bar of soap for me and a flannel for my son - I don't know why I was so affected by this kind gesture, but I was.
Those are lovely memories , sometimes it's the little gifts that are not expensive that mean the most X
I love cats they love the lights on the tree .. And getting a gift , well I like all animals to get a gift X
Could you write the tacky list lol ;) X
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The pressure of Christmas is huge. In my last house I got a card every year from someone I didn't know. At the 20 year mark there was a message saying, "We still live at No. 11" which suggests they were not getting a reply but did not know how to cross someone off their list.

It happened again at this house but at about the 15 year mark the message said, "Sorry to hear about Gwen". I made enquiries and the previous owners wife had indeed died. The sender knew that she was dead but didn't know that she had moved house fifteen years before.

I was unreliable in the card sending department and gave up a few years ago. Other people must have crossed me off their list since incoming cards are fewer but some still arrive.

As for the rest of Christmas, you can keep it. Silly present buying to, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas". Getting presents that I have no use for since the giver is compelled to conform.

These days I just buy myself a present. I always like it.
Enjoy your present , great idea you deserve a nice present X


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All us older family members agreed a while ago that trying to buy for each other is a nightmare and we all end up with stuff we don't really want or need. I know people buy in desperation in the end but come on ... biscuits, chocolates and food items we always had in anyway (not this year), sets of soap and bubble bath (have they really not noticed we only have a shower?) and I don't really want to go round smelling like a fruit shop (Mango & Watermelon shower gel!!) so now we don't bother.
Works for us :D
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Lamont D

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We love chrimbo, especially with six grandkids and seeing them as we all have busy lives.
Christmas is so special to the kids, and we always spoil them.

However, the drawback and its something that we have lived with in our adult life.
The father in law and other members of her big family are alcoholics and have regularly tried to spoil Christmas. The wife is so good at stamping on it and sending them home or to their rooms! Nobody likes a drunk with kids around!
Why do they have to do it?
I know they can't help it!
That is the only hate I have at Christmas!

I think it is a time to celebrate the end of a probable trying and rueful year!
You have good ones and bad ones! And some awful ones!
How many of our family and friends are missing and I always like to think of them at this time!
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Those are lovely memories , sometimes it's the little gifts that are not expensive that mean the most X
I love cats they love the lights on the tree .. And getting a gift , well I like all animals to get a gift X
Could you write the tacky list lol ;) X

i suppose I could, just for you then, I'll see what I can do, lol,:(
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We love chrimbo, especially with six grandkids and seeing them as we all have busy lives.
Christmas is so special to the kids, and we always spoil them.

However, the drawback and its something that we have lived with in our adult life.
The father in law and other members of her big family are alcoholics and have regularly tried to spoil Christmas. The wife is so good at stamping on it and sending them home or to their rooms! Nobody likes a drunk with kids around!
Why do they have to do it?
I know they can't help it!
That is the only hate I have at Christmas!

I think it is a time to celebrate the end of a probable trying and rueful year!
You have good ones and bad ones! And some awful ones!
How many of our family and friends are missing and I always like to think of them at this time!
Nice to think of those not with us , can't be avoided ..
Sounds lovely all the grandchildren ..
Sorry about the hate .. Situation , difficult one that .. But have a very happy Christmas ..


All us older family members agreed a while ago that trying to buy for each other is a nightmare and we all end up with stuff we don't really want or need. I know people buy in desperation in the end but come on ... biscuits, chocolates and food items we always had in anyway (not this year), sets of soap and bubble bath (have they really not noticed we only have a shower?) and I don't really want to go round smelling like a fruit shop (Mango & Watermelon shower gel!!) so now we don't bother.
Works for us :D
Christmas is changing all the time X


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Hate, all those Christmas songs churning out from the radio, there's some classics but some be destined to the dustbin of history :rolleyes:
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Lamont D

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Nice to think of those not with us , can't be avoided ..
Sounds lovely all the grandchildren ..
Sorry about the hate .. Situation , difficult one that .. But have a very happy Christmas ..

Hate the act of acting irresponsibility. The need to drink more at something with young children of all ages, doesn't present a good image or good manners.
Hence the in laws problems with alcoholic problems, which is a normality throughout that side of the family. Any chance to drink or any reason! Even the threat of early fatality doesn't register!
I know that they can't help it! But the need for more when enough is not enough.

Can't hate them, though, they are family!
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Lamont D

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Hate, all those Christmas songs churning out from the radio, there's some classics but some be destined to the dustbin of history :rolleyes:

Can't stand all but a few and what's worse the churning out of so called favourites by not so well known 'celeberaties' who completely destroy a decent enough song!
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Bullies, discrimination of any kind, bad manners, parents who let their kids run amok & spoil things for everyone else, unkind spiteful people, being a clumsy clod, toast crumbs in the bed, cold feet!!
I love Christmas. I love everything about it. This year is special because I was very ill & spent the past two Christmas Days in bed. No Christmas dinner, no wish to see family or friends, no desire to wake up even! No hope! So, this Christmas is a complete joy. I'm working on Christmas morning. I'm a nurse, & working at special times of the year, well...it's part of the job. But, I'll be giving the patients in my care the BEST Christmas I possibly can. They haven't chosen to be in hospital, & it's not their fault that I have to work at Christmas. So, I owe it to them to make their day special if I can. That makes it special for me too. Maybe you have to hit rock bottom in life before you truly feel the spirit of the season. Yes, it's too commercial, & there can be negatives if you see it that way. But, it's the only day of the year that total strangers will smile at you and wish you well. It's good to keep the spirit of Christmas in your heart...and embrace the joy of the season. Go see kids visiting Santas grotto in your shopping centre...truly magical. Pay a visit to a homeless shelter with mince pies or good used warm clothing. Your local cat & dog shelter will need warm blankets, pet treats & toys. Donate to your local food bank. Just do something kind. Anything. It doesn't need to cost money. Your time is equally as valuable to those in need. Believe me, these acts of kindness are good for the soul, make you feel good about life, as well as being appreciated by those on the receiving end. I sound a right goody two shoes. I'm most certainly not! But I've learnt through experience that everyone can make a difference, however small...if you choose to. To those who will be remembering family & friends no longer with you...may the joy of remembering your loved one(s) lighten your load & give you peace of heart.

Merry Christmas folks. X

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Christmas is changing all the time X

Yes, I think it all depends at what stage in your life you are at.
When you have children it's all about them and often your parents.
When they grow up and want to do their own thing you still make it nice for the parents.
Grandchildren come along and the house is full again.
We're now at the stage where grandkids are grown up, parents sadly gone along with other family members and the sparkle seems to have gone out of it.
But for everyone who is still enjoying it remember we've been there and done it all and just reached a time in our lives when we're quite content to sit back now and leave the manic Christmas time to the ones who have a good reason to make it a pleasurable experience for others. xx
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Well I'm eating my own words here, cos I can't decide that there is anything tacky about Christmas. I did try, Kat.
I've really enjoyed reading everyone's views on this thread.
Yes it's all nice , however everyone does Christmas , in their own way ..
It is lovely how we share I like that X
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