very confused


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Ive just been diagnosed with type 2 after a blood test showed a result of 49 I fejt as though I was then placed on a conveyor belt Saw the diabetes nurse 2 weeks ago She told me that I should not test should follow the eatwell plate and said how pleased she was that I could still dress myself and did not need carers I am 82 and still working Them I found this site and now I dont know what to do Help !!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Ive just been diagnosed with type 2 after a blood test showed a result of 49 I fejt as though I was then placed on a conveyor belt Saw the diabetes nurse 2 weeks ago She told me that I should not test should follow the eatwell plate and said how pleased she was that I could still dress myself and did not need carers I am 82 and still working Them I found this site and now I dont know what to do Help !!
You are only just in the diabetes range - quite honestly, a couple of small alterations could get you back into normal numbers quite quickly.
Type 2's can't cope with carbohydrate, they are the starches and sugars in our diet.
I was way into higher numbers but have reversed things by stopping eating grain of any kind - I have swede and cauliflower rather than potato, stirfry or salad or mushrooms are low carb options.
I am 72 now and still go to work for a few weeks a year to pay for my holidays.
My food choices were made with the aid of a Spirit Healthcare Tee 2+ meter so I could see what I could and could not eat.
Knowledge is power.
That nurse is a cheeky chit.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
exercise, phone calls
Hello @conjurer and welcome to the forum from another youngster of 72.
The standard advice for Type 2 diabetics in the NHS and almost all other big health systems worldwide is one of the main reasons that Type 2 is increasing so fast.

That blood test result of 49 is an HbA1C and is only just over the line between pre-diabetes and diabetes. That means that :
1. The chances of diabetic complications for you remain low - so no need to panic.
2. If you are able and willing to change what you eat to more like the real old fashioned food that you and your parents ate in your childhood, then you will probably drop back down below the Type 2 diabetes level into what is called remission.

Remission isn't a cure, it's more like an alcoholic stopping needing alcohol, rather than that they can drink as much as they want to with impunity.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you for reassurance I have been running around like a headless chicken for the last few weeks I know I have weight to lose and my diet has been rubbish so from today Im going to go with the advice on here and go low carb Another question please How low ? and how quickly:?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Eat loads of meat, bacon, eggs, butter, cream, salads slathered in FULL fat mayo, basically all the stuff they've been telling you was unhealthy, and you will almost certainly need a new wardrobe, as all your clothes will be too big. And your Hba1c will be most likely non diabetic. Avoid the potatoes, bread, pastry (hard for me), breakfast cereals, cooking oils, use butter, lard, dripping and proper olive oil, and above all else steer clear of anything claiming to be LOW FAT.
As for me i'm a spring chicken, only 60.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
How low ? and how quickly:?
That's up to you, amd your body and your lifestyle. There are no hard or fast rules, only what suits you and is sustainable in the long term.
A bg meter (finger pricks) will show you what certain foods do to your body and then its up to you whether you go cold turkey (which is hard and requires motivation and may make you feel a bit grotty for a few days) or go slower reducing carbs bit by bit. For example, one week you cut out biscuits, the next cake, the 3rd bread.
Type 2 diabetes take years to develop and even longer to get to the complications stages (eyesight or limb loss for example) and so there's no need to rush to try to get under the hba1c. Low carb is a way of eating for the rest of life so its best to find a way that suits you. My nan loves her coffee and a Danish with friend once a week, so she's kept that in even though it raises her bg, it also raises her spirits, but she compensates by not having any other form of cake or biscuits or dessert the rest of the week.
Do lots more reading and you'll find your way.

BTW are you on any other medication, or have other conditions?


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Here’s some info on UK meters, and to be clear I have no commercial connections with any of the companies mentioned.

HOME HEALTH have the Gluco Navii, which is a fairly new model and seems to be getting good reviews.

Links to the strips for future orders:

Then they sell the older SD Code Free, details to be found here!

SPIRIT HEALTHCARE have a meter called the Tee2 + which is quite popular:

The strips are to be found here:

If there is a choice of units of measurement then ‘mmol/L’ are the standard units in the UK, ‘mg/dl’ in the US, other countries may vary.

Don’t forget to check the box if you have pre diabetes or diabetes so you can buy VAT free. (for all meters and strips)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
This almost 81 year old is managing fine by eating a pretty low carb/ketogenic style diet. I was put on metformin when diagnosed at the end of 2013 , but GP decided in 2017 he could trust me to cope without it, and I've been able to keep to pre-diabetic levels since then by keeping to my current way of eating.

My memories of the kind of food I grew up eating (normal full fat and moderate carbs) have been a basis on which I originally based my current diet. I had unwillingly been eating a very high carb diet for several years before I was diagnosed. Learning about T2 being mainly about no longer able to manage carbs so well meant I needed to cut out all the obviously high carb foods, and within 3 months my original 2 diagnostic HbA1cs came down from 60-61 to a pre diabetic 47, and I also (unknowingly!!) lost a much need 20 kilos in weight. Discovering more about the best lower carb foods to eat and that I could use a glucose meter to test my reactions to my meals have enabled me both to maintain my pre-diabetic levels and also lose a further 10 kilos or so weight. You being diagnosed with your just about diabetic HbA1c of 49 have got a good head start that will hopefully get you down to certainly pre-diabetic and possibly to non diabetic again quite soon!
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Social mixing most sport, Soaps!
This almost 81 year old is managing fine by eating a pretty low carb/ketogenic style diet. I was put on metformin when diagnosed at the end of 2013 , but GP decided in 2017 he could trust me to cope without it, and I've been able to keep to pre-diabetic levels since then by keeping to my current way of eating.

My memories of the kind of food I grew up eating (normal full fat and moderate carbs) have been a basis on which I originally based my current diet. I had unwillingly been eating a very high carb diet for several years before I was diagnosed. Learning about T2 being mainly about no longer able to manage carbs so well meant I needed to cut out all the obviously high carb foods, and within 3 months my original 2 diagnostic HbA1cs came down from 60-61 to a pre diabetic 47, and I also (unknowingly!!) lost a much need 20 kilos in weight. Discovering more about the best lower carb foods to eat and that I could use a glucose meter to test my reactions to my meals have enabled me both to maintain my pre-diabetic levels and also lose a further 10 kilos or so weight. You being diagnosed with your just about diabetic HbA1c of 49 have got a good head start that will hopefully get you down to certainly pre-diabetic and possibly to non diabetic again quite soon!
@Robbity I LOVE this post!
You have said everything in a nutshell to inspire anyone to see the way forward. Congratuations!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Social mixing most sport, Soaps!
Thank you all for your help I have bought a meter and started testing today Also dropping carbs as quickly as I can while not feeling too grotty
Awww it's so wonderful when someone 'gets it' and changes their lifestyle to a better one. Congratulations x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Somewhere down the line, you will probably develop anger, at the medics and industries, that have ruined peoples health for so many years, in the name of profit. This will likely occur as you realise you are so much healthier than you were, when following the "experts" advice.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not being on holiday....
Others have pointed you in the right direction i would only add......

Walking and yes just an amble round the block for 10 minutes at least once a day will help.

Walking is the diabetics friend and the more you do the better it helps although i would point out it works for me.

I wish you well
