The start of a new journey - just diagnosed Type 2


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone from a cold, wintry Bristol!

Less than 7 days ago, just confirmed I am Type 2 Diabetic and have been placed on a course of Gliclazide as the first step of bringing my BG level down from c. 15mmol.

On the same day as the diagnosis was confirmed, I was offered a spanking new job with a good deal of international business travel (mainly Europe)...bringing another dimension with which to deal in my new world and look forward to both sharing and receiving information and experiences here as I hope to balance this new job and my Type 2! Trying to be positive, not the opposite...

Already, having lurked about without saying a word (uncharacteristic says my wife), I have found the information shared by the members of this forum to be brilliant, putting my mind at ease on a whole range of burning topics, including the side effects of the medication as it works bringing my BG level down.

As I become more up to speed with this new universe I've just entered, I hope to share tips and experiences instead of just asking questions which many of you will no doubt have answered before.

Anyway, hello!
Hello & welcome. I'm new too, but have found this forum really supportive. Fantastic attitude to have - I'm sure it will help you to face the challenges ahead. Good luck in your new job


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I take a lot of low carb meal bars with me. Most of my luggage is them! Not great as an everyday thing, but lots of places I go cookies, chocolate or big slabs of bread are the only foods available.

Check if your company will let you have breakfast. Mine won't and won't let you pay for it either so I end up with bars for breakfast too.

I think travelling in Europe you'll be in a better position than in the UK for food generally though.

the nice

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi there, I’ve just been diagnosed with type 2 a week ago as well, very daunting!

Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
Hi there, I’ve just been diagnosed with type 2 a week ago as well, very daunting!

It won't be. You have a goldmine of experience residing here both for advice and support. Over to you for information you can provide :)

the nice

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
All I know at the moment is that I’ve got to go back to the doc and that he’s put me on these horse pills called Metformin and given me a diet sheet that’s 9 pages long!
Ps, I’m male aged 66, cheers.

Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
We're gonna ask a lot more than that

Current diet?
Last HbA1C bloods and results?
Metformin per day?

Hop on the train, we'll build up from there. Long travels await but I assure you, it gets easier and quickly


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
All I know at the moment is that I’ve got to go back to the doc and that he’s put me on these horse pills called Metformin and given me a diet sheet that’s 9 pages long!
Ps, I’m male aged 66, cheers.

Many of us here would agree that the general "healthy eating" approach dished out as standard is far from ideal for a Type 2 diabetic. Obviously, we don't know what's on this 9 pages you refer to...but I am willing to take a considered guess. As @Mike D has commented, we can offer advice of more value is we know certain things..and you need to to know these things. That said, I would say that you should not feel too stressed about as there are certainly things you can do to help yourself manage your blood sugar levels. My own approach was to ask questions of experienced people here as they came to me, to read around the subject. I was fortunate that I was prescribed a self-testing meter and strips nearly three years ago but that is far from the normal experience...and many here would recommend buying one as this allows you to see what your blood sugar levels are in response to certain foods. Armed with in of these and your own record of what you are eating, you can then adapt your diet to very good effect. The single most important fact that I learned was that carbohydrates effectively become sugar in the blood. This allowed me to identify the foods most likely to do me harm (eg. bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals) and my meter readings confirmed this. The medical staff you see are unlikely to advise a low carb diet but, while some here find other ways, and awful lot of us here keep our levels down through that kind of diet. Anyway, good get back to us with the details @Mike D refers to.

the nice

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Aha! Many thanks, I was thinking about getting a meter anyway, but there are so many different types and prices available that I don’t know what to go for so any advice on that would be much appreciated as well, cheers.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Aha! Many thanks, I was thinking about getting a meter anyway, but there are so many different types and prices available that I don’t know what to go for so any advice on that would be much appreciated as well, cheers.

The most popular meters for self funding T2's are the Codefree and the Tee2 because the strips are much cheaper than other meters, and you need a lot of strips. You can't buy them in pharmacies.

Try here for the Codefree meter

and here for the extra strips

There are discount codes if you buy in bulk.
5 packs 264086
10 packs 975833

The Tee2 is here and the meter is free.

Don’t forget to check the box that you have diabetes so you can buy VAT free. (for either meter)

the nice

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
That’s great, many thanks, but where’s the catch if I go for the free one, and what strips do I order for that one please?

the nice

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I’ll just get whatever you recommend as this is all totally new to me as you can appreciate, thanks.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
That’s great, many thanks, but where’s the catch if I go for the free one, and what strips do I order for that one please?

There is no catch, and you order the strips from the same website as the meter.

the nice

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
That’s great, I’ve just ordered a Tee 2 and a pack of strips. I’ve been looking at meters long before I was diagnosed but didn’t have a clue what I was looking at!
Many thanks.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
That’s great, I’ve just ordered a Tee 2 and a pack of strips. I’ve been looking at meters long before I was diagnosed but didn’t have a clue what I was looking at!
Many thanks.
You won’t regret getting this I’ve found it’s helped me to work out the foods that work for me and given me confidence to try out stuff and monitor my improvement over time. The company also delivers fairly quickly. Hardest thing for me when first meter arrived was working out how to use the lancet and pen had to look it up on YouTube!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
That’s great, I’ve just ordered a Tee 2 and a pack of strips. I’ve been looking at meters long before I was diagnosed but didn’t have a clue what I was looking at!
Many thanks.

When it arrives let us know and we can help you use it to your best advantage. :)