low carb

  1. T

    Change of Meds in September 2023

    Hi all, I’m new to this forum and this is my first post I was diagnosed as diabetic in February 2019 and was put on Metformin 500mg 3 times a day. In September 2023 my A1c went up to 83 so my GP put me on Syjnjardy 1000mg metformin and 5mg enpagliflozin twice a day. Since then my A1c has...
  2. I

    T1D Low Carb study shows sig improvement in TIR

    This effect has been fairly well known for years, but only N=1 anecdotal evidence. Now an RCT Dr David Unwin Tweets: Progress an RCT @idlake ! This fits with my clinical experience that People with T1D who choose to go lower carb use about 50% less insulin...
  3. aylalake

    Keto and Low Carb Food Festival

    Has anyone been to one of these and is anyone planning on going to the next one, which is in Bristol In February 2024?
  4. L

    T2 fasting and metformin SR

    Both myself and my husband are type 2 and very overweight. the last two weeks we have been fasting 16:8 and 18-19:6 and slowly moving towards low carb. I have lost weight and he hasn’t lost as much, the difference being he still takes 2000mg daily and I just stopped. I suggested the failure to...
  5. Grace04

    Carbs and Fats

    Could I get some help to clarify what it is I’m aiming to do in order to lower my HbA1C please. I know I need to be low carb. I’m back home from holiday this weekend so that’s going to be much easier as I have a supply of food from the Seriously Low Carb Store in my freezer. I also know I need...
  6. S

    Low Carb Keto Diet

    I have started the Michael Mosely Fast 800 Keto diet . 3 weeks in and I have lost 16lb. I can’t get an appointment with my diabetic nurse until 21st but should I have stopped taking my canagliflozin? 1x100mg taken in the morning. I also take Metformin MR 500mg. 4 a day - 1, 1, and 2 at night.
  7. ResistingResistanceUK

    Perimenopause & Weight Gain

    Hi all, i‘ve recently found out I’m in perimenopause. I’m battling some gnarly symptoms. Started HRT on Sunday (so far so good). I eat low carb and because I’m post surgery , I’m trying to lose a bit of recovery weight. So I’m on 1500 cals a day and initially it did work and i lost 3lbs but...
  8. I

    Food as medicine - First do no Pharm

    John Campbell interviews Dr Aseem Malhotra. Highlights: Insulin resistance associated not only with T2 diabetes , but with 80% of Heart attacks ( more than high Total Cholesterol or high LDL. Prescription medicine side effects are 3rd biggest killer in USA. Absolute versus Relative benefit is...
  9. Mbaker

    Gyles Brandreth's Poem about Low Carb. 30 seconds

    I asked him if I could post his video. I think this is great as a fun elevator pitch for what to expect and how to do it.
  10. ~Nattie~

    Just sharing my story/looking for similar stories

    Hi everyone, just looking to join the community, and find some friends who share my condition I suppose. Feeling lonely as I know no one in my real life with diabetes. My story starts when I was about 12, when I hit puberty basically. I began having extreme low blood sugars, which I would...
  11. BrianTheElder

    Seed crackers disaster

    I just found that M&S no longer have their "Super Seed Crackers" on the shelves in my local stores, they have been missing for 2 weeks and they can't say if or when they will be back. I will sorely miss those little blighters as they don't affect my BS or weight at all.
  12. Enrique12528

    Low carb running: how to fuel during a run ?

    Anyone have any info on fueling during a long run while on a low carb diet for diabetes (diet controlled type 2). All the running media is full of gels and snacks that are full of carbs.
  13. D

    Lipids question - alarming test results?

    Hi All, I practice ADF and Low Carb. Should this latest report get alarm bells ringing? (Latest HBA1C is 6.1, following a 6.0). Fasting status: Fasting Total Chol. * 6.9 (< 5.6) mmol/L HDL Chol. 1.8 (> 1.0) mmol/L LDL Chol. * 4.8 (< 2.5) mmol/L Non-HDL Chol. * 5.1 (< 3.9) mmol/L Triglyceride...
  14. Bewilderedbutterfly

    Type 2 Newbie here and retrying low carb

    Hello everyone..nice to meet you I have been diabetic type 2 for some years now.Managed with a little bit of metformin but because that badly upsets my stomach and Dr wouldnt let me try anything else, I decided to manage my diet which I havent been too bad at doing for some years However my...
  15. B

    Is this Greek yogurt low Carb?

    I've just discovered lactose free strawberry Greek yogurt in asda, but I don't know if it's suitable for a low Carb diet. I've only seen plain Greek yogurts recommended. Would this be OK?
  16. T

    Confused about blood sugar?

    Hi I've recently got myself a CGM to monitor my blood sugar and I'm very confused it seems my line is almost flat but the wrong level? Overnight it's been sitting in the high 8s/early 9s then this morning its gone up to 10.4 and is sitting stable there. I'm currently on metformin and glicazide...
  17. clare56

    How do I select a blood sugar monitor?

    I'd like to be able to monitor my blood sugar using a continuous monitor like the FreeStyle Libre system, but my phone is not up to date enough for the app. I was diagnosed with diabetes 2 about six years ago, but mangaged to keep it in remission until recently. I have been testing by pricking...
  18. I

    Lean-Mass Hyper-Responder paper discussion video

    Only a minority of Type 2 diabetics (TOFI's like me) will encounter this situation when they try a Low Carb or Keto 'way of eating'. At first I thought you had to be really lean (not just not overweight) and really fit in order to fall into this category, but apparently the cut off is a BMI of...
  19. KennyA

    Low-Carb Skipton - 27 January - Ivor Cummins talk

    Hi all. We relaunched Low-Carb Skipton's open meetings this month. Welcoming old members and new. Next meeting will be on 6th December at 7 pm in the Rendezvous Hotel. We're hoping to have a guest speaker and a trading stall - to be confirmed.
  20. I

    Newcastle Diet is Low Carb

    I've had some in the 'blue forum' saying bad things about Low Carb. Mostly from those who advocate the 'Newcastle Diet' as you would expect. But while we know that Low Carb doesn't have to be calorie restricted in any way for it to reduce BG (and weight in the majority of cases), the 'Newcastle...