What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)


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I've just made another batch with Blue Dragon Light coconut milk and it is taking a lot longer to set. For the little I'm saving in carbs think I will stick to the full fat version. Still using Crusha no added sugar to flavour.

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Mine is almost made - 1 more stir in 5 minutes and then into the fridge. I've used unsweetened almond milk, dark cocoa and xylitol. Never used xylitol before so guessed the amount. Smells delicious. Know what is for dessert with tomorrow's dinner!


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That explains my problem getting choc chia pud to set the 1st time I attempted it! I used low fat coconut milk!! :rolleyes:
Unfortunately, I have to use low fat cos of gallbladder removed 2010 (My 50th birthday gift off NHS! Op was day before!) :banghead::rolleyes:

Don't worry, you can always thicken up a chia pud by adding more chia seeds.
As far as i am concerned all recipes are just an invitation to tweak and fiddle. Much more interesting that way! :D


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That explains my problem getting choc chia pud to set the 1st time I attempted it! I used low fat coconut milk!! :rolleyes:
Unfortunately, I have to use low fat cos of gallbladder removed 2010 (My 50th birthday gift off NHS! Op was day before!) :banghead::rolleyes:

The almond milk I used (Alpro) is low fat as well as low carb. Will let you know how the pudding sets.


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B: 2 bacon & scrambled eggs
L: Ham & piccalilli butty on Hovis low carb wholemeal, some melon & Light & Free yogurt
T: Canned cassoulet bought in Sarlat from producer that James Martin recommended with some rye bread & butter, and a Malibu & coke zero.
Tea throughout the day


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Anyway bed last might was 6.9 FBG was 7.3 and pre breakfast I was back to 6.9. Surprised as I don't feel too good. Have just had a hot shower and gone off to bed. Not tired but just want to relax and keep warm.
B. 2 gluten free pork chipolatos, 2 rashers back bacon , Portobello mushroom and a fried egg.
Tassimo Americano Grande with a dash of cream.
L. Nothing.
D. Salmon fillet couple of tablespoons of tuna, tablespoon of prawns, lettuce, 3 cherry tomatoes, 1/2 avocado, 20g red Leicester and 3 Walnuts.
A bit more liquid than usual chia pudding and 8 raspberries.
Loads of water and paracetamol - feels very like a cold coming on but the BGs are not showing the usual high rise. Might be lucky?

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Anyway bed last might was 6.9 FBG was 7.3 and pre breakfast I was back to 6.9. Surprised as I don't feel too good. Have just had a hot shower and gone off to bed. Not tired but just want to relax and keep warm.
B. 2 gluten free pork chipolatos, 2 rashers back bacon , Portobello mushroom and a fried egg.
Tassimo Americano Grande with a dash of cream.
L. Nothing.
D. Salmon fillet couple of tablespoons of tuna, tablespoon of prawns, lettuce, 3 cherry tomatoes, 1/2 avocado, 20g red Leicester and 3 Walnuts.
A bit more liquid than usual chia pudding and 8 raspberries.
Loads of water and paracetamol - feels very like a cold coming on but the BGs are not showing the usual high rise. Might be lucky?

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Hope you feel better in the morning



Breakfast: Paleo porridge and 40g raspberries

Lunch: 100g pineapple cottage cheese on two crackerbreads

Dinner: One BFree Wrap, 150g chilli chicken breast baked with a red pepper cut in to strips, a teaspoon sour cream dip spread on the wrap and a green salad.

Someone remind me NEVER to eat a BFree wrap again - it had absolutely no flavour and just crumbled apart as soon as I tried to wrap the chicken and red pepper in it - I'd have probably had an easier and more flavourful time wrapping the filling in romaine leaves.

Drinks: Black coffee with breakfast and mid morning and sparkling mineral water for the rest of the day.
If you want a low carb wrap have a look at Josephs Laavash wrap or mini pittas - only available through online stores, I getbthem from Amazon - I buy a few packs to bring down cost a bit ( postage is same for up to 5/6 packs) and freeze some
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Another 1 shake, 2 meal day
B - shake
L - another portion of the blood sugar diet aubergine lasagne
D - 1/2 toasted lidl roll with goats cheese and watercress followed by 125g raspberries with Oppo ice cream
Drinks - 2 nespressos with extra thick single cream, sparkly water
835 cal 48g carbs


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@maglil55 -- Hope you feel better really soon.

Yesterday ...

Breakfast: Two cups of double decaffeinated espressos with cream and xylitol.

Lunch: A leftover stuffed chili and a heaping tablespoon of low-carb chocolate mousse.

Snack: Half a low-carb roll with butter, two heaping tablespoons of chocolate mousse, a square of 85% chocolate.

Dinner: Tuna sashimi with a homemade mustard-balsamico-cream sauce, 100g of hummus with olive oil and homemade low-carb flat bread and 5 blackberries.

Edited to add: Forgot to mention one glass of red wine and a late-night snack of half a low-carb roll with tartar and mayonnaise.
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Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
It does say that the low fat version will thicken. As @Brunneria says more of the dear little chia seeds can always go in.

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The low fat did thicken overnight but not enough for me (I like it solid like ice cream) so a 5th tablespoon of chia seeds has gone in.
Do you think a chia pudding recipe thread would be an idea?
Thanks for the healthy wishes. Found out this morning that youngest grandson had infected everyone. Sweats, crackly chest , exhausted but doesn't seem to go full blown cold. Slept from 10pm to 8am until I woke up soaked with sweat but feel a bit better. Weird though as BGs are still ok.

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Despite being contaminated by youngest grandson again BGs are still not bad. Very early bed of 5.9 FBG 6.1 and pre breakfast was 6.9. Still not 100 % but paracetamol and plenty water holding things at bay. Starving hungry though.
B. 1/2 Lidl high protein roll with lurpack and 2 scrambled eggs. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. Marigold Swiss bouillon and the other half of the Lidl high protein roll with lurpack and The tasty salmon one pate with lettuce.
D. Diet Doctor chicken garam masala with cauliflower rice and diet doctor naan bread but Masalawithout the garlic butter.
Chia Pudding is better but still not solid. Tastes fine so will be having chia pudding and the last of the raspberries.

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A 2 shake 1 meal day today
B - shake
L - shake
D - 1/2 grilled Lidl roll with low carb version of welsh rarebit on it, (mixed egg, extra mature cheddar, worcester sauce, dijon mustard and black pepper then under the grill until browned and bubbly) 1/4 avocado and a green salad
Drinks - 2 x nespresso with extra thick single cream, 2 litres water
930 cals, 47g carbs


Despite being contaminated by youngest grandson again BGs are still not bad. Very early bed of 5.9 FBG 6.1 and pre breakfast was 6.9. Still not 100 % but paracetamol and plenty water holding things at bay. Starving hungry though.
B. 1/2 Lidl high protein roll with lurpack and 2 scrambled eggs. Tassimo Americano grande with a dash of cream.
L. Marigold Swiss bouillon and the other half of the Lidl high protein roll with lurpack and The tasty salmon one pate with lettuce.
D. Diet Doctor chicken garam masala with cauliflower rice and diet doctor naan bread but Masalawithout the garlic butter.
Chia Pudding is better but still not solid. Tastes fine so will be having chia pudding and the last of the raspberries.

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I used to work with under 5's in a nursety - we all had a theory that children of that age are wonderful breeding grounds for germ warfare because they havnt yet built up much resistance to bugs so Pass on the full strenogth version
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Type of diabetes
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I used to work with under 5's in a nursety - we all had a theory that children of that age are wonderful breeding grounds for germ warfare because they havnt yet built up much resistance to bugs so Pass on the full strenogth version
Oh how I agree. Youngest grandson is still at Nursery and I take him and pick up every day so I'm in contact with multiple little harbingers of disease most days. I am frequently infected. Times I think a great gift for me would be a hazmat suit
Never mind , he moves to school next year and it seems better there. Probably because they have concluded spreading diseases at Nursery.
My son was the same - He caught everything while at Nursery.

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People who think they know everything.

Breakfast: Vanilla 2 egg omelette (dusted with Splenda) and 40g squidgy blackberries

Lunch: I forgot :banghead: which seems strange as I am only eating 800 calories a day and should have been starving

Dinner: Chilli filled baked marrow (from my garden)

Drinks: Black coffee with breakfast and mid morning then sparkling mineral water for the rest of the day


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A bit of a decadent day today.

Breakfast - none

Lunch - small mixed doner/chicken doner kebab (no bread) with salad. Couldn't eat all of it and only a 0.2 mmol rise after two hours

Dinner - seabass fillet with sautéed kale; chocolate chia pudding with cream.

@Butterfly1960 the pudding set well using almond milk. Not completely firm - more like a blancmange. Could have done with a bit more sweetener than I put in too, but pretty tasty. I've added some more seeds and a touch more sweetener to the remainder.

Drinks - 1 mug tea with cream, 1 mug tea with milk, about half a can of Diet Coke, 1.5 litres water

Edited to say that I think the chia seeds are still expanding in my stomach - seem to be getting fuller!
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