What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
5.6 this morning. Energy levels back to normal so enjoyed the sunny (but still a bit chilly) early morning dog walk.

@ianpspurs Mr K definitely did go 'above and beyond the call of duty ' yesterday.
Does the man never tire of setting the standard?. What hope is there for we poor inadequates trailing in his wake?. We are not worthy. Surely he deserves the freedom to watch some cricket and rugby this evening enhanced by a large gold watch. No idea where those thoughts came from - so unlike me.:angelic:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Morening all from the dark and dangerous norf, 5.5 on that meter.
Stay safe, must go now.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morening all from the dark and dangerous norf, 5.5 on that meter.
Stay safe, must go now.
The Mayor of Tilehurst has started a just giving page with the mysterious title Our Fiends (Stet) in The Norf. No, couldn't be. A trained mind like yours knows correlation isn't causation.
Last edited:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.5

Had to go out early to deliver a birthday card which I made.

Then on way home parked the car to get a bucket. But stayed in car after to watch a pair of starlings tenderly build a nest in a chimney of a boarded up house. They were so sweet with each other.

Back home to do kaleidoscope, but a message from grandson in Oz.. He wants art apps to learn to draw. But what do you suggest for a 10 year old boy?

Anyway, for a start I suggested the Laboscope app to play with, just for a start, while I look later today...
Within minutes he is sending me his kaleidoscopes....and then we exchange kaleidoscopes...

My second coffee of the day has gone cold...before I make my third coffee, here is my kaleidoscope. It is of a flying goose statue in my garden.

Update on the garden beasties - Shadow came as I was putting wet food outside for her first thing. So gave her a good stroke, but she snarled at me. I had touched her left front shoulder, and it appears to be sore. But she was fine anywhere else. I left her to finish her breakfast in peace. Then the usual motley crowd attending gennepher's cat diner, but with the addition of Mr Magpie who wanted wet food...
My female bluetit came for her fatball breakfast before I went out to deliver the birthday card. And hubby gave up flying to and fro overhead while he waited, and then decided that the bugs and insects on the catkins on my willow tree were tasty. But he will not partake of a fatball.

Bye...I need tea and coffee and a nap...

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on a splendid start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. I have been sitting in the garden drinking tea and then some koffy, soaking up the rays. Champion. Today looks like a nice lazy day so a wander into town and a look see at the sea before returning and sitting in the garden if the sun is not interrupted by clouds.
Art bit - well, I don’t know. Have a great day if you can, koffy already consumed here.

View attachment 53945

great pic.

but you seem underwhelmed by it ?

I see low clouds and the mountains just peeking through.
Rather Splendiferous


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.5

Back home to do kaleidoscope, but a message from grandson in Oz.. He wants art apps to learn to draw. But what do you suggest for a 10 year old boy?

Anyway, for a start I suggested the Laboscope app to play with, just for a start, while I look later today...
Within minutes he is sending me his kaleidoscopes....and then we exchange kaleidoscopes...

View attachment 53946

How lovely & marvellous.

how such a simple interaction, brings even more reasons to text/call/respond

the fine silkery of human connections that slowly bond us to one and another, displayed in all it's Majesty.

One silken strand upon another.

Delightful post all round. xx
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Good morning everyone on a splendid start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. I have been sitting in the garden drinking tea and then some koffy, soaking up the rays. Champion. Today looks like a nice lazy day so a wander into town and a look see at the sea before returning and sitting in the garden if the sun is not interrupted by clouds.
Art bit - well, I don’t know. Have a great day if you can, koffy already consumed here.

View attachment 53945
Sounds good, drinking tea, then coffee, lounging in the heat of the garden @dunelm
then do a wide angled sweep of the creative zen brush for the Art bit...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
How lovely & marvellous.

how such a simple interaction, brings even more reasons to text/call/respond

the fine silkery of human connections that slowly bond us to one and another, displayed in all it's Majesty.

One silken strand upon another.

Delightful post all round. xx
Thank you very much for those lovely words @jjraak


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
8.05 FBG 5.6 naughty late evening snacks made me far too hot in bed. Went out and bought summer weight duvet as a result.
Upcycling furniture is the task for today.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg...trying another experiment with food, so not going to take it for a few days...

Last night I went out the front at about 9pm to check something I had been working on. And Shadow came up to me but kept going back under the car. She wanted to come in, but wouldn't come in. I had to lock up in the end.

For some reason I was awake most of last night. If I am doing a project then my brain refuses to go to sleep and will keep working on solutions even though I might rather sleep. I gave up at midnight, and put my sound processor on, only to hear noises in the garden. It was Foxy Loxy and `Big `Ted' (Popeye's bear who still sits on the swing) doing their midnight dance again. I have no idea what the neighbour's think is going on in my garden. With seeing to Shadow last thing, I had forgotten to put the Driveway Dog Barking Alarm sensor in the garden to scare Foxy Loxy. It does work, but only when I remember to put it out...

So I worked out stuff the rest of the night, and at first light I go out, and her Ladyship (Shadow) comes out of the undergrowth all excited to see me. I stroke her, keeping my hand away from her left shoulder, and she is fine. I put the cat biscuits out, but Shadow is not a cat biscuit lover. And I go back inside into the bathroom to wash the wet food dish which was soaking all night. But Shadow has come in behind me. So she leads the way back to the study door where I keep the wet food, and then she runs outside, so I carry the dish outside and she gulps it up in three goes. I prepare a second dish and put it down on the floor inside, and Shadow comes running in. I leave her to it. When I look a bit later she has eaten it all and disappeared again.

I refill both wet food bowls, and come back in to make my own tea and coffee.

I look out from my bed and manky ginger has arrived. His first course is a bowl of the dry cat biscuits, and then dessert is half the bowl of wet food. He checks the perimeter of the garden, and then leaves....

gennepher's cat diner is in full flow this morning...

I had intended going out this morning, but with not enough sleep last night, I decided to leave it for another day...

Mr Blackbird is now partaking of the same bowl of cat biscuits that manky ginger was eating...

A refill is needed of wet cat food...

And I need a refill of coffee and double cream...

Creative today is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope. This one might look a little like yesterday's which was a white statue of the flying bird, but this one today is my snowdrops among the ivy by the frog pond...oneday I might be able to get a kaleidoscope of one of my frogs...

A brief nap is also needed...

I am far too old to be pulling all nighters...and I have to work out which drawing/painting apps will be suitable for my 10 year old grandson in Oz...



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg 6.5

Had to go out early to deliver a birthday card which I made.

Then on way home parked the car to get a bucket. But stayed in car after to watch a pair of starlings tenderly build a nest in a chimney of a boarded up house. They were so sweet with each other.

Back home to do kaleidoscope, but a message from grandson in Oz.. He wants art apps to learn to draw. But what do you suggest for a 10 year old boy?

Anyway, for a start I suggested the Laboscope app to play with, just for a start, while I look later today...
Within minutes he is sending me his kaleidoscopes....and then we exchange kaleidoscopes...

My second coffee of the day has gone cold...before I make my third coffee, here is my kaleidoscope. It is of a flying goose statue in my garden.

Update on the garden beasties - Shadow came as I was putting wet food outside for her first thing. So gave her a good stroke, but she snarled at me. I had touched her left front shoulder, and it appears to be sore. But she was fine anywhere else. I left her to finish her breakfast in peace. Then the usual motley crowd attending gennepher's cat diner, but with the addition of Mr Magpie who wanted wet food...
My female bluetit came for her fatball breakfast before I went out to deliver the birthday card. And hubby gave up flying to and fro overhead while he waited, and then decided that the bugs and insects on the catkins on my willow tree were tasty. But he will not partake of a fatball.

Bye...I need tea and coffee and a nap...

View attachment 53946
Smashing kaleidoscope - like carved vegetables and fruit at a Thai wedding
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
great pic.

but you seem underwhelmed by it ?

I see low clouds and the mountains just peeking through.
Rather Splendiferous
Thanks @jjraak - I don’t know what came over me - maybe because it was Grayson Perry’s birthday yesterday


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Fbg...trying another experiment with food, so not going to take it for a few days...

Last night I went out the front at about 9pm to check something I had been working on. And Shadow came up to me but kept going back under the car. She wanted to come in, but wouldn't come in. I had to lock up in the end.

For some reason I was awake most of last night. If I am doing a project then my brain refuses to go to sleep and will keep working on solutions even though I might rather sleep. I gave up at midnight, and put my sound processor on, only to hear noises in the garden. It was Foxy Loxy and `Big `Ted' (Popeye's bear who still sits on the swing) doing their midnight dance again. I have no idea what the neighbour's think is going on in my garden. With seeing to Shadow last thing, I had forgotten to put the Driveway Dog Barking Alarm sensor in the garden to scare Foxy Loxy. It does work, but only when I remember to put it out...

So I worked out stuff the rest of the night, and at first light I go out, and her Ladyship (Shadow) comes out of the undergrowth all excited to see me. I stroke her, keeping my hand away from her left shoulder, and she is fine. I put the cat biscuits out, but Shadow is not a cat biscuit lover. And I go back inside into the bathroom to wash the wet food dish which was soaking all night. But Shadow has come in behind me. So she leads the way back to the study door where I keep the wet food, and then she runs outside, so I carry the dish outside and she gulps it up in three goes. I prepare a second dish and put it down on the floor inside, and Shadow comes running in. I leave her to it. When I look a bit later she has eaten it all and disappeared again.

I refill both wet food bowls, and come back in to make my own tea and coffee.

I look out from my bed and manky ginger has arrived. His first course is a bowl of the dry cat biscuits, and then dessert is half the bowl of wet food. He checks the perimeter of the garden, and then leaves....

gennepher's cat diner is in full flow this morning...

I had intended going out this morning, but with not enough sleep last night, I decided to leave it for another day...

Mr Blackbird is now partaking of the same bowl of cat biscuits that manky ginger was eating...

A refill is needed of wet cat food...

And I need a refill of coffee and double cream...

Creative today is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope. This one might look a little like yesterday's which was a white statue of the flying bird, but this one today is my snowdrops among the ivy by the frog pond...oneday I might be able to get a kaleidoscope of one of my frogs...

A brief nap is also needed...

I am far too old to be pulling all nighters...and I have to work out which drawing/painting apps will be suitable for my 10 year old grandson in Oz...

View attachment 53950
Happy cat diner and another splendid kaleidoscopic image


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone on yet another splendid day here in the dark and dangerous north - will we be paying for it later? A wander into town yesterday and decided to sit in the garden of a swanky boutique hotel where we sometimes have a fancy lunch and drink koffy. Then drift along the path at the top of the cliff and check out the people walking along the promenade and pier. The funicular will be open again come Easter weekend. Today - who knows, I am still drinking tea. Anyhow - art bit - a splash of yellow but not a daffodil in sight. Have a splendid Saturday, I shall surely be soon making koffy.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Morening all, travelling darn sarf this Morening, luckily for me it is all down hill on the map.
Must sign out the internet keeper is looking my way.
Oh yes bloods this morning were 5.6.
Stay safe all