What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from a cold and drizzly dark and dangerous north.

The wonder wheel of farm shop sausages and sautéed brussels sprouts followed a wee while later with some yogurt with chia and blueberries came in at 4.5 this am

I do like Brussels sprouts; cut in half, blanched for 5 minutes, drained into ice cold water and then fried, cut side down, in the pan containing bacon fat until they are a bit golden and then chucking in a finely chopped shallot or two, the already fried lardons and any of the outside leaves that fell off during chopping.
I do not like Brussels sprouts; boiled to death and plonked on a plate.

I have the use of Mrs Miggins’ car today as she is waiting for some bloke to turn up at her mothers bungalow to fix a window. I hope I can remember how to drive, it’s been a while. It’s automatic though so perhaps I should just start it up and sit in the back like Miss Daisy - that would be safer. I could get my bike out but it’s raining and cold and the roads will have been frosty last night and I can’t be bothered. A train perhaps, but then I would need a taxi to get to where I need to be. No, car it is.

Have a great day if you can, speculate on all the things that you really don’t need to do before Christmas day if you can’t.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Morning all I will hand out hugs to everyone who needs them and massive, massive well done's to you all, well just because you all deserve it. well doomy threw a 4.6 out at me (very petulantly I may add) I gratefully took it and backed out of the room bowing to it as I went. Its only Friday! A weekend full of drinking, staggering home in the wee small hours eating a kebab, pizza and a Chinese! accompanied with anything else in the cupboards! oh they were the days, now? Adult, I have to Adult and I don't want to be an Adult I wish to sit with my dogs and eat all and sundry and not worry about stuff! So cleaning, tidying and general jobs about the house. So enjoy your weekend and Conceive, Believe and Achieve your goals and dreams.

Take care everyone.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all I will hand out hugs to everyone who needs them and massive, massive well done's to you all, well just because you all deserve it. well doomy threw a 4.6 out at me (very petulantly I may add) I gratefully took it and backed out of the room bowing to it as I went. Its only Friday! A weekend full of drinking, staggering home in the wee small hours eating a kebab, pizza and a Chinese! accompanied with anything else in the cupboards! oh they were the days, now? Adult, I have to Adult and I don't want to be an Adult I wish to sit with my dogs and eat all and sundry and not worry about stuff! So cleaning, tidying and general jobs about the house. So enjoy your weekend and Conceive, Believe and Achieve your goals and dreams.

Take care everyone.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Prefer not to say
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
6.2 on waking and a busy Friday ahead. I shall leave it at that as you know what they say about counting chickens, they're worth two in the bush... or something. Have a safe day :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Prefer not to say
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Yes, whatever happened to them after that.

According to the Wiki... "Zager now builds custom guitars at Zager Guitars in Lincoln, Nebraska. Evans was largely retired from public life, but he continued to chat online with Dalton and his best friend, Nashville producer Gary Earl, until Evans' death in February 2018."

It was a favourite song of my youth and was the first song that caused me to ponder "what will I be like in..."


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning All. 5.7 at 0700 and 5.7 also at 0430. Was awake from 0200 to 0530 worrying about everything. Atm I am not going to have the injection though I will go and do the eye test and talk to them if they are interested. It will take a lot of reassurance to give me the confidence to have it. It didnt help that the Consultant wrote that I was probably traumatised because the last one was done in a different place. So who knows how it will go but atm I am not having it. Mr PM is a bit fed up with me I think.
Anyway have a good Friday everyone. Stay well, stay safe.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Morening Ladies and Gentlemen and all who avoid the media.

Well a worrying 4.8 this morning, this new meter is up to something. Good job I'm not driving today.

A word on the weather in sunny Tilehurst.

Quack, quack, whoops that's 2 words if you're numerate.
Have a dry day


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Watch this space.
Wow being called in to see the senior el Pharmicisco MC I cant wait to hear what he has to say...if I were him I would ask how you'd managed to lower your BG's & cholesterol...how you're managing your diabetes so well...what you would recommend for good T2 control...that's what he should be asking...possibly a revenge appointment for the score of 5...hopefully he'll learn something from you .


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
So who knows how it will go but atm I am not having it
Its your decision PM I'm sure Mr PM will support you whichever one you make...your concerns are completely valid/understandable given the last appointment...let us know how you fared when you can...good luck will be thinking about you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning...a very late night/early morning for me (03:30) I got caught up watching the re-runs of Peaky Blinders no concept of time...I'd like to say I sprang out of bed at 08:30 it was more of a slow lurch...feeling much better than the last few days but I do seem to be energy depleted...another couple of days should see that right...exciting day BIN day poised to dash out there & position the green one or is it the black one...more coffee first...woke to a 6.3


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
indeed a centre of excellence.
Self promotion when justified is barely tolerated...however when it is undeserved it's shameful MC...good grief if you'd followed the advice given to you where on earth would you be on the diabetes scale...we all know how devastating diabetic complications can be...why on earth do they still persist with this level of misinformation the insistence they know best...it's shameful & dishonest...now I really need to know what el Supremo ( a slight promotion there) has to say & what your response is...what his response to that is...getting excited now...BIN day...pharmacist day & I've just has an email from Amazon with good news...I'm am due a £0.03 refund on my recent purchases...I may be too busy deciding on how to spend that this weekend!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning All. 5.7 at 0700 and 5.7 also at 0430. Was awake from 0200 to 0530 worrying about everything. Atm I am not going to have the injection though I will go and do the eye test and talk to them if they are interested. It will take a lot of reassurance to give me the confidence to have it. It didnt help that the Consultant wrote that I was probably traumatised because the last one was done in a different place. So who knows how it will go but atm I am not having it. Mr PM is a bit fed up with me I think.
Anyway have a good Friday everyone. Stay well, stay safe.

You have to go with how you feel.

You've probably left by now @PenguinMum

So I will send my wishes for you to have the best possible day.

Hugs x


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning All. 5.7 at 0700 and 5.7 also at 0430. Was awake from 0200 to 0530 worrying about everything. Atm I am not going to have the injection though I will go and do the eye test and talk to them if they are interested. It will take a lot of reassurance to give me the confidence to have it. It didnt help that the Consultant wrote that I was probably traumatised because the last one was done in a different place. So who knows how it will go but atm I am not having it. Mr PM is a bit fed up with me I think.
Anyway have a good Friday everyone. Stay well, stay safe.

Few words..(yeah unlike me)
But HUGE hug.
MUCH love
& Best wishes.

Muddy Cyclist

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Self promotion when justified is barely tolerated...however when it is undeserved it's shameful MC...good grief if you'd followed the advice given to you where on earth would you be on the diabetes scale...we all know how devastating diabetic complications can be...why on earth do they still persist with this level of misinformation the insistence they know best...it's shameful & dishonest...now I really need to know what el Supremo ( a slight promotion there) has to say & what your response is...what his response to that is...getting excited now...BIN day...pharmacist day & I've just has an email from Amazon with good news...I'm am due a £0.03 refund on my recent purchases...I may be too busy deciding on how to spend that this weekend!
I will keep you informed, but I can almost hear the words he will greet me with, the same words that he's said on the last two occasions "Good Morning, and why have you made this appointment?" And each time I say, "I didn't make the appointment, you asked me to attend" and he will say "I didn't but now you are here what can I do for you?" . I do ask myself why do I even bother, but this time I am going to be more proactive but I can see the 10 mins slipping away and his eyes slowly glazing over. I will let you know.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I will keep you informed, but I can almost hear the words he will greet me with, the same words that he's said on the last two occasions "Good Morning, and why have you made this appointment?" And each time I say, "I didn't make the appointment, you asked me to attend" and he will say "I didn't but now you are here what can I do for you?" . I do ask myself why do I even bother, but this time I am going to be more proactive but I can see the 10 mins slipping away and his eyes slowly glazing over. I will let you know.

Ah now it makes sense....

Why on earth didn't you say it was the Monty Python Centre for Excellence.

Always going to be trouble working with The Ministry for Silly Doctors..;)

Have a hug for post..

Pretty sure @SaskiaKC would have found it, but I had to settle for the hug one.. when I couldn't find the 'Sad but not really surprised" emoji


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The wanderer returns ...........the other grass wasn't greener after all.

FBG of 8.2 at 0600. Starting again.

A reboot, as they say.

What's the Odds on that.

Another 'Special one' returning in the same week..;)

Looking around is never a problem
Nice to have you back for such A BIG weekend. :wideyed:....(for us, anyway :wacky:)

We stumble, We fall.. We pick ourselves up.

It's not a failing if we fall.
We only a fail if we don't get back up and try again
That's the Circle of life.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
"I didn't but now you are here what can I do for you?"
Well that certainly sets the tone of the appointment MC...clearly someone asked you to attend & he gets paid for seeing you...so maybe it was his accountant who made the appointment.