Reactive Hypoglycaemia

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
We have asked for our own forum, I know it's getting to lengthy for newbies to trawl through. I will ask @Administrator and @Giverny to see if there is anything they can help us with.
I think at the last count, we did have something like thirty odd posters that have or have the same symptoms as RH ers!
Hopefully something can be done!
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Just a thought but did the tomatoes have sugar in the tin?
Puzzled tonight as I made a curry which was coconut oil chicken breast aubergine tinned toms spices and spinach and coconut milk which I served with cauli Rice and creme fraiche. Bs was 7.8 after I hour and 5.6 after two. I added cardamom pods curry powder and chilli powder. Just wondered why my blood spiked after an hour? Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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Possibly Derek I will take a look. :) thanks

And thanks Nosher I just thought the 7.8 was high and is higher than I have been getting. I'll do a fasting blood today and let you know
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'normal range' is 4-8 RHers are slightly more sensitive to it.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
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Diet only
Morning Guys,
I've woke up feeling very anxious and shaky again today. Had half a doz almonds on waking, had my usual shower and my husband made me a coffee with cream to drink while I was drying my hair. Still feeling shaky I then checked my bg which was 6.2.

For breakfast I had Greek yogurt (100g) with 25g mixed nuts, 2 strawberries and 4 raspberries. This was 7.45am.

Walking to school was hard work. Had to take it very steady. Felt quite weak, a bit light headed and shaky. Checked my bg on getting home at 8.45 and was 6.6.

I've just had a teaspoon of peanut butter and a black coffee.

I appreciate its hard for anyone to know for sure what may be going on, but could this be due to change of diet? Looking at breakfast, am I eating enough fat/protein to give me the energy I need considering I have to walk a mile?

It's quite frightening to feel this way when I'm walking with my 2 kids.

Advice welcome!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Morning Guys,
I've woke up feeling very anxious and shaky again today. Had half a doz almonds on waking, had my usual shower and my husband made me a coffee with cream to drink while I was drying my hair. Still feeling shaky I then checked my bg which was 6.2.

For breakfast I had Greek yogurt (100g) with 25g mixed nuts, 2 strawberries and 4 raspberries. This was 7.45am.

Walking to school was hard work. Had to take it very steady. Felt quite weak, a bit light headed and shaky. Checked my bg on getting home at 8.45 and was 6.6.

I've just had a teaspoon of peanut butter and a black coffee.

I appreciate its hard for anyone to know for sure what may be going on, but could this be due to change of diet? Looking at breakfast, am I eating enough fat/protein to give me the energy I need considering I have to walk a mile?

It's quite frightening to feel this way when I'm walking with my 2 kids.

Advice welcome!

Did you look up the symptoms of 'carb flu'?
And are you drinking more, and adding salt, as recommended?
Some people also benefit from potassium and magnesium supplements, as mentioned a few pages back - but it all depends on carb intake.


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We have asked for our own forum, I know it's getting to lengthy for newbies to trawl through. I will ask @Administrator and @Giverny to see if there is anything they can help us with.
I think at the last count, we did have something like thirty odd posters that have or have the same symptoms as RH ers!
Hopefully something can be done!

Hi @nosher8355 - Giv is away for the next 2 weeks, but as soon as she's in, I'll ask her to investigate and try and set up a sub-forum, too.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Did you look up the symptoms of 'carb flu'?
And are you drinking more, and adding salt, as recommended?
Some people also benefit from potassium and magnesium supplements, as mentioned a few pages back - but it all depends on carb intake.
Hi Brun, I did look at the symptoms of carb flu, may be this is what I'm suffering.

I've been drinking about 1.5 litres of water a day plus coffee. The last two days I've had a cup of stock made with half a cube as suggested. My carb intake yesterday was roughly 70g. Still not down to the 50g or below but getting there.

I'm not sure yet that I'm replacing the carbs with enough protein and fat (or may be I'm having too much)? Yesterday for example I had approx. 126g fat, 114g of protein and 2000 calories.


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We have asked for our own forum, I know it's getting to lengthy for newbies to trawl through. I will ask @Administrator and @Giverny to see if there is anything they can help us with.
I think at the last count, we did have something like thirty odd posters that have or have the same symptoms as RH ers!
Hopefully something can be done!

What forum do you think it's best to sit under?


Retired Moderator
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Hi Brun, I did look at the symptoms of carb flu, may be this is what I'm suffering.

I've been drinking about 1.5 litres of water a day plus coffee. The last two days I've had a cup of stock made with half a cube as suggested. My carb intake yesterday was roughly 70g. Still not down to the 50g or below but getting there.

I'm not sure yet that I'm replacing the carbs with enough protein and fat (or may be I'm having too much)? Yesterday for example I had approx. 126g fat, 114g of protein and 2000 calories.

There is a nutrition calculator here, which is excellent. It gives the proportions of a proper, low carb/ketogenic diet. all you have to do is enter your ideal carb intake and weight and it works out the other macronutrients for you.
- in fact the whole site is excellent, but aimed more at type 2s that RHers, so you may not find the rest of it all that interesting...

My experience of carb flu was never extreme - but then I never ate many carbs.
it seems as though the more carbs in the person's diet, the harder carb flu hits - and unfortunately you have been advised to stuff carbs for quite a while by your medical team... :(

The good news, is that I don't think it is ever as bad again. because once the body has learned to switch to fat as fuel, it remembers for next time.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks Brun. Just had a quick look at the calculator and I'm about right with my protein but perhaps a little too much fat. Way too many calories though!


Well-Known Member
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Reactive hypoglycemia
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Diet only
Sorry to be so high maintenance, but my head feel like it's spinning, I have no energy and feeling cold.

Did anyone else experience this when starting out on low carb?

I only ate 40 mins ago so should have more energy than this surely. I had smoked mackerel, with salad and coleslaw. Quite high in good fats and protein and low carb, so thought it was a decent choice?

Just to add: my bg before eating was 5.6 and 1 hour after is 5.8.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
How do you know if you are in ketosis? Does the presence of ketones in urine indicate this? I have quite a significant number of ketones when stick tested

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Thanks Brun. Just had a quick look at the calculator and I'm about right with my protein but perhaps a little too much fat. Way too many calories though!
Sorry to be so high maintenance, but my head feel like it's spinning, I have no energy and feeling cold.

Did anyone else experience this when starting out on low carb?

I only ate 40 mins ago so should have more energy than this surely. I had smoked mackerel, with salad and coleslaw. Quite high in good fats and protein and low carb, so thought it was a decent choice?

Just to add: my bg before eating was 5.6 and 1 hour after is 5.8.
How do you know if you are in ketosis? Does the presence of ketones in urine indicate this? I have quite a significant number of ketones when stick tested

First of all, you are over thinking this!
Second, as long as you know you have not eaten any carbs, why count?
Your fat is high, but you need the energy, and you are going to need the full fat when you actually go into ketosis.
You will not be in ketosis until you have rid your body of the excess insulin and glucose etc.
So no need to worry about that yet! If ever!
The only thing at the moment is making sure you don't spike or feed your system more carbs than you need to have which is very low!
You do need to test yourself before and after every meal and as you've admitted, you could be eating too much. The experimental stage is now upon you, it's fun, make it a game with the kids, try different things, like I love spinach now, with a baby leaf salad and gammon. A couple of eggs, omelette, I could go on.
Try and keep busy, then you don't think about food, it's hard, I know, but you need diversions from thinking about food.
It's very similar to giving up anything, like smoking or drinking, which you do have to be very careful with especially with get togethers, parties, Christmas and birthdays. As most alcohol is grain based and beer is called liquid bread!!
I'm not going to go on about your anxiety but you do need to get the hang of it if you want to be better.
Only you can do this, with our help, you do need your family to understand what you are going through, tell them you are allergic to anything carby or starchy. That's what worked for me!
I'm weird! You're weird, right? The kids will get it! Kids love something different!
Relax, if you do get this, you will have to do this for a long time. It will be worth it!
It is, I should know!

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
What forum do you think it's best to sit under?

I think under 'Newly Diagnosed' as the others are directly diabetes related.
If anyone is going through looking for advice, that was the first place I looked!

Thanks again!


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There is also the chance that you have something else going on? Like low adrenal function for example. I was diagnosed hypothyroid at 23 by my GP but many people struggle to get diagnosed as the 'normal range' in this country is so broad. I recently started having these issues with my blood sugar and so I went to see my preferred thyroid doctor he is not mainstream but is a retired GP. He maintains that whilst the traditional Consultants won't accept it there is a chance of having low adrenal reserve without being diagnosed as having Addison's disease (no adrenal reserve) I was sceptical but he recommended I take a supplement to boost my adrenal function which I started two weeks ago. Within days my dizziness stated to ease my shakes started to ease. Low adrenal reserve can also affect ability to balance blood sugar in the blood. I am not saying it is this as I am not qualified to say but I do think you might want to look into it
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What do we make of this?
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Retired Moderator
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Diet only
I think under 'Newly Diagnosed' as the others are directly diabetes related.
If anyone is going through looking for advice, that was the first place I looked!

Thanks again!

I dunno - I was thinking under 'Gestational D' and above the Rant bit 'have your say'

It might get lost in Newly Diagnosed. I figure quite a few T2s have been diagnosed a while before they realise it is actually RH or a combo of RH and T2...