Cannabis use and diabetes


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi there,

Apologies if this is the incorrect thread .
I in no way condone or promote the use of cannabis. I have been type 1 for 8 years now, I smoke recreationally from time to time, when in a social situation all of my peers like to have a drink, given the implications this has on my bloods and my personal ability to take care of myself, I do not, smoking is a way for me personally to enjoy a social night out. Given it has no evident effect on my bg during or after, and i know I will be in a fit state to take care of myself, I just wanted to get some views on smoking as a type 1.
P.s I am aware of the dangers linked cannabis, and personally I am comfortable with my judgment.
Many thanks


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Hi there,

Apologies if this is the incorrect thread .
I in no way condone or promote the use of cannabis. I have been type 1 for 8 years now, I smoke recreationally from time to time, when in a social situation all of my peers like to have a drink, given the implications this has on my bloods and my personal ability to take care of myself, I do not, smoking is a way for me personally to enjoy a social night out. Given it has no evident effect on my bg during or after, and i know I will be in a fit state to take care of myself, I just wanted to get some views on smoking as a type 1.
P.s I am aware of the dangers linked cannabis, and personally I am comfortable with my judgment.
Many thanks
Hi Fred, I was going to comment but have learned a long time ago that there's no point discussing cannabis with a large segment of the population because of their belief systems and mis-information. But I know a Type 1 that has been smoking it for 30 years, is a professional, has multiple University Degrees, has a loving supportive family and does not appear to have any adverse health implications due to his consumption. Whether it contributes to his management of diabetes remains to be seen but he's never stressed and seems to be continually in a good mood. :) Cannabis has been a hot topic in Canada and you hear arguments from all sides - as the Country is supposed to Legalize it by next July it's absolutely fascinating to hear all the different view points.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Much appreciate guys I've always struggled to find unbiased information due the before mentioned consensus view.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hmm, dishonest people that pretty well sums it up in a nutshell!
Hi there,

Apologies if this is the incorrect thread .
I in no way condone or promote the use of cannabis. I have been type 1 for 8 years now, I smoke recreationally from time to time, when in a social situation all of my peers like to have a drink, given the implications this has on my bloods and my personal ability to take care of myself, I do not, smoking is a way for me personally to enjoy a social night out. Given it has no evident effect on my bg during or after, and i know I will be in a fit state to take care of myself, I just wanted to get some views on smoking as a type 1.
P.s I am aware of the dangers linked cannabis, and personally I am comfortable with my judgment.
Many thanks

Hey Fred - I'm an expat now living in Canada. Just to let you know, I'm part of a small group here in Canada that has been pushing for legalisation of cannabis. I am like you, smoking recreationally, due to not wanting to drink in excess and watch blood sugars go wonky low ... even with eating food along side of it. What the legalisation will do is help those with painful neuropathy at least be able to still be part of the working/tax paying community and live a somewhat normal life.

I have recently also tried two types of prescription cannabis. Very different from what I have been smoking lately which creates the evil munchies ... and if you don't test (thank goodness for Bowie my CGM) ... then you know what happens. What I have found with the prescription cannabis ... no munchies ... surprise ... surprise. Not cheap though compared to what I buy elsewhere.

I'll keep you posted on how things go in this country. So far, officers of the law are now able to pull you over while driving, if they notice you are driving abit wonky, much like driving under the influence with alcohol, or having a blood sugar under 5 mmol/l (90 mg/dl).


Anna from Cornwall, Ontario
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Personally I don't use but that was more out of fear of what will happen to my BG as I was under the impression it made your sugars drop
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I suppose it depends how you use it - a pipe, dope cake or pure grass joint is probably best. I smoked cannabis and tobbaco joints when I was younger but stopped when I was diagnosed diabetic.Not because of any concerns re cannabis but because ir was the only way I could manage to give up fags. I was in hospital when diagnosed and Id been told by the surgeon who'd just operated on me that smoking fags is between 2 and 10 times as dangerous for a diabetic as for a non diabetic. That piece of info and the 2 guys who had both had amputations and used to sit outside the hospital smoking was enough to make me stop
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
The consensus seems to be positive as controlled scientific/medical research is still early due to changing/emerging attitudes towards to what has been up until now considered as a "dangerous drug" by both society in general and law enforcement (like alcohol prohibition used to be).

If you want a more recognized medical opinion you can read this research article by The American Journal of Medicine:

For an article with

An article from a more biased website but interesting:
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
A close friend of mine is a habitual user of 20 years, 15 of those pre diagnosis as type 1.

Following on from Badcat, i'd agree it's about how you administer it. The effects of the drug itself don't seem to have much conflict with diabetes as a condition. I believe there is some small evidence suggesting lowering and stabilising BG , but the effect is no-where near as strong as the post alchohol lows associated with your liver being busy dealing with the alcohol in your blood. All in my friends experience of course, a thin male of 35ish. Just gotta curb those munchies....

That said, smoking anything is so damaging to a diabetic, you need to cut that out entirely and urgently imo. However let me introduce you to vapourisers. This is a totally different process to smoking (burning), whereby hot air is passed over the herb, and evaporates the active ingredients out of the plant material. This means no tar, no carbon monoxide, nicotine etc etc.

Burning is a very dirty process with many biproducts. - The ash left behind is so much lighter, all that plant material goes up in smoke, through your lungs. Thats fibre and roughage, plant cell walls and stuff. A lot of carbon (soot). No good for the delicate spongy tissues of the lung.

Vapourising lifts a thin vapour out of the herb, which you inhale. I'm told it has barely any taste, except delicious, and when done properly (without raising temp too high), has no discernible impact on throat or lungs. Just a very pure body/head high. Its also a lot cheaper, as burning is a very inefficient process.

Please do all take a look. Plenty on youtube. It's also almost totally odourless btw.

Not to be confused with e-cig type vaping, where the vapour is an artificial thick noxious conccoction of who knows what, with a whole industry peddling the untested rubbish.
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Active Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
If it works for you mate, we need to remember our mental well being is just as important as physical wellbeing, and as for people judging you for what you do,forget them, anybody who is judgemental before being objective is not worth bothering with.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Having a son who has smoked the stuff for way to long he has developed (CHS) Cannaboid Hyperemesis Syndrome google it and you will find that to some people this can affect the whole family due to multiple events and hospitalisation it's all very well legalising it but to the few it's like a slow death,stopping using it stops the events,try telling that to a user they just tell you of the benefits it has,and yes I smoke a few normal cigarettes and have an occasional beer I ain't perfect.
Google the words and pass it on if you know anyone who is suffering thanksxx


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Vapourising lifts a thin vapour out of the herb, which you inhale. I'm told it has barely any taste, except delicious, and when done properly (without raising temp too high), has no discernible impact on throat or lungs. Just a very pure body/head high. Its also a lot cheaper, as burning is a very inefficient process..

I can attest to that! In fact there's a nice little vapourizer branded by a certain rapper named after a spying canine who was on the Branson related commission on legalising cannabis.

First time I tried it, we thought nothing was happening. No taste, no real "throat hit", and we wondered if it was working until about quarter of an hour later we were on the floor in paroxysms of giggles!

I'm pretty sure that there is research going on at Oxford University (at the Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, rather than hundreds of student bedrooms!) trying to isolate what they think is promising BG lowering effects from munchies. Though I suspect as with other cannabis based treatments available commercially they will probably also want to take all the giggly goodness out of it as well!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi there,

Apologies if this is the incorrect thread .
I in no way condone or promote the use of cannabis. I have been type 1 for 8 years now, I smoke recreationally from time to time, when in a social situation all of my peers like to have a drink, given the implications this has on my bloods and my personal ability to take care of myself, I do not, smoking is a way for me personally to enjoy a social night out. Given it has no evident effect on my bg during or after, and i know I will be in a fit state to take care of myself, I just wanted to get some views on smoking as a type 1.
P.s I am aware of the dangers linked cannabis, and personally I am comfortable with my judgment.
Many thanks
Smoked for 50 years. Type 2 for 20 years. Very low carb for 1 year. All I do is resist the munchies with loads of carbs. Fried pecans with salt work well.
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I have seen many positive accounts of Cannabis lowering blood sugar levels, mostly from groups that i follow, mainly from the US. It seems that smoking or Vapeing often has a mild lowering effect but the concentrated oil used by some of the medical patients can have quite a powerful effect. I have seen accounts of people being able to stop their drugs or move to lower doses, once accustomed to the oil & taking a reasonable amount. It seems to have a similar effect on blood pressure too as well as helping many other conditions. It does make you wonder why it is still illegal in the UK...


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
The positive effects, without the TCP side effects of smoking (and the possible unknown effects of smoking on your lungs/respiratory system), are to simply use Cannabis Oil. Either under the tongue of in food. That is the recommended medical use.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
So glad you posted this! I've been wanting to ask about it myself, but as you have mentioned there is still such a negative stigma attached with it! I smoke in social situations now rather than drinking as well! I have found that it really helps with my neuropathy, sleeping, and general mood! As long as I set myself out some healthy snacks I'm good to go! If it works for you I say go for it!


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I'm a regular smoker of it. I swear by its properties to help minimise the dreaded diabetic eye problems from too much laser but there is one thing that does annoy me which is unless I have my libre sensor on I struggle to tell (without testing BG) of I'm smashed or if I'm going on a low. Either way I get to have a little munch on some food but just one of those things. I don't use tobacco and I don't drink or do any other form off "street drugs" I'm happy to understand the consequences of smoking it but feel all positives outweigh the negatives and I am mentally sound health wise.