How did your doctor tell you?


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
It may sound like an unimportant question but I am curious how the doctor broke the news to you that you have diabetes. I wonder if my experience is exceptional or normal..

I am still feeling a bit upset because she was extremely careless and unempathetic. I came there to discuss my blood results because of my hair loss. And she didn't even discuss that or knew that could be a symptom of diabetes (i asked and she said she didnt know, another doctor ordered tests for several things to see what could cause my hair loss, appearantly that doctor did think about diabetes?) Anyway i sat down and she just said "you have Sugar disease". Now i am also annoyed at that term, like isn't she a doctor? Call it diabetes please. Then she said normally they would do 2 test but with such a numbers it has to be diabetes. Even the way she spoke , very cheerful, made me think that after the "normally we do 2 tests but with such a numbers....." she would say: it's probably not diabetes. (eventhough she already said it but i guess my mind wasnt progressing that) . Her message, and her tone didn't match at all. She also didn't mention the type, just told me to make appointment at diabetic nurse.. that's it. Then i came home, googled, and i felt the world fell apart... why are they saying it like it is nothing? It's a chronic disease, im 31 years old and have to deal with this for the rest of my life. Why not say "excuse me to tell you this and it can be a shock but you have diabetes type 2, with good diet and lifestyle you can get it under control, it is serious but it doesn't have to lead to complications'.

I don t know why it bugs me so much.. does anyone relate or understands?
Hi - Johnny here. At the age of 16 in 1960 I was admitted to hospital in a diabetic coma in July of that year. I eventually fortunately came round 3 months later in October 1960. I guess I was lucky. Anyway the chief doc came around with his entourage of student doctors with clipboards and plonked themselves at the foot of my bed. The first thing the doc said was " Glad to see you are finally in the land of the living old boy" I said " what's wrong with me ? He replied " You've got diabetes old boy" I asked " what's that ?" He said " It's a life sentence old boy" I said " How long have I got doc ?" He replied " well with a fair wind and a bit of luck you should make 72"!! That was a bit of a relief for me as I was only 16 at the time - however I got a bit worried on my 72nd birthday as I remember what this quack said even though it's 58 years ago since I got Type 1. However when I was 72 I was diagnosed with Leukaemia. Still going strong at 74 now though- so st least I've proved the hospital doc wrong. He did save my life though so I am grateful for that :)


I never saw my doctor! I saw Health Care Assistant for annual BP check etc who made me an appointment to see Nurse Practitioner for blood sugar check. Consequently the Nurse Practitioner informed me of my diagnosis of diabetes and started me on Metformin. Looking forward to seeing my GP at some point in the future.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I was diagnosed type 1 in 1982. Bear in mind this was in the days when doctors kept sweets in their drawer for upset kids or those who'd been good during an injection or what ever. So I'd been losing weight and drinking loads of water all summer, early September mum took me to see the doctor, quick urine test confirmed it. "She's got diabetes" he announced. Having no idea what that was I promptly bursted into wailing tears. He reached into his drawer got out a bag of lollipops then said "oh no, sorry you can't have those any more" and stuck them back in the drawer. I was 9. And to be honest so ill at that point would 1 sweet really have made much difference? He could have let me have it.
On another note, went to my annual diabetic check at GP surgery last year only to be seen by a new nurse who said she hoped I could teach her a bit about diabetes as she "didn't know a great deal about it" shocking. I see the proper diabetic team every 6 months so I'm seen by people who do know what they're talking about but a few type 2 people I know only really see her and rely on being seen by someone who at least has some knowledge of what they're dealing with. I had to tell her what dawn phenomenon was - she had no idea..... I off to see her again soon. Hmmm can't wait lol.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
I got a phone call from my GPs receptionist to say I was diabetic and please make an appointment to see the nurse. Not ideal, but my nurse is very helpful and supportive and have no complaints about the care I've received.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
He said "You have type 2 diabetes. Here's a prescription for metformin. Come back in 3 months. Bye."
Exactly the same, 10 days later I collapsed, taken to hospital, changed to type 1 and hooked up to pumps and monitors after discovering my keytones read 18
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Ok so I’m really concerned as have had 2 blood tests 2 weeks apart which have come back as 56 & 57 mmol, the last result I got was last Tuesday and asked me to contact dr , the dr had already put in a appt for me on Wednesday this week for 20 mins phone call and a nurse appt for 10 days time, do you think she is going to advise me I have diabetes.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I can't have it often
Ok so I’m really concerned as have had 2 blood tests 2 weeks apart which have come back as 56 & 57 mmol, the last result I got was last Tuesday and asked me to contact dr , the dr had already put in a appt for me on Wednesday this week for 20 mins phone call and a nurse appt for 10 days time, do you think she is going to advise me I have diabetes.
What sort of blood test. 56 and 57 mmol/L or mg/dl for a blood sugar test seems odd. mmol/mol for HbA1c seems possible.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Ok so I’m really concerned as have had 2 blood tests 2 weeks apart which have come back as 56 & 57 mmol, the last result I got was last Tuesday and asked me to contact dr , the dr had already put in a appt for me on Wednesday this week for 20 mins phone call and a nurse appt for 10 days time, do you think she is going to advise me I have diabetes.

Hi and welcome
If your test results are 56 and 57 mmol/m then I'm sorry to have to tell you that yes you do have diabetes.
Anything over 47.9 mmol/m is a diagnosis in the UK.
I'm guessing that you are probably T2 unless you have been losing weight without trying and your levels are relatively low so its more unlikely to be T1 or one of the other variants.
You have tagged your reply onto a rather old thread so it might be an idea to start your own.
In the meantime it would be a good idea to start thinking about some changes in your diet, especially where carbohydrate intake is concerned. Reducing starch and sugar intake is usually a very good idea for anyone with T2 diabetes.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi @Karen20 and welcome

As Bulkbiker says, you’ve posted on an old thread and you’d likely get more responses if you have your own thread. I can move this mini discussion to start a new thread if you’d like.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi @Karen20 and welcome

As Bulkbiker says, you’ve posted on an old thread and you’d likely get more responses if you have your own thread. I can move this mini discussion to start a new thread if you’d like.
This post inspires me to comment on how very well-organised the Forum is. I enjoy visiting other Diabetes forums, but imo none comes close to this one. Kudos to all the mods and others working so attentively to make it such a helpful and welcoming place. (Just please don't now rap my knuckles for going off topic!)