What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


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Well I didn’t skip lunch, at 1pm my Libre gave me a 5.5 so asked for cheese salad, which they don’t do, so had 2x cheese sandwich with side salad and pulled out the cheese leaving the bread on one plate and my cheese salad on the other. They looked confused when they said I could have had jacket potato if I wanted a healthy option but I declined.
Buffet tonight god only knows what low carb options are available, I’m about to find out.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Well I didn’t skip lunch, at 1pm my Libre gave me a 5.5 so asked for cheese salad, which they don’t do, so had 2x cheese sandwich with side salad and pulled out the cheese leaving the bread on one plate and my cheese salad on the other. They looked confused when they said I could have had jacket potato if I wanted a healthy option but I declined.
Buffet tonight god only knows what low carb options are available, I’m about to find out.

Funny with aside order of 'Hug'.

it's a mad world isn't it.

the thought police have done such a number on us about what is healthy,
many don't even consider the effects any ill health can have on others.

Broke a leg..Jogging's healthy.....:***:
can't eat nuts..try almonds instead..:woot:

I do feel for you.
Must be hard when surrounded by those who have NO IDEA what they are talking about re T2D..:wideyed:

keep up the good fight.
Only YOU get punished if you don't control, and only YOU reap the rewards if you do.

you'll be able to judge for sure, when your BG/HBA1c comes up and it's better or worse than expected.

that's my reasoning, when the offer is made that.. 'of Course you can...'IT's HEALTHY. '....:banghead::banghead::banghead:.

maybe for many..But certainly NOT for me..thank you very much.

Shame the hotel can't just see the logic in not wasting food (bread) when you clearly don't want it.

Enjoy the Hols.

And Viva La revolution..comrade Fndwheelie
viva La PPF of LC*.:D

(*Peoples Popular Front of Low Carb..

NOT to be confused with the Life of Brian crowd.)
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Quick interim post.

Just wondering what your thoughts are on this. My surgery have endorsed it and are looking to give it to any pts interested, be that for weight loss or controlling bs. It's still a work in progress but almost there. I didn't want it over more than 4 pages a4. Wanted it personable, before and after pics (not showing my full 4 stone weight loss but one on my journey and I like it cos I look like I'm loving life, which I am, and wanted that to come across). My journey plus a bit of useful info around diabetes.

When dx I think most of us felt it was our fault for becoming over weight so i wanted to reiterate it wasnt and also included the insulin cycle.

I'm constantly being asked how I lost my weight and for meal plans so included some ideas. Nothing special.because it's very basic in our house, I'm a lazy cook. And finally a list of good options food wise and one of Dr David Unwin's infographs (endorsed by NICE). The common foods one (would have loved to include them all).

Your thoughts and any feedback appreciated. I can tweak before I print any off.

Once completely finished I'm hoping to contact lots of local surgeries and arrange meetings with their diabetic teams. I will take in my box of goodies (that I bring to presentations and such) low carb packets and high carb too as I like to show the difference, leaflets, inspirational stories booklet, leaflet showing many of our forum members initial weight and hba1c and current. All achieving normal hba1c levels and seeing amazing weight loss, cookery books and this leaflet.

It's not exactly as I would want it as I didnt want to upset the apple cart so to speak.

Thanks in advance.



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A pleasant 5.8 from the meter of mirth this morning.

Still feeling rough, so very unlike me, I've called in sick today.

Can't point to what 'it' is... Just not feeling myself.

My goodness @gennepher ... Your garden must be like a homing beacon... Can't believe just how many butterflies you describe..
Glorious pictures Btw.

@Bubbsie ...hahaha....the royal wave .:D
( well prince Phillips one, normally.;) )

@Viv19 .. That sounds like you've had as much traveled life..... Well jel... ( As I think some say)

And @dunelm ...."Zombies on crack, watching Peppa pig"....:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

@DJC3 great BG..and don't train out all the menace like qualities out of Dennis... Sounds like a proper dog should be.

Morning @HarrisonK , @Debandez :)

And morning, noon or night @SaskiaKC ..;):D
Evening @jjraak

Sorry to hear you are still under the weather. I was feeling a little like that myself but today feel like I've got my va va voom back a little. I'm not firing on all 4 cylinders, but 3 and a little fart from the 4th I'm just going to have to run with (or should that be ride).

I hope you feel better soon. Sometimes as hard as we try we can't pinpoint the reason why we feel out of sorts. Try not to ponder on it. Watch your favourite comedian on YouTube or a DVD. Put your feet up. Get your other half to make you a cuppa (see what I did there). It will pass.


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5.6 this morning after my fourth 18 hour fast this week. Will do a normal12/12 today. Relaxing with a coffee before the doggie walks and before I start a really hectic day again.

Still - have almost got to the end of the updating of my leaflets with the new info - and at least it isn't such a huge job as the NHS changing all its advice from the Eat Well Plate and that T2s should base their meals on starchy carbs.

@Bubbsie - I totally agree about the coffee. My mornings wouldn't be complete without my coffee.
I would be interested to know how fasting effects your bs if you have time to share. Has it helped with your IR?


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I went for my check up this morning. Full report and meeting with doctor will take a few days, but my HbA1c which was at about 105 (11.8% in the other system) around this tine last year is now 42 (6%). Eye doctor said no signs of retinopathy. My LDL cholesterol looks higher than desirable though triglycerides are very low. I am hoping and praying doctor doesn’t put me on statins. I must find a way to get the LDL down. Good weekend everyone

Before you do statins checkout the brilliant thread started by @bulkbiker



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Thanks... i have seen this before but will refresh my memory and go fully armed with ammunition to the doctor in case he suggests statins.... thanks so much for sharing this!!!!! And of course one cannot thank @bulkbiker and others enough to keep members well informed
@bulkbiker is one of my forum heroes


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi Debs
Thanks for that.
I am doing the online butterfly count

If I have a lot of butterflies then the site says to count how many butterflies in one minute. The painted ladies I have to count in 5's, a finger up for each five!

In one minute, the day before yesterday I recorded 102 butterflies in one minute on one of my Buddleia trees, and that was only the front of the bush.

Yesterday in one minute I recorded 96 butterflies in one minute. But again that was only the front of the bush. Not all those on the other sides.

Nor did it include all the butterflies on all the other Buddleia ushes in my garden...

We are promised rain and thunderstorms today. I shall look out between the rain.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
great spot @Debandez

must of filmed in @gennepher garden by the look of the numbers :)
Yup, they are!!!

This is my reply to Deb's on how many....

"Hi Debs
Thanks for that.
I am doing the online butterfly count

If I have a lot of butterflies then the site says to count how many butterflies in one minute. The painted ladies I have to count in 5's, a finger up for each five!

In one minute, the day before yesterday I recorded 102 butterflies in one minute on one of my Buddleia trees, and that was only the front of the bush.

Yesterday in one minute I recorded 96 butterflies in one minute. But again that was only the front of the bush. Not all those on the other sides.

Nor did it include all the butterflies on all the other Buddleia ushes in my garden...

We are promised rain and thunderstorms today. I shall look out between the rain."


Well-Known Member
@Viv19 Hugs for the later issues in your post x

About your eyes. There is no way I could wait that two years. I just couldn't do it. That would worry me too much.
I don't know how the system works where you are, but I never accept systems here anyway.

I ask for an appointment in between times of my optician. I don't wait the specified time, if I am concerned about something. I go in and explain my concern. There are optometrists there. They are more specialised than opticians (they said they had same training as hospital eye docs to see what's wrong with your eyes, but just don't have the fancy hospital equipment).

I have done this a few times because of my recent laser treatment at the eye hospital and some other stuff. I am told by my opticians now that if I am concerned about anything over my eyes, not to wait until my normal check up, but to come in, tell the receptionist, and someone will evaluate whether I need an immediate appointment or one in a couple of days. Even if all I need is reassuring, I must still come in.

So don't accept systems. If it is possible then in a year's time ask your eye person if they can see and reassure you. Tell them any concerns you may have.

I hope this is of some help or reassurance to you.


Yes I think you’re right gennepher. I was quite pleased when he said that I could come back in two years, but thinking about it later, that’s taking too much of a risk. Our insurance will pay for it anyway, so it would be silly not to have the check ups. Thanks for your imput.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Confusing readings a bit this morning.

At 5 am a reading which said error

So immediately pricked a different finger which said 9.7

But I felt with what I ate yesterday, and the fact I ate in a 4 hour window in the morning (which basically works out as a 20 hour fast), that it should have been lower. And I didn't feel as high as a 9.7

so washed hands immediately and retested.

8.9 it said

So to double check did a different finger and I got 8.8

I don't normally do this. I just accept the first reading, because it doesn't matter in the big scheme of things, does it.

But I wanted the motivation that I did right yesterday in the eating I did. I got it. So it is 8.8, and I will do exactly as I did yesterday in eating.

Fine weather out there for a couple of hours. I know it's 6 am but gardening calls until the rain starts about 9 am...

We are promised at least a week of rain and thunderstorms. I hope my poor butterflies will be okay. I will try and count them between the rain.

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks... i have seen this before but will refresh my memory and go fully armed with ammunition to the doctor in case he suggests statins.... thanks so much for sharing this!!!!! And of course one cannot thank @bulkbiker and others enough to keep members well informed

I have been taking atorvastatin for just over 3 months now. My LDL cholesterol came way down on it, and my blood pressure has come way down too. I gave up LCHF at the same time I started on the statin and the only number that did not go down was my weight, but a gain of a few pounds is much better IMO than high LDL and BP numbers. I have experienced no adverse side effects from the statin.
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True Blue

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Morning all. Boat maintenance beckons. I bought the paint for the engine, but so far it is still in the can. Maybe today is the day?

Got to do something to raise morale, as to quote Pete Townshend 1971, "Meet the new boss". "Same as the old boss". Meaning my FBG at 0615hrs was a very boring 7.4 mmo/lt.

I guess one just has to wait for nature. If you've abused your body for 40 years it isn't going to flick a switch and say "Don't worry. You're cured of T2 diabetes!" after a few weeks of LCHF and no booze.

For me the key is the weight control, down again. The joys of the engine bay await.
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Well-Known Member
The Visa fib was completely justifiable I reckon. Have you ever admitted it to her?
Hope the rain stops and you are all able to sit out on the verandah and have a lovely birthday celebration for your OH

Yes she knows now and can see from the vantage of 14 years later that it would not have been a good idea to stay there.
We started the party on the veranda, and some of the more hardy ones ate outside, but by the time the sun went down it was too cold and they moved inside.
I think it went well. The food disappeared in a satisfactory way so it made the effort worthwhile. It wasn’t too difficult staying LC except for the desserts. OH didn’t want a cake, just asked for a pavlova (which vanishes very quickly with this family) and I made a trifle too to use up the egg yolks. I could have made the trifle slightly more LC but couldn’t be bothered in the end. I had some berries and yoghurt, my favourite.
The family gave OH a lovely joint present from them all that I get to share- tickets for a theatre musical, apparently a kind of dinner theatre, plus hotel, for us both in Munich at the end of the month. Plus an overnight dog sitter! I look forward to that.


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Morning...so many posts I am trying to catch up on...too tired will have to do that later...worked early yesterday in London right in the epicentre where so many roads were blocked off...headed home using the back roads & short cuts I've known for years (thank goodness)… almost home by midday then diverted to Staines to deal with another matter...finally scraped home at 8:30pm shattered & hungry...up early to do some follow up phone calls...likely to go back to bed...woke to a 7.2 I ate so badly yesterday that was something of a relief.