What was your fasting blood glucose? (full on chat)


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Marjorie went to Carlisle for her Tai Chi class today .
When she got within a few miles the bus started emitting clouds of black smoke and broke down.The people on the bus had to get on the grass verge because the bus was full of fumes.
It was very cold for her and most of the others were youngsters. They all got on the next bus from Wigton which was an half hour later and she got into the Tai Chi just before they locked the downstairs door.

We had some short sharp snow showers this pm that gave a white covering and an hard frost is due tonight.
It's about time it started to get warmer, with thes new hearing aids we are looking forward to hearing all the birds again this Spring.

Have a peaceful night folks,
I do hope Marjorie didn't suffer any ill effects after her long wait in the cold. Miserable for youngsters but can be dangerous for some older folk.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
No FBG today. Up too early at 5.15am - (Kiki not impressed at early start ) that's 4.15 for most of you and will be for me also in a few hours when I change time zone back to UK time. Currently waiting to board the ferry. Have not travelled as a foot passenger for years and feeling a bit nervous. This is probably the easiest part of the journey - there are four separate trains once I arrive in England and today train drivers are on strike so no idea how the rest of the journey will go. If all goes as planned should arrive at Mums house about 10pm. Crossed fingers.
The rest of the greenhouse arrived yesterday, but weather was very blustery with heavy showers so it didn't get erected. MrSlim is planning several different jobs while I am away, depending on weather. It is encouraging that he has started saying the house will soon be finished. While at the same time contradicting himself as he says three bedrooms need redecorating and the kitchen need more work...
I don't think Kiki will miss me.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
No FBG today. Up too early at 5.15am - (Kiki not impressed at early start ) that's 4.15 for most of you and will be for me also in a few hours when I change time zone back to UK time. Currently waiting to board the ferry. Have not travelled as a foot passenger for years and feeling a bit nervous. This is probably the easiest part of the journey - there are four separate trains once I arrive in England and today train drivers are on strike so no idea how the rest of the journey will go. If all goes as planned should arrive at Mums house about 10pm. Crossed fingers.
The rest of the greenhouse arrived yesterday, but weather was very blustery with heavy showers so it didn't get erected. MrSlim is planning several different jobs while I am away, depending on weather. It is encouraging that he has started saying the house will soon be finished. While at the same time contradicting himself as he says three bedrooms need redecorating and the kitchen need more work...
I don't think Kiki will miss me.
Fingers crossed for the best possible travel for you, and that it goes as smoothly as it is possible under all these circumstances x


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Fbg 6.7

Wildlife nighttime camera - drama...

Merlin is the first cat of the evening, and he takes up his position as guardian of the swing.
The large cat Marmalade is next for his share of the cat biscuits on the swing.
Amy considers whether to take some cat biscuits next but she walks away.
Foxy Loxy is next watch closely by Merlin.
Then Jade comes and takes her share of the cat biscuits and walks back to the garage.
Foxy Loxy's eyes watch cautiously from the bushes...
And then he comes out to mooch around. Merlin is very aware of the fox being there and keeps his eyes open.
Merlin jumps off the swing for a stretch, and along comes the badger, KissyKissy.
It is a bit windy.
Amy had come back for her feed on the cat biscuits, but suddenly the badger, KissyKissy, appears and startles Amy who leaps right over the badger. The badger is completely confused and hadn't a clue as to what has just happened.
The badger carries on mooching around.
Merlin returns and he is a bit unsure although he thinks something might have happened but he has no idea.
The badger, KissyKissy returns, and it is sniffing around. This Badger is sniffing around pretty much most nights and for most of the night, it is almost like his second home...
Jade returns for more cat biscuits.
Merlin has his last feed of cat biscuits in the hours of darkness. When he's on the swing he always leaves around 6:00 a.m., disappears for an hour or so and then he comes back when it is daylight.
Jade walks past and disappears in the direction of the garage...

Creative is a lamb digitally painted in Procreate.

Amy was the first this morning to come to my full length glass bedroom door asking for her breakfast of wet catfood.
She gave my hand a kiss.
I put everyone else's food down. And they all came one by one. It has been a cold night, below freezing, so everyone was hungry...

Eaten my breakfast!

Time for another cuppa.

*I have just accidentally found out a very easy way to do an immediate screenshot with a swipe of my finger, on my iPad mini when it is in landscape mode...brilliant!



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good morning everyone from a bright, yet cold start to the day here in the dark and dangerous north. Girl in the bubble decided to treat us to an excited running commentary as a weather girl (can we still say that?) as the snow tap was turned on and off like a faulty B&W TV with a dodgy antenna. TLC for Marjorie today @lindisfel - I know you will. @SlimLizzy all the best with your journey. Another smashing cat-lamb @gennepher, don’t let the authorities know about your Dolly The Sheep experiments. Pre-International Bin Day today so we need to spruce up General Garden Bin and ensue a good position for tomorrows cavalcade. Art bit - something while I ponder the universe and what a terrible migraine must have been going on with the design team. Hope you all have a safe and sound day. I need to get some koffy on the go.



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning all from a frosty but very sunny Little America - yeehaw. I forgot to install the new Swipey so no idea what fbg is but weekly weight recording done - 72kgs/160 lbs/11s 5p BMI 22.2 - meh. Rain, hail. sleet and frez up my ninny on the school run yesterday. One needs to be parked up waiting about 1 hr before first pickup and grandson is always 20 mins later than his sister so about 1.5 hrs in all. Also paid £2.40 for a small mug of tea at local Leisure centre whilst waiting for grandson at swimming :arghh: . Today should be sunny for the lucky dip of just which grandchild or children will need to be there - parents confused last evening. @gennepher thanks for that splendid sheep with sheltering cats. Good news on finding a new method for taking a screenshot. @lindisfel hug for Marjorie. @dunelm's splendid art (thanks) could have been yourself and Marjorie 61+ years ago in my mind. Good day to relive those golden memories. @alf_Josiah I hope the medicine came and Mrs A J is gradually recovering. @SlimLizzy I hope the journey goes as well as possible. Meanwhile, young Hunt has found the money down the back of a Treasury sofa to help with fuel bills until June. Imagine what good could be done were they to cancel HS2 and sell off the land that won't be used to name just one monumentally stupid idea. Have a great/good/passable/bearable in places day. Modern life is good(ish).
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
No FBG today. Up too early at 5.15am - (Kiki not impressed at early start ) that's 4.15 for most of you and will be for me also in a few hours when I change time zone back to UK time. Currently waiting to board the ferry. Have not travelled as a foot passenger for years and feeling a bit nervous. This is probably the easiest part of the journey - there are four separate trains once I arrive in England and today train drivers are on strike so no idea how the rest of the journey will go. If all goes as planned should arrive at Mums house about 10pm. Crossed fingers.
The rest of the greenhouse arrived yesterday, but weather was very blustery with heavy showers so it didn't get erected. MrSlim is planning several different jobs while I am away, depending on weather. It is encouraging that he has started saying the house will soon be finished. While at the same time contradicting himself as he says three bedrooms need redecorating and the kitchen need more work...
I don't think Kiki will miss me.
Hope your journey goes well and there are some trains running.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
05:54am 5.7 ➡️ - last Swipey for a few days as I have an MRI appointment at 7am (!) on Thursday so need to be Swipey free.
Tuesday's Carbs: 123g

Need to clean my golf clubs and sort them out for golf holiday, and go do boring adult things like bank, expenses, invoices, and company admin today.
Was supposed to play in a competition but people on my tee time pulled out or decided they only wanted to do nine holes. The group before had a slot but one of the most moaney people on earth in that group and I hate playing with her as it is super stressful. She rushes you for your shots, takes an age for her and quite frankly would complain if there was fresh air to breathe. So I opted for practice round with two much nicer ladies and had I put a score in I would have brought my handicap down again - gah! But at least I know this sudden clicking of my long game is not a fluke!
This golf clinic holiday would appear to be coming at just the right time.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
9.8 at 3.30 am. 10.3 now, after 3 cups of tea. Insulin and breakfast, methinks.
Sat too long last night on Find My Past, following up hints to family names I'd never come across before. Very stiff at midnight, after sitting for 2 hours in front of the laptop. Very rich vein of information. Back to the 1600's on several lines, but then it fails because there are few parish records beyond that. Maybe see if there's anything on the mormon family history site (and sit for another 2 or 3 hours). I enjoy what I'm doing but my eyes aren't keen. Viscotears at the ready!


Poor Marjorie
She needs a rest today.
A grass verge in freezing weather is not for someone her age.
I would most certainly need a rest the day after.
You molly coddle her a bit today, even if she says I'm fine. And make sure she is warm today.
Thank you gennepher, we tend to forget we are over 80. I normally take her.
in to Carlisle when I am not on Zoom alternate Tuesdays.
We had to get shopping in this am and it is still bitter here until later today.
Hope your fall has not left too many after effects.
Best wishes


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
05:54am 5.7 ➡️ - last Swipey for a few days as I have an MRI appointment at 7am (!) on Thursday so need to be Swipey free.
Tuesday's Carbs: 123g

Need to clean my golf clubs and sort them out for golf holiday, and go do boring adult things like bank, expenses, invoices, and company admin today.
Was supposed to play in a competition but people on my tee time pulled out or decided they only wanted to do nine holes. The group before had a slot but one of the most moaney people on earth in that group and I hate playing with her as it is super stressful. She rushes you for your shots, takes an age for her and quite frankly would complain if there was fresh air to breathe. So I opted for practice round with two much nicer ladies and had I put a score in I would have brought my handicap down again - gah! But at least I know this sudden clicking of my long game is not a fluke!
This golf clinic holiday would appear to be coming at just the right time.
Good news on your long game. .The practice round sounds TaylorMade for you. Your bg is also coming down a fairway. Must be those good lies for Swipey. At 5.7 Swipey ought to be on the green which should also help the real long game. I must putt the puns away now I need to change my socks - got a hole in one.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
People that point out my spelling mistakes
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Before we write anymore, I would like to say thank you one and all for the best wishes etc. I do appreciate it.

Blood sugars this morning were a surprisingly 5.8.

Yesterday proved to me that the covid system works for people in my position. I registered my +ve test result and later that morning the covid ward phoned me to check on me and confirm my medication regimen, then later in the afternoon a clinician phoned confirming my medical history and medication. Then they explained the anti viral medication they could give me. Saying it would arrive later in the afternoon or early evening. It arrived by courier. One of the side effects they warned me about was its not wise to stray far from a toilet. They were right….

A couple of friends who are aware of my medical history got in contact, one asking if he could have my motorcycle and the other asked if he could have my chain saw, my task which I have chosen to accept is to survive and keep my motorcycle and chain saw.

As I wrote yesterday Mrs J is still suffering and has taken to watching daytime television on the idiot box, one word dire, just dire.

This morning I got up feeling reasonably fine, pah 2 hours later I was back in bed and slept till 12:30 pm. Luckily I have cancelled my plinky plonky lesson and next week’s lesson is looking iffy. I also managed to avoid washing machine lessons.

Apologies for the long posting, but it’s either this or the idiot box.

Stay safe, stay warm.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Before we write anymore, I would like to say thank you one and all for the best wishes etc. I do appreciate it.

Blood sugars this morning were a surprisingly 5.8.

Yesterday proved to me that the covid system works for people in my position. I registered my +ve test result and later that morning the covid ward phoned me to check on me and confirm my medication regimen, then later in the afternoon a clinician phoned confirming my medical history and medication. Then they explained the anti viral medication they could give me. Saying it would arrive later in the afternoon or early evening. It arrived by courier. One of the side effects they warned me about was its not wise to stray far from a toilet. They were right….

A couple of friends who are aware of my medical history got in contact, one asking if he could have my motorcycle and the other asked if he could have my chain saw, my task which I have chosen to accept is to survive and keep my motorcycle and chain saw.

As I wrote yesterday Mrs J is still suffering and has taken to watching daytime television on the idiot box, one word dire, just dire.

This morning I got up feeling reasonably fine, pah 2 hours later I was back in bed and slept till 12:30 pm. Luckily I have cancelled my plinky plonky lesson and next week’s lesson is looking iffy. I also managed to avoid washing machine lessons.

Apologies for the long posting, but it’s either this or the idiot box.

Stay safe, stay warm.
Hope you both get over it soon, Alf. Good that the system seems to be working and that you have been able to get medication. However unpleasant side effects are, it should help you to recover quickly, or not feel the effects of the virus so badly. Stick in there and let your friends buy their own gear.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Before we write anymore, I would like to say thank you one and all for the best wishes etc. I do appreciate it.

Blood sugars this morning were a surprisingly 5.8.

Yesterday proved to me that the covid system works for people in my position. I registered my +ve test result and later that morning the covid ward phoned me to check on me and confirm my medication regimen, then later in the afternoon a clinician phoned confirming my medical history and medication. Then they explained the anti viral medication they could give me. Saying it would arrive later in the afternoon or early evening. It arrived by courier. One of the side effects they warned me about was its not wise to stray far from a toilet. They were right….

A couple of friends who are aware of my medical history got in contact, one asking if he could have my motorcycle and the other asked if he could have my chain saw, my task which I have chosen to accept is to survive and keep my motorcycle and chain saw.

As I wrote yesterday Mrs J is still suffering and has taken to watching daytime television on the idiot box, one word dire, just dire.

This morning I got up feeling reasonably fine, pah 2 hours later I was back in bed and slept till 12:30 pm. Luckily I have cancelled my plinky plonky lesson and next week’s lesson is looking iffy. I also managed to avoid washing machine lessons.

Apologies for the long posting, but it’s either this or the idiot box.

Stay safe, stay warm.
Glad the covid system worked as well for you as it did for me. Transit wasn't an issue for me but the tablets gave everything a foul taste. Glad your friends are the caring sharing type. Take it easy.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Before we write anymore, I would like to say thank you one and all for the best wishes etc. I do appreciate it.

Blood sugars this morning were a surprisingly 5.8.

Yesterday proved to me that the covid system works for people in my position. I registered my +ve test result and later that morning the covid ward phoned me to check on me and confirm my medication regimen, then later in the afternoon a clinician phoned confirming my medical history and medication. Then they explained the anti viral medication they could give me. Saying it would arrive later in the afternoon or early evening. It arrived by courier. One of the side effects they warned me about was its not wise to stray far from a toilet. They were right….

A couple of friends who are aware of my medical history got in contact, one asking if he could have my motorcycle and the other asked if he could have my chain saw, my task which I have chosen to accept is to survive and keep my motorcycle and chain saw.

As I wrote yesterday Mrs J is still suffering and has taken to watching daytime television on the idiot box, one word dire, just dire.

This morning I got up feeling reasonably fine, pah 2 hours later I was back in bed and slept till 12:30 pm. Luckily I have cancelled my plinky plonky lesson and next week’s lesson is looking iffy. I also managed to avoid washing machine lessons.

Apologies for the long posting, but it’s either this or the idiot box.

Stay safe, stay warm.
pleased for you that the system worked well and so good ho hear that you have such a good bunch of caring friends. Have the helmet and waterproofs been claimed :arghh: :) :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning all from a frosty but very sunny Little America - yeehaw. I forgot to install the new Swipey so no idea what fbg is but weekly weight recording done - 72kgs/160 lbs/11s 5p BMI 22.2 - meh. Rain, hail. sleet and frez up my ninny on the school run yesterday. One needs to be parked up waiting about 1 hr before first pickup and grandson is always 20 mins later than his sister so about 1.5 hrs in all. Also paid £2.40 for a small mug of tea at local Leisure centre whilst waiting for grandson at swimming :arghh: . Today should be sunny for the lucky dip of just which grandchild or children will need to be there - parents confused last evening. @gennepher thanks for that splendid sheep with sheltering cats. Good news on finding a new method for taking a screenshot. @lindisfel hug for Marjorie. @dunelm's splendid art (thanks) could have been yourself and Marjorie 61+ years ago in my mind. Good day to relive those golden memories. @alf_Josiah I hope the medicine came and Mrs A J is gradually recovering. @SlimLizzy I hope the journey goes as well as possible. Meanwhile, young Hunt has found the money down the back of a Treasury sofa to help with fuel bills until June. Imagine what good could be done were they to cancel HS2 and sell off the land that won't be used to name just one monumentally stupid idea. Have a great/good/passable/bearable in places day. Modern life is good(ish).
Thanks Ian
New method of taking screenshot still works!
It is swiping from the bottom left corner, upwards diagonally towards the top right corner.
How come I never accidentally discovered this before?