Recent Content by Tonk

  1. Tonk

    ADHD and Diabetes

    Karen, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. But grateful that you took the time to post about your story. Thank you for the advice. I am pushing myself every day not to let Diabetes be one of the things that my ADHD affects. Thank you very much for sharing and I've taken your words to heart.
  2. Tonk

    ADHD and Diabetes

    I may have to look into a keto diet then. I'm training for some sporting stuff at the moment which is my focus with nutrition but if I find myself looking more into this I'll have to see how I would get on with a keto diet and blod/vlog my journey with it to see the change
  3. Tonk

    ADHD and Diabetes

    Hmmmmmm Thanks guys :) I'll have to do some more digging!
  4. Tonk

    A tale of two cities... and CCGs

    Well ****. Sucks to be me [emoji23]
  5. Tonk

    ADHD and Diabetes

    So anyone else in that wonderful position of having Type 1 and ADHD? Like "Hey, have this one condition with means you need to play close attention to things and be patient and monitor what's going on. But, also have this other one that means that'l' be a struggle for you!" :P Wondering if...
  6. Tonk

    Hello! Quite the tale to tell...

    Well everyday is a school day. Didn't even realize he was! Love him even more now :D
  7. Tonk

    Type 1 Possible maculapathy

    Hi Conor, Great to hear results are positive for you! I got to a point where they were considering treatment but my control has improved a hell of a lot over the last few years and am now finding that the damage is reversing itself. So even if it's a problem you come across in the future...
  8. Tonk

    Type 2 BG still elevated 3 days after night out

    Hey Jeff, I had a similar thing while studying at Uni. Went out, drank to much, woke up the next morning pretty sick. Kept throwing up for about 16 hours with high sugars then realised I may not be hungover. Long story short it meant a night in A&E with DKA. Do you have any symptoms apart from...
  9. Tonk

    A tale of two cities... and CCGs

    Hello everyone. I'll try to keep this brief but no doubt will fail. I grew up on the south coast and was diagnosed at Hospital A. I had my care there for about 6 years before I took the plunge and moved to London for Drama School. My new GP up there was rather insistent that I moved my care up...
  10. Tonk

    Hello! Quite the tale to tell...

    Hello everyone o/ Been living with type one for almost 12 years now (since 16) and am at a point now where I feel I have learned a lot about growing up with Diabetes, and being diagnosed at an age where I can remember life without it, that hopefully I can do some good for the community! I...
  11. Tonk

    Type 1 getting back into Rugby... with a Libre sensor

    Hey @kay2409 I had a similar problem. There's a few options tbh. Slade, i believe, uses a little bit of physio tape to keep it in place and then a bandage over the top to pad it and help to prevent damage. You can always see one arm is slightly more padded than the other. Not sure body...